I tries to pass an array to DefinePlugin . This array is declared globally and filled in by an another plugin (DirectoryTreePlugi, enhance method). But a browser's debuggers shows what the array is empty.
If I assign some values to the array once I declare it the debugger shows that values. It seems like DefinePlugin is called earlier than DirectoryTreePlugin, but the order of plugins in Webpack config file is DirectoryTreePlugin and then DefinePlugin.
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Views: 538
In short, yes, DefinePlugin supports both variales and constants. Thanks to @MatheusSilva pointing me on my misunderstanding about the order of Webpack plugin execution.
I solved my task in the following way.
For doing its job DirectoryTreePlugin uses the directory-tree library. So I just imported it in Webpack config file, filled in my array in dirTree callback and pass it (array) to DefinePlugin.
Upvotes: 1