Reputation: 1607
I am implementing a multi-tenant application using cosmosDB. I am using partition keys to separate multiple users data. Following best practices i am trying to allow each tenant to have its own db access token.
I create a user and permission and use the created token to access the partition. But I get the following error:
Partition key provided either doesn't correspond to definition in the collection or doesn't match partition key field values specified in the document. ActivityId: 1659037a-118a-4a2d-8615-bb807b717fa7, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/, Windows/10.0.17134 documentdb-netcore-sdk/1.9.1
My code goes as follows:
Constructor Initiates the client
public Projects (CosmosDbConfig cosmosConfig)
config = cosmosConfig;
client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(config.Endpoint), config.AuthKey);
collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(config.Database, config.Collection);
config.AuthKey = GetUserToken().Result;;
client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(config.Endpoint), config.AuthKey);
The get user function creates the user and retrieves the token. User Ids are partition keys.
private async Task<string> GetUserToken()
User user = null;
user = await client.ReadUserAsync(UriFactory.CreateUserUri(config.Database, config.PartitionKey));
var permission = await GetorCreatePermission(user, config.Collection, config.PartitionKey);
return permission.Token;
catch (Exception ex) {
if (user == null)
user = new User
Id = config.PartitionKey
user = await client.CreateUserAsync(UriFactory.CreateDatabaseUri(config.Database), user);
var permission = await GetorCreatePermission(user, config.Collection, config.PartitionKey);
return permission.Token;
throw new Exception("");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Permission are done per collections and holds the collection name as ID since Ids are unique per user.
private async Task<Permission> GetorCreatePermission(User user,
string collection,
string paritionKey)
var permDefinition = new Permission
Id = collection,
PermissionMode = PermissionMode.All,
ResourceLink = collectionUri.OriginalString,
ResourcePartitionKey = new PartitionKey(paritionKey),
var perms = client.CreatePermissionQuery(user.PermissionsLink).AsEnumerable().ToList();
var perm = perms.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == collection);
if (perm != null)
return perm;
var result = await client.CreatePermissionAsync(user.SelfLink, permDefinition);
perm = result.Resource;
return perm;
The create function utilizes the new client and this where the error occurs.
public async Task<string> Create(Project p)
var result = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collectionUri, p, new RequestOptions()
{ PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(config.PartitionKey),
var document = result.Resource;
return document.Id;
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Views: 876
Reputation: 740
Since error says that partition key is incorrect i can suggest you try define partition key pathes while creating collection:
var docCollection = new DocumentCollection();
docCollection.Id = config.CollectionName;
docCollection.PartitionKey.Paths.Add(string.Format("/{0}", config.PartitionKey );
collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(config.Database, docCollection);
Upvotes: 1