Reputation: 5024
I'm wondering if it's possible to write a "passthrough" extension method for IQueryable which would write a debugstring whenever the queryable is evaluated, in other words, the debug print should be a side-effect of evaluation.
Something like:
var qr = SomeSource.Where(...).OrderBy(...).Trace("SomeSource evaluated at {0}", DateTime.Now)
var qr2 = qr.Where(...);
When I construct a linq query and pass it as a data source to some object, I'd like to know when and how often does the object evaluate my query. I suppose it can be achieved in other ways, like for example wrapping IEnumerable.GetEnumerator, but I'd like to do it generically for any linq query.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 1993
Reputation: 25601
I've done something similar, but more complex (because it also manipulates the expressions as it processes them). In order to accomplish it, I created a wrapper class that implemented IQueryable and contained a reference to the thing I actually wanted to query. I made it pass all interface members through to the referenced object except for the Provider property, which returned a reference to another class I created that inherited from IQueryProvider. IQueryProvider has the methods that get called whenever a query is constructed or executed. So you could do something like this if you don't mind being forced to always query your wrapper object(s) instead of the original object(s).
You should also be aware, if you're using LINQ-to-SQL, there's a Log property on the DataContext that you can use to route lots of debug information wherever you want.
Sample code:
Make your own IQueryable to control the QueryProvider that gets returned.
Public Class MyQueryable(Of TableType)
Implements IQueryable(Of TableType)
Private innerQueryable As IQueryable(Of TableType)
Private myProvider As MyQueryProvider = Nothing
Public Sub New(ByVal innerQueryable As IQueryable(Of TableType))
Me.innerQueryable = innerQueryable
End Sub
Public Function GetEnumerator() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator(Of TableType) Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of TableType).GetEnumerator
Return innerQueryable.GetEnumerator()
End Function
Public Function GetEnumerator1() As System.Collections.IEnumerator Implements System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Return innerQueryable.GetEnumerator()
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property ElementType() As System.Type Implements System.Linq.IQueryable.ElementType
Return innerQueryable.ElementType
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Expression() As System.Linq.Expressions.Expression Implements System.Linq.IQueryable.Expression
Return innerQueryable.Expression
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Provider() As System.Linq.IQueryProvider Implements System.Linq.IQueryable.Provider
If myProvider Is Nothing Then myProvider = New MyQueryProvider(innerQueryable.Provider)
Return myProvider
End Get
End Property
Friend ReadOnly Property innerTable() As System.Data.Linq.ITable
If TypeOf innerQueryable Is System.Data.Linq.ITable Then
Return DirectCast(innerQueryable, System.Data.Linq.ITable)
End If
Throw New InvalidOperationException("Attempted to treat a MyQueryable as a table that is not a table")
End Get
End Property
End Class
Make a custom query provider to control the expression tree that gets generated.
Public Class MyQueryProvider
Implements IQueryProvider
Private innerProvider As IQueryProvider
Public Sub New(ByVal innerProvider As IQueryProvider)
Me.innerProvider = innerProvider
End Sub
Public Function CreateQuery(ByVal expression As System.Linq.Expressions.Expression) As System.Linq.IQueryable Implements System.Linq.IQueryProvider.CreateQuery
Return innerProvider.CreateQuery(expression)
End Function
Public Function CreateQuery1(Of TElement)(ByVal expression As System.Linq.Expressions.Expression) As System.Linq.IQueryable(Of TElement) Implements System.Linq.IQueryProvider.CreateQuery
Dim newQuery = innerProvider.CreateQuery(Of TElement)(ConvertExpression(expression))
If TypeOf newQuery Is IOrderedQueryable(Of TElement) Then
Return New MyOrderedQueryable(Of TElement)(DirectCast(newQuery, IOrderedQueryable(Of TElement)))
Return New MyQueryable(Of TElement)(newQuery)
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function ConvertExpression(ByVal expression As Expression) As Expression
If TypeOf expression Is MethodCallExpression Then
