Reputation: 21
I have some custom html code where i need to get the name and image an caption from the form i created in the mura backend, how can i do this, i searched everywhere in the google groups but nothing related found, i just need a start what to do and how to find the saved data and for cfoutput i think i need to do iterations
<cfset it = $.getBean('content').loadBy(title='myform')>
<cfdump var="#it#">
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset item =>
#esapiEncode('html', item.get('name'))#
i need to get the form and display the data in ul > li format as above but it is gives me error on hasnext() is not defined, which somewhat does make sense, but i am not sure what i am missing here
Upvotes: 1
Views: 393
Reputation: 1820
OK. I can confirm that this works, using MURA CMS 7.1 & form builder.
The important part is to reference the form by its 'ContentID', which you can find in the 'Form Builder -> Form -> Advanced' section.
Variable References:
Also you will need to change the references to 'formContentId' & 'wddxImageFieldName', respectively.
To test this, just place it into your repective Themes template, and make sure that you have made at least one form submission
Based on Steve Withington's code, at:
rsData = QueryNew('');
dcm = $.getBean('dataCollectionManager');
formContentId = '856499BD-01E2-48C9-CD1A0430D859E81B';
wddxImageFieldName = 'AVATAR_ATTACHMENT';
<cfif !Len($.event('responseid'))>
<!--- All Form Submission Results --->
formBean = $.getBean('content').loadBy(contentID=formContentId);
if ( !formBean.getIsNew() ) {
currentFieldList = dcm.getCurrentFieldList(formBean.getContentID());
data = {
sortby = 'entered'
,sortdirection = 'desc'
,keywords = ''
,siteid = $.event('siteid')
,contentid = formBean.getContentID()
rsData = dcm.getData(data);
<cfif !rsData.recordcount>
<h3>Sorry, either the form does not exist, or no records have been submitted yet.</h3>
<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" border="1">
<!--- FieldNames --->
<th> </th>
<th>Date/Time Entered</th>
<cfloop list="#currentFieldList#" index="fieldName">
<th>#esapiEncode('html', fieldName)#</th>
<!--- Actual Output --->
<cfloop query="rsData">
<!--- Edit --->
<a href="./?responseid=#responseid#">Edit</a>
<!--- The Date/Time Stamp --->
<!--- The Data --->
<!--- Forms are stored as WDDX files ... so we need to unpack them --->
<cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" input="#data#" output="record" />
<cfloop list="#currentFieldList#" index="fieldName">
<cfif StructKeyExists(record, fieldName)>
<cfif CompareNoCase(fieldName,wddxImageFieldName) EQ 0>
<img src="#$.getURLForImage(record[fieldName])#">
Upvotes: 1