Reputation: 575
I'm just learning Shiny.
Here's the code that doesn't work (along with some sample data built-in):
analysis_df<- data.frame(
report_month = c("jan","jan","jan","jan","jan","jan"),
payee_id = c("59","59","59","59","59","59"),
Payee = sample(LETTERS[1:5],6,replace = TRUE),
Attrib_1 = sample(LETTERS[6:10],6,replace = TRUE),
Attrib_2 = sample(LETTERS[11:15],6,replace = TRUE),
country_of_sale_iso2 = c("AU","AU","AU","NZ","AU","AU"),
currency = c("USD","USD","USD","USD","USD","USD"),
Attrib_3 = c("Pandora-AU","Pandora-AU","Pandora-AU","Pandora-AU","Pandora-AU","Pandora-AU"),
month_paid = c("jun","jun","jun","jun","jun","jun"),
Attrib_4 = sample(LETTERS[16:20],6,replace = TRUE),
Attrib_5 = sample(LETTERS[21:25],6,replace = TRUE),
units = c("2","8","6","2","10","4"),
gross = c("0.003254785","0.013019141","0.009764356","0.003254785","0.016273926","0.00650957"),
reserves_wh = c("0","0","0","0","0","0"),
rsrv_liq = c("0","0","0","0","0","0"),
Attrib_7 = c("0.002753548","0.011014193","0.008260645","0.002753548","0.013767741","0.005507097"),
Attrib_8 = c("3.25E-04","0.001301914","9.76E-04","3.25E-04","0.001627393","6.51E-04"),
Attrib_9 = c("1.76E-04","7.03E-04","5.27E-04","1.76E-04","8.79E-04","3.52E-04"),
Attrib_10 = c("0.03","0.03","0.03","0.03","0.03","0.03"),
Attrib_11 = c("1","1","1","1","1","1"),
Attrib_12 = c("0.003254785","0.013019141","0.009764356","0.003254785","0.016273926","0.00650957")
attribs <- c("Attrib_1","Attrib_2","Attrib_3","Attrib_4")
payees <- analysis_df %>% distinct(Payee) %>% as.vector()
ui <- fluidPage(
headerPanel("Product Explorer"),
selectInput('slice_by', 'Color the Bars By:', choices = attribs, selected = "Attrib_1"),
sliderInput('plotHeight', 'Adjust Chart Size',
min = 100, max = 2000, value = 425)
plotlyOutput('Plot', height = "900px")
server <- function(input, output) {
output$Plot <- renderPlotly({
col_cht <- analysis_df %>%
filter(payee_id == 59) %>%
plot_ly(x = ~report_month,
y = ~gross) %>%
add_bars(color = input$slice_by) %>%
layout(barmode = "stack",
height = input$plotHeight)
shinyApp(ui, server)
I want the SelectInput to work, and it doesn't.
However, if I replace
add_bars(color = input$slice_by) %>%
add_bars(color = ~Attrib_1) %>%
i.e., hard-code it, the plot looks the way it should.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 107
Reputation: 131
When you are piping with
> analysis_df %>%
the analysis_df dataframe is passed to the functions. So when using ~Attrib_1 you are passing the values in the Attrib_1 column, which are
# > analysis_df$Attrib_1
# [1] H J J H H G
So the plot gets different colors for the levels in analysis_df$Attrib_1.
When you are using input$slice_by that returns only one value, the value selected in Select. So you are getting just one color in the plot.
To get it to work use
color = analysis_df[, input$slice_by]
If you don't want to use analysis_df inside pipe, search about Non-standard Evaluation in R. With lazyeval
you can do this,
color = interp(~x, x =$slice_by))
Upvotes: 1