Reputation: 187
I am very new to R and new here.
Below are the source code. However, the results are incorrect with 99.9% with a ranking of 1 in Frequency and Monetary and nothing ranked as 5 in R. Can someone please help? Really appreciate!!
bmdata = read.csv("Customer sales 103116-103117.txt",header=TRUE,sep=",")
dim(bmdata) [1] 1094964 3
str(bmdata) 'data.frame': 1094964 obs. of 3 variables: $ customer_ID: num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ sales_date : Factor w/ 366 levels "1/1/2017 0:00:00",..: 86 66 81 82 84 85 105 116 122 124 ... $ sales : num 182 120 91 63 58 56 251 24 269 113 ...
create recency
bmdata$Recency <- round(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.Date(),bmdata[,2],unit="days")))
customer_ID sales_date sales Recency
1 1 2016-11-03 182 368
2 1 2016-11-11 120 360
3 1 2016-11-25 91 346
4 1 2016-11-26 63 345
5 1 2016-11-28 58 343
6 1 2016-11-29 56 342
creation of Recency, Frequency and Monetary
bmdataR <- aggregate(bmdata[,4],list(bmdata$customer_ID),min)
names(bmdataR) <- c("customer_ID","Recency")
customer_ID Recency
1 1 10
2 2 13
3 3 12
4 6 37
5 7 25
6 9 7
bmdataF <- aggregate(bmdata[,2],list(bmdata$customer_ID),length)
names(bmdataF) <- c("customer_ID","Frequency")
customer_ID Frequency
1 1 52
2 2 39
3 3 117
4 6 47
5 7 52
6 9 33
bmdataM <- aggregate(bmdata[,3],list(bmdata$customer_ID),sum)
names(bmdataM) <- c("customer_ID","Monetary")
customer_ID Monetary
1 1 6432.75
2 2 3005.60
3 3 27889.52
4 6 5573.05
5 7 6513.20
6 9 2889.40
combined RFM per unique customer ID
bmdataRFM <- data.frame(bmdataR,bmdataF,bmdataM)
calculate sales per visit
bmdataRFM$salespervisit <- bmdataRFM$Monetary/bmdataRFM$Frequency
combination R, F, M
temp <- merge(bmdataF,bmdataR,"customer_ID")
bmdataRFM2 <- merge(temp,bmdataM,"customer_ID")
customer_ID Frequency Recency
1 1 52 10
2 2 39 13
3 3 117 12
4 6 47 37
5 7 52 25
6 9 33 7
# creation of R,F,M rank
bmdataRFM$rankR <- cut(bmdataRFM$Recency,5,labels=F)
bmdataRFM$rankF <- cut(bmdataRFM$Frequency,5,labels=F) bmdataRFM$rankM <- cut(bmdataRFM$Monetary,5,labels=F)
groupRFM <- bmdataRFM$rankR*100 + bmdataRFM$rankF*10 + bmdataRFM$rankM
bmdataRFM <- cbind(bmdataRFM,groupRFM)
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Views: 1605
Reputation: 9485
I've tried all your script, maybe it is a problem of data, however, I created some fake data similar to your:
customer_ID <- sample(1:500, 500, rep = TRUE)
sales_date <- sample(seq(as.Date('2016/01/01'), as.Date('2017/12/01'), by="day"), 500)
sales <- sample(20:400, 500, rep = TRUE)
bmdata <- data.frame (customer_ID,sales_date,sales)
customer_ID sales_date sales
1 35 2016-08-15 43
2 409 2016-09-02 79
3 472 2016-11-20 327
4 135 2016-05-08 191
5 85 2016-12-25 217
6 17 2017-05-22 242
Then, as you , I calculated with your script RFM:
# recency
bmdata$Recency <- round(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.Date(),bmdata[,2],unit="days")))
bmdataR <- aggregate(bmdata[,4],list(bmdata$customer_ID),min)
names(bmdataR) <- c("customer_ID","Recency")
# frequency
bmdataF <- aggregate(bmdata[,2],list(bmdata$customer_ID),length)
names(bmdataF) <- c("customer_ID","Frequency")
# monetary
bmdataM <- aggregate(bmdata[,3],list(bmdata$customer_ID),sum)
names(bmdataM) <- c("customer_ID","Monetary")
# RFM dataframe
bmdataRFM <-merge(merge(bmdataR,bmdataF),bmdataM)
# this is commented because I've not used it.
# bmdataRFM$salespervisit <- bmdataRFM$Monetary/bmdataRFM$Frequency
# here the ranks
bmdataRFM$rankR <- cut(bmdataRFM$Recency,5,labels=F)
bmdataRFM$rankF <- cut(bmdataRFM$Frequency,5,labels=F)
bmdataRFM$rankM <- cut(bmdataRFM$Monetary,5,labels=F)
> head(bmdataRFM)
customer_ID Recency Frequency Monetary rankR rankF rankM
1 1 338 1 145 1 1 1
2 2 633 1 268 3 1 1
3 5 573 1 119 3 1 1
4 7 439 1 290 2 1 1
5 8 580 3 835 3 3 3
6 10 344 1 192 1 1 1
And, as you can see, it seems everything works.
1 2 3 4 5
28.00 23.08 19.08 15.69 14.15
1 2 3 4 5
61.23 26.46 9.85 2.15 0.31
1 2 3 4 5
68.62 26.77 3.69 0.62 0.31
Now, the grouped labels:
groupRFM <- bmdataRFM$rankR*100 + bmdataRFM$rankF*10 + bmdataRFM$rankM
bmdataRFM <- cbind(bmdataRFM,groupRFM)
customer_ID Recency Frequency Monetary rankR rankF rankM groupRFM
1 1 338 1 145 1 1 1 111
2 2 633 1 268 3 1 1 311
3 5 573 1 119 3 1 1 311
4 7 439 1 290 2 1 1 211
5 8 580 3 835 3 3 3 333
6 10 344 1 192 1 1 1 111
And now, you can see how the individuals are:
p<-ggplot(data=analysis, aes(x=reorder(Var1,Freq), y=Freq, label = Freq)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip() + geom_text()
So it seems everything works, maybe you can look at your data.
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