Reputation: 51
I'm finding a hard time looking for a way to color cells in a column A using conditions involving another column B.
I'v found out that the package (DT) makes a perfect background in the cell but can't color depending on a formula that involves other columns.
The package (formattable) does the condition that involves the two columns and if I changed the value to
style = ~ style(background = ifelse(S2 >= 50, "lightgreen", "red"))
The background is applied to the value not to the cell itself and that's not what I want.
is there anyway to do that, Thanks
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Views: 372
Reputation: 2650
The package tableHTML might be what you're looking for
You can see a lot of examples on what you can do with conditional formatting here: conditional formatting
and you can try this small example with shiny to see what you can do with it:
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
titlePanel(title = "tableHTML"),
sidebarPanel(h3("Select a Dataset:"),
# input
selectInput("in_name", "Dataset:", "iris",''),
actionButton("in_click", "Submit")),
mainPanel(h3("Main Panel"), h4("Output"),
# output
server <- shinyServer(
function(input, output){
# # eventReactive
observeEvent(input$in_click, {df <- eval(parse(text=input$in_name))
output$out_name <- render_tableHTML({
# here is the tableHTML part
tableHTML(df[c(1:5, 51:55, 101:105), 1:4],
rownames = FALSE,
headers = rep(c('Length', 'Width'), 2),
second_headers = list(c(1, 2, 2), c('Species', 'Sepal', 'Petal'))) %>%
colour_rank_theme = 'White-Green',
columns = 1:2,
same_scale = FALSE) %>%
colour_rank_theme = 'White-Blue',
columns = 3:4,
same_scale = FALSE)})
shinyApp(ui, server)
Upvotes: 3