Reputation: 7729
I basically want this OpenLayer functionality in Google Maps:
new ol.layer.Image({
source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({
url: 'someUrl',
params: {
'LAYERS': 'someLayer',
'SRS': 'EPSG:3857',
'VERSION': '1.1.1'
ratio: 1,
Below is my attempt to implement this with Google Maps API. This is some exiting code where I have changed the static 256 size to map height/width. The WMS is showing correctly in the map, but still multiple tiles are fetched. I want just one tile to be loaded. Here is fiddle where the working OpenLayer solution and non-working Google solution are shown together:
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("g-map"), {
zoom: 4,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.0, -100.0)
// "Normal" 256 tiles
//var TILE_WIDTH = 256;
//var TILE_HEIGHT = 256;
// Set tile size to map size to get just one single tile. But
// still multiple tiles is fetched from server
var TILE_WIDTH = getMapWidth();
var TILE_HEIGHT = getMapHeight();
var wmsOptions = {
getTileUrl: WMSGetTileUrl,
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT)
var wmsMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType(wmsOptions);
map.overlayMapTypes.insertAt(0, wmsMapType);
function WMSGetTileUrl(tile, zoom) {
var projection = map.getProjection();
var zpow = Math.pow(2, zoom);
var ul = new google.maps.Point(tile.x * TILE_WIDTH / zpow, (tile.y + 1) * TILE_HEIGHT / zpow);
var lr = new google.maps.Point((tile.x + 1) * TILE_WIDTH / zpow, (tile.y) * TILE_HEIGHT / zpow);
var ulw = projection.fromPointToLatLng(ul);
var lrw = projection.fromPointToLatLng(lr);
var baseURL = "";
var version = "1.1.1";
var request = "GetMap";
var format = "image/png"; //type of image returned
var layers = "nexrad-n0r-wmst";
var srs = "EPSG:4326";
var bbox = ulw.lng() + "," + + "," + lrw.lng() + "," +;
var width = TILE_WIDTH;
var height = TILE_HEIGHT;
var styles = "default";
var url = baseURL + "version=" + version + "&request=" + request +
"&Layers=" + layers + "&Styles=" + styles + "&SRS=" + srs + "&BBOX=" +
bbox + "&width=" + width + "&height=" + height + "&format=" + format +
return url;
function getMapHeight() {
var h = map.getDiv().offsetHeight;
console.log('Google Map height is ' + h);
return h;
function getMapWidth() {
var w = map.getDiv().offsetWidth;
console.log('Google Map width is ' + w);
return w;
Any suggestions on how to just get one single WMS tile?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 1286
Reputation: 1304
You don't have to calculate the bbox
manually. Google API provides that functionality on map
object as below.
function WMSGetTileUrl(tile, zoom) {
var bond = map.getBounds();
var ulw = bond.getSouthWest();
var lrw = bond.getNorthEast();
//other stuffs
var bbox = ulw.lng() + "," + + "," + lrw.lng() + "," +;
//your other stuffs
Here is the working sample for your requirement.
Upvotes: 1