Reputation: 6110
I'm working on an iOS app that is to read pulse oximeter data from a Bluetooth LE enabled device, using CoreBluetooth on iOS 11.4 in Swift 4.1.
I've got the CBCentralManager searching for peripherals, I find the CBPeripheral I am interested in, I verify that it has the 0x1822 Pulse Oximeter Service, as described by Bluetooth SIG here. (You may need to register with Bluetooth SIG to access that link. It's free but takes a day or two.)
After that, I connect to it, then I discover services:
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
Then in my peripheral:didDiscoverServices I discover GATT characteristics:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: Error?){
for service in ?? [] {
if service.uuid.uuidString == "1822" {
peripheral.discoverCharacteristics(nil, for: service)
From that I see the the following characteristics (CBCharacteristic.uuid) available: 0x2A5F, 0x2A5E, 0x2a60, and 0x2A52. I then subscribe to updates for 0x2A5F, which is PLX Continuous Measurement, which is described here:
if service.uuid.uuidString == "1822" && characteristic.uuid.uuidString == "2A5F" {
// pulseox continuous
print("[SUBSCRIBING TO UPDATES FOR SERVICE 1822 'PulseOx' for Characteristic 2A5F 'PLX Continuous']")
peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, for: characteristic)
I then begin to receive back 20-byte packets in my peripheral:didUpdateValueFor method:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
if characteristic.service.uuid.uuidString == "1822" && characteristic.uuid.uuidString == "2A5F" {
if let data = characteristic.value {
var values = [UInt8](repeating:0, count:data.count)
data.copyBytes(to: &values, count: data.count)
From the reference doc you can see the first byte is a bunch of bitfields describing which optional values are included in the packet. The next 2 bytes are an SFLOAT value for the SpO2PR-Normal - SpO2 (oxygenation) reading, and the following 2 bytes are another SFLOAT value for the SpO2PR-Normal - PR (pulse rate) value.
Bluetooth SIG lists an SFLOAT as an IEEE-11073 16-bit SFLOAT here. IEEE's document on IEEE-11073 is not publicly listed, and is available for purchase, but I'd prefer to avoid that.
Any idea how to decode? I found another question on Stack Overflow referencing the normal 32-bit Float, but that question was for a different type of Float, and its answer was not applicable.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2411
Reputation: 903
This is how I do it in Swift 5 (XCode 12.4)
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
guard characteristic.service.uuid == CBUUID(string: "1822"),
characteristic.uuid == CBUUID(string: "2A5F"),
let data = characteristic.value else {
let numberOfBytes = data.count
var byteArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: numberOfBytes)
(data as NSData).getBytes(&byteArray, length: numberOfBytes)
logger.debug("Data: \(byteArray)")
let oxygenation = byteArray[1]
let heartRate = byteArray[3]
Taken from my tutorial "Reverse Engineering Bluetooth Devices - An Introduction to CoreBluetooth"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6110
Here it is:
Xcode 9.4.1 or Xcode 10.0 beta 3
iOS 11.4.1 or iOS 12.0 beta 3
Swift 4.1.2 or Swift 4.2
func floatFromTwosComplementUInt16(_ value: UInt16, havingBitsInValueIncludingSign bitsInValueIncludingSign: Int) -> Float {
// calculate a signed float from a two's complement signed value
// represented in the lowest n ("bitsInValueIncludingSign") bits
// of the UInt16 value
let signMask: UInt16 = UInt16(0x1) << (bitsInValueIncludingSign - 1)
let signMultiplier: Float = (value & signMask == 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0
var valuePart = value
if signMultiplier < 0 {
// Undo two's complement if it's negative
var valueMask = UInt16(1)
for _ in 0 ..< bitsInValueIncludingSign - 2 {
valueMask = valueMask << 1
valueMask += 1
valuePart = ((~value) & valueMask) &+ 1
let floatValue = Float(valuePart) * signMultiplier
return floatValue
func extractSFloat(values: [UInt8], startingIndex index: Int) -> Float {
// IEEE-11073 16-bit SFLOAT -> Float
let full = UInt16(values[index+1]) * 256 + UInt16(values[index])
// Check special values defined by SFLOAT first
if full == 0x07FF {
return Float.nan
} else if full == 0x800 {
return Float.nan // This is really NRes, "Not at this Resolution"
} else if full == 0x7FE {
return Float.infinity
} else if full == 0x0802 {
return -Float.infinity // This is really negative infinity
} else if full == 0x801 {
return Float.nan // This is really RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE
// Get exponent (high 4 bits)
let expo = (full & 0xF000) >> 12
let expoFloat = floatFromTwosComplementUInt16(expo, havingBitsInValueIncludingSign: 4)
// Get mantissa (low 12 bits)
let mantissa = full & 0x0FFF
let mantissaFloat = floatFromTwosComplementUInt16(mantissa, havingBitsInValueIncludingSign: 12)
// Put it together
let finalValue = mantissaFloat * pow(10.0, expoFloat)
return finalValue
The extraSFloat method takes a Uint8 array and an index into that array to indicate where the SFLOAT is. For example, if the array was two bytes (just the two bytes of the SFLOAT), then you would say:
let floatValue = extractSFloat(values: array, startingIndex: 0)
I did it this way because when working with Bluetooth data I always ended up with an array of UInt8 values containing the data I needed to decode.
Upvotes: 9