Reputation: 195
I'm using google apps script for Telegram Bot API & I'm having problem with InlineQueryResultArticle in answerInlineQuery method.
function answerInlineQuery(iqid, result){
var data = {
method: "post",
payload: {
method: "answerInlineQuery",
inline_query_id: iqid,
Here is the format of result :-
var result= {
{type:'article',id: iqid, title:"RESULT 1", input_message_content:"TEXT 1"},
{type:'article',id: iqid, title:"RESULT 2", input_message_content:"TEXT 2"}
answerInlineQuery(iqid, result);
I have turned on Inline Mode in @BotFather. My bot is also receiving inline queries and for every request I can see my inline query id properly & I can also see the result receiving as [object Object]. But, the problem is I'm not getting any results.
REF: In answerinlinequery, the results should be a JSON-serialized array of results for the inline query using any of these results.
Can anyone point out where am I going wrong ?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 5743
Reputation: 113
After many attempts I found solution:
Here there are an inline answer with three results
****Be careful :change value of document_file_id
with a sample file_id from your bot else you will see an error
//your bot token placed here
const token = "";
tgmsg('answerInlineQuery', {
"inline_query_id": update['inline_query']['id'],
"results": JSON.stringify([
//inline result of an article with thumbnail photo
"type": "article",
"id": "1",
"title": "chek inline keybord ",
"description": "test ",
"caption": "caption",
"input_message_content": {
"message_text": "you can share inline keyboard to other chat"
"thumb_url": ""
//inline result of an article with inline keyboard
id: "nchfjdfgd",
title: 'title',
description: "description",
type: 'article',
input_message_content: {
message_text: "inline is enabled input_message_content: {message_text: message_text}message_text"
reply_markup: {
"inline_keyboard": [
"text": "InlineFeatures.",
"callback_data": "inline_plugs_1118095942"
"text": "OtherFeatures.",
"callback_data": "other_plugs_1118095942"
//inline result of a cached telegram document with inline keyboard
id: "nchgffjdfgd",
title: 'title',
description: "description",
//change this on with the value of file_id from telegram bot api
document_file_id: "BQACAgQAAxkBAAIBX2CPrD3yFC0X1sI0HFTxgul0GdqhAALjDwACR4pxUKIV48XlktQNHwQ",
type: 'document',
caption: "caption ghh hhdd",
reply_markup: {
"inline_keyboard": [
"text": "InlineFeatures.",
"callback_data": "inline_plugs_1118095942"
"text": "OtherFeatures.",
"callback_data": "other_plugs_1118095942"
function tgmsg(method, data) {
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload': JSON.stringify(data)
var responselk = UrlFetchApp.fetch('' + token + '/' + method, options);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5038
The id
field for a InlineQueryResultArticle must be unique for each result. However you are setting the id
as iqid
for both results.
You should replace them with custom ids.
var result= {
{type:'article',id: "1", title:"RESULT 1", input_message_content:"TEXT 1"},
{type:'article',id: "2", title:"RESULT 2", input_message_content:"TEXT 2"}
Upvotes: 1