Reputation: 109
I have multiple .nt (NTriples) files in a directory. I want to read each dataset and store it's respective output values in a single row of dataframe.
Let say I have dataset1.nt, dataset2.nt,...,datasetn.nt. When reading each dataset using following code:
val input = "src/main/resources/dataset1.nt"
val triplesRDD = NTripleReader.load(spark, JavaURI.create(input))
//NTripleReader reads .nt file and separates each line of dataset into subject, predicate and object
/* My code to output number of distinct subjects, predicates and blank subjects in a dataset */
Let's say dataset1 is giving following output:
Let's say dataset2 is giving following output:
and so on...
When I am using the following code to read all files in my directory:
val input = "src/main/resources/*"
val triplesRDD = NTripleReader.load(spark, JavaURI.create(input))
It is giving me following output:
However, I want my output to be like this:
Distinct Subjects | Distinct Predicates | Blank Subjects
xxxx | yy | zzz
aaaaa | b | cc
... | ... | ...
Please let me know how can I achieve my desired output.
Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 468
Reputation: 109
I am answering to my question. I hope this might be helpful for others
//import other necessary packages
object abc {
var df1: DataFrame = _
var df2: DataFrame = _
var df3: DataFrame = _
def main(args: Array[String]):Unit =
//initializing the spark session locally
val spark = SparkSession.builder
.config("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
// creates a list of all files in a directory:
def getListOfFiles(dir: String):List[File] =
val path = new File("path/to/directory/")
if (path.exists && path.isDirectory)
val files = getListOfFiles("path/to/directory/")
val input = ""
for (input <- files)
// println(input)
val triplesRDD = NTripleReader.load(spark, JavaURI.create(input.toString()))
/*code to generate dataframe columns value*/
import spark.implicits._
if(input == files(0))
df3 = Seq(
(column1_value, column2_value, column3_value, column4_value, column5_value, column6_value)
).toDF("column1_name", "column2_name", "column3_name", "column4_name", "column5_name", "column6_name")
df1 = Seq(
(column1_value, column2_value, column3_value, column4_value, column5_value, column6_value)
).toDF("column1_name", "column2_name", "column3_name", "column4_name", "column5_name", "column6_name")
df2 = df3.union(df1)
df3 = df2
// import dataframe to .csv file
.option("header", "true")
Upvotes: 1