I'm building an admin panel from scratch for a personal project, one of the tasks I want it to do is show data in a table, in order to get this data I use AJAX and JQuery to grab data from the server and populate the table in the frontend.
This data has an isVisible boolean field (can be 0 or 1), issue I have is I want to check or uncheck the checkbox when populting the rows depending if the isVisible field is true or false.
This is my JQuery code:
success: function(data) {
$('.row[data-link=' + linked_entry + ']').remove();
$.each(data, function (index, item) {
var sliders_row = '<tr class="row" data-link="sliders">';
/*sliders_row += '<td>' + + '</td>';*/
sliders_row += '<td>' + this.title + '</td>';
sliders_row += '<td>' + this.body + '</td>';
sliders_row += '<td>' + this.image + '</td>';
sliders_row += '<td style="text-align:center;"><input type="checkbox" name="isVisible" value="" checked></td>';
sliders_row += '<td class="entry_table_options_container">';
sliders_row += '<i class="fa fas fa-pencil-alt form_show_edit" data-link="sliders" data-id="'+ + '" data-title="'+ this.title +'" data-body="'+ this.body +'" data-image="'+ this.image +'" data-isVisible="'+ this.isVisible +'"title="Editar" title="Editar" style="background-color:#5BC0DE;"></i>';
sliders_row += '</td>';
sliders_row += '</tr>';
$('.entry_table_container[data-link=' + linked_entry + ']').append(sliders_row);
<script src=""></script>
Is there a way to do this on the fly without having to create two different html templates to append inside success fucntion?
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Views: 31
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Do it as follow.
sliders_row += '<td style="text-align:center;"><input type="checkbox" name="isVisible" '+(this.isVisible ? 'checked' : '')+'></td>';
Here is an example
var isVisible = true;
$("#abc").html('<input type="checkbox" name="isVisible" value="" '+(isVisible ? 'checked' : '')+'>');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="abc"></div>
Upvotes: 1