
Reputation: 2542

How to read a file with JavaScript to WebAssembly?

How can I pass a File to be read within the WebAssembly memory context?

Reading a file in the browser with JavaScript is easy:

<input class="file-selector" type="file" id="files" name="files[]" />

I was able to bootstrap WebAssembly code written in Rust with the crate stdweb, add an event listener to the DOM element and fire up a FileReader:

let reader = FileReader::new();
let file_input_element: InputElement = document().query_selector(".file-selector").unwrap().unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
file_input_element.add_event_listener(enclose!( (reader, file_input_element) move |event: InputEvent| {
    // mystery part

In JavaScript, I would get the file from the element and pass it to the reader, however, the API of stdweb needs the following signature:

pub fn read_as_array_buffer<T: IBlob>(&self, blob: &T) -> Result<(), TODO>

I have no idea how to implement IBlob and I am sure that I am missing something obvious either with the stdweb API or in my understanding of WebAssembly/Rust. I was hoping that there is something less verbose than converting stuff to UTF-8.

Upvotes: 17

Views: 9014

Answers (3)

Vince Pike
Vince Pike

Reputation: 678

The following code is what I use to interact with another javascript library to read a sql file all without using javascript. This is based on the wasm-bindgen library, and I believe may be helpful to newer folks stumbling onto this answer.

pub fn load_accounts_from_file_with_balances(file_input : web_sys::HtmlInputElement) {
    //Check the file list from the input
    let filelist = file_input.files().expect("Failed to get filelist from File Input!");
    //Do not allow blank inputs
    if filelist.length() < 1 {
        alert("Please select at least one file.");
    if filelist.get(0) == None {
        alert("Please select a valid file");
    let file = filelist.get(0).expect("Failed to get File from filelist!");

    let file_reader : web_sys::FileReader = match web_sys::FileReader::new() {
        Ok(f) => f,
        Err(e) => {
            alert("There was an error creating a file reader");
            log(&JsValue::as_string(&e).expect("error converting jsvalue to string."));

    let fr_c = file_reader.clone();
    // create onLoadEnd callback
    let onloadend_cb = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |_e: web_sys::ProgressEvent| {
        let array = js_sys::Uint8Array::new(&fr_c.result().unwrap());
        let len = array.byte_length() as usize;
        log(&format!("Blob received {}bytes: {:?}", len, array.to_vec()));
        // here you can for example use the received image/png data
        let db : Database = Database::new(array);

        //Prepare a statement
        let stmt : Statement = db.prepare(&sql_helper_utility::sql_load_accounts_with_balances());

        // Bind new values

        while stmt.step() { //
            let row = stmt.getAsObject();
            log(&("Here is a row: ".to_owned() + &stringify(row).to_owned()));

    }) as Box<dyn Fn(web_sys::ProgressEvent)>);

    file_reader.read_as_array_buffer(&file).expect("blob not readable");


Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 2542

It works when the FileReader itself is passed from JavaScript to WebAssembly. It also seems like a clean approach because the data has to be read by the JavaScript API anyway - no need to call JS from WASM.


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Read to wasm</title>
<input type="file" id="file-input"/>
<script src="reader.js"></script>
    var fileReader = new FileReader();
    fileReader.onloadend = e => Rust.reader
            .then(reader=> {

    var fileInputElement = document.getElementById("file-input");
    fileInputElement.addEventListener("change", e => fileReader.readAsText(fileInputElement.files[0]));


extern crate stdweb;

use stdweb::js_export;
use stdweb::web::FileReader;
use stdweb::web::FileReaderResult;

fn print_result(file_reader: FileReader) -> String {
    match file_reader.result() {
        Some(value) => match value {
            FileReaderResult::String(value) => value,
            _ => String::from("not a text"),
        None => String::from("empty")

fn main() {


Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 7820

I managed to access the file object and pass it to the FileReaderin the following way:

let reader = FileReader::new();
let file_input_element: InputElement = document()

    enclose!( (reader, file_input_element) move |event: InputEvent| {
        let file = js!{return @{&file_input_element}.files[0]};
        let real_file: stdweb::web::Blob = file.try_into().unwrap();


This code compiles. However, the data never gets available via reader.result().

Upvotes: 1

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