
Reputation: 27

how to display my JSON object in good format in VBA Excel

I know display my Parse Json in cell Excel when the Json is "simple" (when it's just string inside) but now i have String, object and array and i'm a little lost.. my json is following:

        "name": null,
        "type": null,
        "actions": [],
        "screen": null,
        "container": null,
        "sysid": 5,
        "uftitem": null
        "name": null,
        "type": null,
        "actions": [],
        "screen": null,
        "container": null,
        "sysid": 6,
        "uftitem": null
        "name": "UTProject5",
        "type": "type",
        "actions": [
                "name": "UTProject",
                "description": "UTProject",
                "pattern": "UTProject",
                "isCheck": true,
                "sysid": 1,
                "uftaction": {
                    "sysid_uftAction": 2,
                    "code": "code uft",
                    "maxTime": 10,
                    "nbCycle": 20
                "name": "UTProject2",
                "description": "UTProject",
                "pattern": "UTProject",
                "isCheck": true,
                "sysid": 3,
                "uftaction": {
                    "sysid_uftAction": 4,
                    "code": "code uft",
                    "maxTime": 10,
                    "nbCycle": 20
        "screen": {
            "name": null,
            "type": null,
            "actions": [],
            "screen": null,
            "container": null,
            "sysid": 5,
            "uftitem": null
        "container": {
            "name": null,
            "type": null,
            "actions": [],
            "screen": null,
            "container": null,
            "sysid": 6,
            "uftitem": null
        "sysid": 7,
        "uftitem": {
            "code": "code",
            "parentCode": "tooooz",
            "sysid": 8
        "name": "UTProject6",
        "type": "type",
        "actions": [
                "name": "UTProject",
                "description": "UTProject",
                "pattern": "UTProject",
                "isCheck": true,
                "sysid": 1,
                "uftaction": {
                    "sysid_uftAction": 2,
                    "code": "code uft",
                    "maxTime": 10,
                    "nbCycle": 20
                "name": "UTProject2",
                "description": "UTProject",
                "pattern": "UTProject",
                "isCheck": true,
                "sysid": 3,
                "uftaction": {
                    "sysid_uftAction": 4,
                    "code": "code uft",
                    "maxTime": 10,
                    "nbCycle": 20
        "screen": {
            "name": null,
            "type": null,
            "actions": [],
            "screen": null,
            "container": null,
            "sysid": 5,
            "uftitem": null
        "container": {
            "name": null,
            "type": null,
            "actions": [],
            "screen": null,
            "container": null,
            "sysid": 6,
            "uftitem": null
        "sysid": 9,
        "uftitem": {
            "code": null,
            "parentCode": null,
            "sysid": 10

I would like to access to what I want and display it in cell, but I don't know access in array and object.

Thanks every one!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 13286

Answers (4)

Jeremy Huval
Jeremy Huval

Reputation: 11

Here's how I do it:

Public Function indentJsonV2(ByVal jsonIn As String) As String
    Dim positionIndent As Double: positionIndent = -1
    Dim counter As Double: counter = 1
    Dim theLength As Double: theLength = Len(jsonIn)
    Dim JsonOut As String: JsonOut = vbNullString
    Dim i As Double: i = 0
    Dim theChar As String: theChar = vbNullString
    Dim twoChars As String: twoChars = vbNullString
    While counter <> theLength + 1
        theChar = Mid(jsonIn, counter, 1)
        twoChars = Mid(jsonIn, counter, 2)
        If theChar = "{" Or theChar = "[" Then
            JsonOut = JsonOut & theChar
            JsonOut = JsonOut & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
            positionIndent = positionIndent + 1
            For i = 0 To positionIndent
                JsonOut = JsonOut & Space(5)
            Next i
        ElseIf theChar = "}" Or theChar = "]" Then
            JsonOut = JsonOut & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
            positionIndent = positionIndent - 1
            For i = 0 To positionIndent
                JsonOut = JsonOut + Space(5)
            Next i
            JsonOut = JsonOut + theChar
            'For i = 0 To positionIndent
            ' JsonOut = JsonOut + Space(5)
            'Next i
        ElseIf twoChars = "]," Or twoChars = "}," Or twoChars = ",""" Then
            JsonOut = JsonOut & theChar
            JsonOut = JsonOut & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
            For i = 0 To positionIndent
                JsonOut = JsonOut + Space(5)
            Next i
            JsonOut = JsonOut + theChar
        End If
        counter = counter + 1
    indentJsonV2 = JsonOut
End Function

Upvotes: 1

Alessandro Ottico
Alessandro Ottico

Reputation: 41

I create this simple function to formatt the Json string, if someone needed. The code is very simple.

