
Reputation: 1112

How to compare time_t and std::filesystem::file_time_type

I'm converting some code over from boost::filesystem to std::filesystem. Previous code used boost::filesystem::last_write_time() which returns a time_t so direct comparison to a time_t object I already held was trivial. By the way, this time_t I hold is read from file contents persisted long ago, so I'm stuck with using this "time since unix epoch" type.

std::filesystem::last_write_time returns a std::filesystem::file_time_type. Is there a portable way to convert a file_time_type to a time_t, or otherwise portably compare the two objects?

#include <ctime>
#include <filesystem>

std::time_t GetATimeInSecondsSince1970Epoch()
    return 1207609200;  // Some time in April 2008 (just an example!)

int main()
    const std::time_t time = GetATimeInSecondsSince1970Epoch();
    const auto lastWriteTime = std::filesystem::last_write_time("c:\\file.txt");

    // How to portably compare time and lastWriteTime?

EDIT: Please note that the sample code at for last_write_time states that it's assuming the clock is a std::chrono::system_clock which implements the to_time_t function. This assumption is not always going to be true and isn't on my platform (VS2017).

Upvotes: 16

Views: 11403

Answers (4)

Michael Maroszek
Michael Maroszek

Reputation: 1

This is my polyfill which works on Windows, MacOS and Linux. Unfortunately neither Clang nor GCC have file_clock support yet and support on Windows is also bound to recent Windows 10+ versions. See:

// Copied from Boost: filesystem/src/operations.cpp
// these constants come from inspecting some Microsoft sample code
#ifdef _WIN32
inline std::time_t to_time_t(FILETIME const& ft) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
    uint64_t t = (static_cast<uint64_t>(ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime;
    t -= 116444736000000000ull;
    t /= 10000000u;
    return static_cast<std::time_t>(t);
// Copied from Stackoverflow
template<typename TP>
std::time_t to_time_t(TP tp) {
    using namespace std::chrono;
    auto sctp = time_point_cast<system_clock::duration>(tp - TP::clock::now() + system_clock::now());
    return system_clock::to_time_t(sctp);

// Use this polyfill until everyone supports C++20
// This code is highly depended on the implementation
time_t PortableLastWriteTime(const std::string& File) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    // We cannot use the C++20 and filesystem due to this incompatibility/error:
    // This problem makes this request to fail on Windows older than Windows 10 (1903) and somehow Server 2019 completely
    FILETIME lwt;
    if (!::GetFileTime(handle, NULL, NULL, &lwt)) {
        return 0;
    return to_time_t(lwt);
#elif __GLIBCXX__
    auto ftime = std::filesystem::last_write_time(File);
    return to_time_t(ftime);
    auto ftime = std::filesystem::last_write_time(File);
    return decltype(ftime)::clock::to_time_t(ftime);
    // This is the correct C++20 usage when compilers have full compatibility
    const auto fileTime = std::filesystem::last_write_time(File);
    const auto systemTime = std::chrono::clock_cast<std::chrono::system_clock>(fileTime);
    const auto time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(systemTime);
    return time;
    Unsupported compiler !

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 521

I faced the same problem and I solved it using a dedicated code for Visual Studio.

In case of VS, I use the _wstati64 function (w for wide char, because Windows encodes Unicode paths in Utf16) and the wstring convertion of the path class.

The whole thing is gathered in this function:

#if defined ( _WIN32 )
#include <sys/stat.h>

std::time_t GetFileWriteTime ( const std::filesystem::path& filename )
    #if defined ( _WIN32 )
        struct _stat64 fileInfo;
        if ( _wstati64 ( filename.wstring ().c_str (), &fileInfo ) != 0 )
            throw std::runtime_error ( "Failed to get last write time." );
        return fileInfo.st_mtime;
        auto fsTime = std::filesystem::last_write_time ( filename );
        return decltype ( fsTime )::clock::to_time_t ( fsTime );

Upvotes: 7

Howard Hinnant
Howard Hinnant

Reputation: 219345

Fwiw, when C++20 gets here, the portable solution will be:

clock_cast<file_clock>(system_clock::from_time_t(time)) < lastWriteTime

This converts the time_t into file_time as opposed to vice-versa. The advantage of this approach is that file_time typically has a higher precision than time_t. Converting file_time to time_t will loose that precision during the conversion, and thus risk making the comparison inaccurate.

Upvotes: 15


Reputation: 62613

The very article you linked shows how to do this: through to_time_t member of the corresponding clock of the file_time_type.

Copy-paste from your own link:

auto ftime = fs::last_write_time(p);
std::time_t cftime = decltype(ftime)::clock::to_time_t(ftime); 

If your platform doesn't give you system_clock as a clock for file_time_type, than there would be no portable solution (until, at least, C++20 when file_time_type clock is standardized). Until than, you'd have to figure out what clock it actually is and than cast time appropriately through duration_cast and friends.

Upvotes: 7

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