Reputation: 174
I'm comparing two dataframes in spark using except()
For exmaple: df.except(df2)
I will get all the records that are not available in df2
from df
. However, I would like to list field details also which are not matching.
For example:
Expected output:
101,kp,28,CHN,City is not matching
How can I acheive this?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 9197
Reputation: 18013
Newer again attempt on the above but not possible elegantly, but with JOIN as opposed to except. Best I can do.
I believe it does what you need and takes into the fact there are things in one data set or not.
Run under Databricks.
case class Person(personid: Int, personname: String, cityid: Int)
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df1 = Seq(
Person(0, "AgataZ", 0),
Person(1, "Iweta", 0),
Person(2, "Patryk", 2),
Person(9999, "Maria", 2),
Person(5, "John", 2),
Person(6, "Patsy", 2),
Person(7, "Gloria", 222),
Person(3333, "Maksym", 0)).toDF
val df2 = Seq(
Person(0, "Agata", 0),
Person(1, "Iweta", 0),
Person(2, "Patryk", 2),
Person(5, "John", 2),
Person(6, "Patsy", 333),
Person(7, "Gloria", 2),
Person(4444, "Hans", 3)).toDF
val joined = df1.join(df2, df1("personid") === df2("personid"), "outer")
val newNames = Seq("personId1", "personName1", "personCity1", "personId2", "personName2", "personCity2")
val df_Renamed = joined.toDF(newNames: _*)
// Some deliberate variation shown in approach for learning
val df_temp = df_Renamed.filter($"personCity1" =!= $"personCity2" || $"personName1" =!= $"personName2" || $"personName1".isNull || $"personName2".isNull || $"personCity1".isNull || $"personCity2".isNull).select($"personId1", $"personName1".alias("Name"), $"personCity1", $"personId2", $"personName2".alias("Name2"), $"personCity2"). withColumn("PersonID", when($"personId1".isNotNull, $"personId1").otherwise($"personId2"))
val df_final = df_temp.withColumn("nameChange ?", when($"Name".isNull or $"Name2".isNull or $"Name" =!= $"Name2", "Yes").otherwise("No")).withColumn("cityChange ?", when($"personCity1".isNull or $"personCity2".isNull or $"personCity1" =!= $"personCity2", "Yes").otherwise("No")).drop("PersonId1").drop("PersonId2")
| Name|personCity1| Name2|personCity2|PersonID|nameChange ?|cityChange ?|
| Patsy| 2| Patsy| 333| 6| No| Yes|
|Maksym| 0| null| null| 3333| Yes| Yes|
| null| null| Hans| 3| 4444| Yes| Yes|
|Gloria| 222|Gloria| 2| 7| No| Yes|
| Maria| 2| null| null| 9999| Yes| Yes|
|AgataZ| 0| Agata| 0| 0| Yes| No|
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11449
Use intersect to get the values common to both DataFrames,then build your not matching logic
intersect -returns a new Dataset containing rows only in both this Dataset and another Dataset.
return a new RDD that contains the intersection of elements in the source dataset and the argument.
intersection(anotherrdd) returns the elements which are present in both the DF.
Upvotes: 3