Reputation: 39
I am having a bit of trouble deploying the template below:
One of the error message that has thrown:
'The template resource '[concat('nsg-create',copyIndex())]' at line '344' and column '9' is invalid. The api-version '2016-07-01' used to deploy the template does not support 'ResourceGroup' property. Please use api-version '2017-05-10' or later to deploy the template. Please see for usage details.'.
Code that have been used to deploy.
Context "Template Validation" {
It "Template $here\azuredeploy.json and parameter file passes validation" -TestCases $ParameterFileTestCases {
Param( $ParameterFile )
Update-Module -Name AzureRM -Force
$output = New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $TempValidationRG -Force -Mode Complete -TemplateFile "$here\azuredeploy.json" -TemplateParameterFile "$here\$ParameterFile" -ErrorAction Stop 5>&1
$output.ProvisioningState | Should -Be "Succeeded"
I have tried changing the API version, however, that still gave me the same error. I do not understand how to solve this issue. I am trying to test the template through pester.
The output of Get-Module AzureRM* -ListAvailable : AzureRM list
Upvotes: 1
Views: 960
Reputation: 72191
You need to use another api-version. Try 2017-05-10
this one.
Also, try updating the Azure Powershell to latest version.
Upvotes: 1