Dim mexp = DirectCast(expression, MethodCallExpression)
Return Expressions.MethodCallExpression.Call(ConvertExpression(mexp.Object), _
mexp.Method, (From row In mexp.Arguments Select ConvertExpression(row)).ToArray())
ElseIf TypeOf expression Is BinaryExpression Then
Dim bexp As BinaryExpression = DirectCast(expression, BinaryExpression)
Dim memberInfo As NestedMember = Nothing
Dim constExp As Expression = Nothing
Dim memberOnLeft As Boolean
Dim doConvert = True
'' [etc... lots of code to generate a manipulated expression tree
ElseIf TypeOf expression Is LambdaExpression Then
Dim lexp = DirectCast(expression, LambdaExpression)
Return LambdaExpression.Lambda( _
ConvertExpression(lexp.Body), (From row In lexp.Parameters Select _
DirectCast(ConvertExpression(row), ParameterExpression)).ToArray())
ElseIf TypeOf expression Is ConditionalExpression Then
Dim cexp = DirectCast(expression, ConditionalExpression)
Return ConditionalExpression.Condition(ConvertExpression(cexp.Test), _
ConvertExpression(cexp.IfTrue), _
ElseIf TypeOf expression Is InvocationExpression Then
Dim iexp = DirectCast(expression, InvocationExpression)
Return InvocationExpression.Invoke( _
ConvertExpression(iexp.Expression), (From row In iexp.Arguments _
Select ConvertExpression(row)).ToArray())
ElseIf TypeOf expression Is MemberExpression Then
'' [etc... lots of code to generate a manipulated expression tree
ElseIf TypeOf expression Is UnaryExpression Then
'' [etc... lots of code to generate a manipulated expression tree
Return expression
End If
End Function
Public Function Execute(ByVal expression As System.Linq.Expressions.Expression) As Object Implements System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute
Return innerProvider.Execute(expression)
End Function
Public Function Execute1(Of TResult)(ByVal expression As System.Linq.Expressions.Expression) As TResult Implements System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute
Return innerProvider.Execute(Of TResult)(ConvertExpression(expression))
End Function
End Class
Then extend your derived DataContext by providing wrapped queryables:
Partial Public Class MyDataContext
Private myQueries As Dictionary(Of System.Type, Object) = New Dictionary(Of System.Type, Object)
Public ReadOnly Property My_AccountCategories() As MyQueryable(Of AccountCategory)
Dim result As Object = Nothing
If (Me.myQueries.TryGetValue(GetType(AccountCategory), result) = false) Then
result = New MyQueryable(Of AccountCategory)(Me.AccountCategories)
Me.myQueries(GetType(AccountCategory)) = result
End If
Return CType(result,MyQueryable(Of AccountCategory))
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property My_AccountSegmentations() As MyQueryable(Of AccountSegmentation)
Dim result As Object = Nothing
If (Me.myQueries.TryGetValue(GetType(AccountSegmentation), result) = false) Then
result = New MyQueryable(Of AccountSegmentation)(Me.AccountSegmentations)
Me.myQueries(GetType(AccountSegmentation)) = result
End If
Return CType(result,MyQueryable(Of AccountSegmentation))
End Get
End Property
End Class
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 61467
Define a new extension method:
public static IEnumerable<T> Trace<T>(this IEnumerable<T> input,
string format,
params object[] data)
if (input == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
return TraceImpl(input, format, data);
private static IEnumerable<T> TraceImpl<T>(IEnumerable<T> input,
string format,
params object[] data)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(format, data));
foreach (T element in input)
yield return element;
This should print a trace everytime you iterate over it. Thanks to Jon Skeet for the inspiration.
Personally, I would replace format
and data
with an Action
delegate, so you could perform any task (not relevant to the collection) instead of simply tracing.
Edit: I have the feeling that this might only work for linq-to-objects. For IQueryable<T>
, you'd have to adjust the expression tree parsers, which you don't have access to. Sorry :-/
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 268265
I believe you can stick with standard tracing features for LINQ to SQL. Not only you will be able to know when the query executes, but you'll also know the query which can be just as handy.
For that, DataContext
has Log
property which allows you to trace its SQL output.
In LINQ to Entities, ObjectQuery<T>
exposes ToTraceString
method which you can use for tracing in a fashion you described.
Upvotes: 0