Public Function indentJson(ByVal jsonIn As String) As String

Dim posizioneIndent As Integer
Dim contatore As Integer
Dim lungheza As Integer
Dim JsonOut As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim carattere As String

JsonOut = ""
lunghezza = Len(jsonIn)
contatore = 1
posizioneIndent = -1
carattere = ""

While contatore <> lunghezza + 1
    carattere = Mid(jsonIn, contatore, 1)
  If carattere = "{" Or carattere = "[" Then
     JsonOut = JsonOut & carattere
   JsonOut = JsonOut & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
     posizioneIndent = posizioneIndent + 1
     For i = 0 To posizioneIndent
     JsonOut = JsonOut & Space(5)
     Next i

  ElseIf carattere = "}" Or carattere = "]" Then
     JsonOut = JsonOut & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
     posizioneIndent = posizioneIndent - 1
     For i = 0 To posizioneIndent
      JsonOut = JsonOut + Space(5)
     Next i
     JsonOut = JsonOut + carattere
     'For i = 0 To posizioneIndent
     ' JsonOut = JsonOut + Space(5)
     'Next i

  ElseIf carattere = "," Then
JsonOut = JsonOut & carattere
JsonOut = JsonOut & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
For i = 0 To posizioneIndent
JsonOut = JsonOut + Space(5)
Next i

   JsonOut = JsonOut + carattere

End If

contatore = contatore + 1


indentJson = JsonOut

End Function

This is the result , in my case i put it in a textbox, If someone have a advice to improve, please tell me.


Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 12612

Take a look at the below example. Import JSON.bas module into the VBA project for JSON processing.

Option Explicit

Sub Test()

    Dim sJSONString As String
    Dim vJSON
    Dim sState As String
    Dim aData()
    Dim aHeader()
    Dim vResult

    ' Read JSON sample from file C:\Test\sample.json
    sJSONString = ReadTextFile("C:\Test\sample.json", 0)
    ' Parse JSON sample
    JSON.Parse sJSONString, vJSON, sState
    If sState = "Error" Then
        MsgBox "Invalid JSON"
    End If
    ' Convert raw JSON to 2d array and output to worksheet #1
    JSON.ToArray vJSON, aData, aHeader
    With Sheets(1)
        .Cells.WrapText = False
        OutputArray .Cells(1, 1), aHeader
        Output2DArray .Cells(2, 1), aData
    End With
    ' Flatten JSON
    JSON.Flatten vJSON, vResult
    ' Convert flattened JSON to 2d array and output to worksheet #2
    JSON.ToArray vResult, aData, aHeader
    With Sheets(2)
        .Cells.WrapText = False
        OutputArray .Cells(1, 1), aHeader
        Output2DArray .Cells(2, 1), aData
    End With
    MsgBox "Completed"

End Sub

Sub OutputArray(oDstRng As Range, aCells As Variant)

    With oDstRng
        With .Resize(1, UBound(aCells) - LBound(aCells) + 1)
            .NumberFormat = "@"
            .Value = aCells
        End With
    End With

End Sub

Sub Output2DArray(oDstRng As Range, aCells As Variant)

    With oDstRng
        With .Resize( _
                UBound(aCells, 1) - LBound(aCells, 1) + 1, _
                UBound(aCells, 2) - LBound(aCells, 2) + 1)
            .NumberFormat = "@"
            .Value = aCells
        End With
    End With

End Sub

Function ReadTextFile(sPath As String, lFormat As Long) As String

    ' lFormat -2 - System default, -1 - Unicode, 0 - ASCII
    With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(sPath, 1, False, lFormat)
        ReadTextFile = ""
        If Not .AtEndOfStream Then ReadTextFile = .ReadAll
    End With

End Function

BTW, the similar approach applied in other answers.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 84465


You can empty the whole thing with the following code which makes use of JSON converter:


I am reading JSON string in from sheet and storing in object via JSONConverter. The initial object is a collection. I loop that collection and every nested level within using TypeName function* to determine what object(s) are stored at each level. I then use Select Case to handle these objects appropriately.

More efficient would be to design a re-usuable class to handle this. I have seen some other questions on SO where this is done.

* VarType is actually more robust

Example JSON

Example JSON

Example code output to immediate window:

You can choose how you write to the cell by replacing the Debug.Print statements with assignments to sheet ranges.

Sample code output


Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfoFromSheet()
    Dim jsonStr As String
    jsonStr = [A1]                               '<== read in from sheet
    Dim json As Object
    Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(jsonStr)

