Reputation: 139
While I'm trying to build my windows application, I'm getting following error.
The command
"C:\repos\CommunityLive\CL_GateApp\signing\StrongNameUnsignedAssemblies.bat C:\repos\CommunityLive\CL_GateApp\signing" exited with code 2.
Following is my Pre-Build event command line
$(ProjectDir)signing\StrongNameUnsignedAssemblies.bat $(ProjectDir)signing\
Here is the Macros details
Upvotes: 3
Views: 11041
Reputation: 1370
Xcopy command without /y can cause this:
This post-build event exited with Code 2:
xcopy $(TargetDir)*.* $(SolutionDir)shared\ /s /i
This worked as hoped:
xcopy $(TargetDir)*.* $(SolutionDir)shared\ /s /i /y
Upvotes: 0