Reputation: 61
I am walking through the files on my google drive however if I run my code, delete a folder and run my code again the deleted folder is still being read somehow. Even when I add new folders to my google drive the new + deleted one will be read. Any help is appreciated
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('systemFiles/client_secret.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
service = build('drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
def iterfiles(name=None, is_folder=None, parent=None,
q = []
if name is not None:
q.append("name = '%s'" % name.replace("'", "\\'"))
if is_folder is not None:
q.append("mimeType %s '%s'" % ('=' if is_folder else '!=', FOLDER))
if parent is not None:
q.append("'%s' in parents" % parent.replace("'", "\\'"))
params = {'pageToken': None, 'orderBy': order_by}
if q:
params['q'] = ' and '.join(q)
while True:
response = service.files().list(**params).execute()
for f in response['files']:
yield f
params['pageToken'] = response['nextPageToken']
except KeyError:
def walk(top):
top, = iterfiles(name=top, is_folder=True)
stack = [((top['name'],), [top])]
while stack:
path, tops = stack.pop()
for top in tops:
dirs, files = is_file = [], []
for f in iterfiles(parent=top['id']):
is_file[f['mimeType'] != FOLDER].append(f)
yield path, top, dirs, files
if dirs:
stack.append((path + (top['name'],), dirs))
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.remove('CUSTOM IMAGES')
for path, root, dirs, files in walk('Folder X'):
if (len(dirs) == 0):
saveTo = str(path[len(path) - 2] + '/' + path[len(path) - 1]).rstrip().lstrip()
textFileName = str(root['name']).rstrip().lstrip() + '.txt'
print 'Saving To:', saveTo + '\t --->> \t' + 'Filename:', textFileName
Upvotes: 0
Views: 318
Reputation: 201378
When it uses q
of service.files().list
, at the default value of q
, all files with trashed: true
and trashed: false
are retrieved.
So if you don't want to retrieve the files in the trash box, please add trashed = false
to q
trashed = true
to q
, only files in the trash box are retrieved.Upvotes: 1