    Dim i As Long, j As Long, key As Variant
    For i = 1 To json.Count
        For Each key In json(i).keys
            Select Case key
            Case "name", "type"
                Debug.Print key & " " & json(i)(key)
            Case Else
                Select Case TypeName(json(i)(key))
                Case "Dictionary"
                    Dim key2 As Variant
                    For Each key2 In json(i)(key)
                        Select Case TypeName(json(i)(key)(key2))
                        Case "Collection"
                            Dim k As Long
                            For k = 1 To json(i)(key)(key2).Count
                                Debug.Print key & " " & key2 & " " & json(i)(key)(key2)(k)
                            Next k
                        Case Else
                            Debug.Print key & " " & key2 & " " & json(i)(key)(key2)
                        End Select
                    Next key2
                Case "Collection"
                    For j = 1 To json(i)(key).Count '<== "actions"
                        Dim key3 As Variant
                        For Each key3 In json(i)(key)(j).keys
                            Select Case TypeName(json(i)(key)(j)(key3))
                            Case "String", "Boolean", "Double"
                                Debug.Print key & " " & key3 & " " & json(i)(key)(j)(key3)
                            Case Else
                                Dim key4 As Variant
                                For Each key4 In json(i)(key)(j)(key3).keys
                                    Debug.Print key & " " & key3 & " " & key4 & " " & json(i)(key)(j)(key3)(key4)
                                Next key4
                            End Select
                        Next key3
                    Next j
                Case Else
                    Debug.Print key & " " & json(i)(key)
                End Select
            End Select
        Next key
    Next i
End Sub

tl;dr; Tutorial spot:

So the above might have been a bit full on as it gets everything without lots of explanation. Below, we take a more detailed look at how to target some of that JSON and "talk" through the associated VBA.

For this you can use an online JSON parser to view the structure of your JSON more clearly. I posted your JSON string into Json Parser Online, and then examined the structure in the String/parseJS eval; left hand side section. There are other tools available.

The initial thing to note is the beginning "[". The very first one you can see below.


This denotes the Collection object, which is your JSON string when converted with JsonConverter. Everything else is nested between this opening "[" bracket and its closing counterpart at the very end.

The next thing to note is that this is a collection of dictionaries, so everything that forms a "group" within, is a dictionary.


See the "{" denoting the start of the dictionary?

The dictionary has keys of "name","type","actions" etc.

An initial observation is that lots of this info is empty ie. null. We can ignore these with an IsNull test (I choose to do this based on "name" field):

If Not IsNull(json(i)("name")) 

We can also see that "actions", in dictionaries where the "name" is not null, contains another collection of dictionaries. You see we have the "[" followed by the "{" as described before.

Collection of dictionaries

We can see that each inner dictionary has keys of "name", "description" etc. We can also see that their values are of different datatypes.

Observing "actions" in the JSON structure, you can see these are (using an example dictionary):

  1. String "name":"UTProject"
  2. String "description":"UTProject"
  3. String "pattern":"UTProject"
  4. Boolean "isCheck":true
  5. Double "sysid":1
  6. Dictionary "uftaction" 'keys of ==> "sysid_uftAction":2,"code":"code uft","maxTime":10,"nbCycle":20

So, we can use Select Case to handle the data type by testing with TypeName

For the primitive boolean, string and double data types we can simply print them by using the key e.g.


That will be a boolean result of True or False. i and j being indices of current position in loops of both outer and inner collections.

For the dictionary "uftaction", we can loop over its keys:

For Each key2 In json(i)("actions")(j)(key).keys 
    Debug.Print "actions " & key & " " & key2 & " " & json(i)("actions")(j)(key)(key2)
Next key2

You could of course access with the name of the key without the loop over the keys at the end, e.g.:


And throughout you could access specific positions via index rather than looping such that i and j would be replaced directly with a numeric value. And key, key2 etc could be replaced by the actual literal string for any given key.

Hopefully that has given you some more insight.


Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfoFromJSON()
    Dim jsonStr As String
    jsonStr = [A1]                               '<== read in from sheet
    Dim json As Object, i As Long
    Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(jsonStr) '<==This is a collection verified by Debug.Print TypeName(JSON)
    For i = 1 To json.Count
        If Not IsNull(json(i)("name")) Then
            'ignore the null names which have sys id only populated
            Debug.Print "name" & " " & json(i)("name")
            Debug.Print "type" & " " & json(i)("type")
            Dim j As Long
            For j = 1 To json(i)("actions").Count 'actions are a collection of dictionaries
                Dim key As Variant
                For Each key In json(i)("actions")(j).keys 'dictionary
                    'observing actions in the JSON structure you can see there are:
                    '                    String  "name":"UTProject"
                    'String "description":"UTProject",
                    'String "pattern":"UTProject",
                    'Boolean "isCheck":true,
                    'Double "sysid":1,
                    'Dictionary "uftaction" '==> "sysid_uftAction":2,"code":"code uft","maxTime":10,"nbCycle":20
                    'So we can use Select Case to handle the data type by testing with TypeName
                    Select Case TypeName(json(i)("actions")(j)(key))
                    Case "String", "Boolean", "Double" '<==good to go nothing extra needed
                        Debug.Print "actions " & key & " " & json(i)("actions")(j)(key)
                    Case Else                    ' we are dealing with uftaction which we know is a dictionary
                        Dim key2 As Variant
                        For Each key2 In json(i)("actions")(j)(key).keys '<==We know now we are looping the uftaction dictionary which has keys "sysid_uftAction","code","maxTime","nbCycle"
                            Debug.Print "actions " & key & " " & key2 & " " & json(i)("actions")(j)(key)(key2)
                        Next key2
                    End Select
                Next key
            Next j
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Upvotes: 6

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