B Mart
B Mart

Reputation: 51

pyspark nested columns in a string

I am working with PySpark. I have a DataFrame loaded from csv that contains the following schema:

 |-- id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- date: date (nullable = true)
 |-- users: string (nullable = true)

If I show the first two rows it looks like:

| id|      date|users                                              |
|  1|2017-12-03|{"1":["xxx","yyy","zzz"],"2":["aaa","bbb"],"3":[]} |
|  2|2017-12-04|{"1":["uuu","yyy","zzz"],"2":["aaa"],"3":[]}       |

I would like to create a new DataFrame that contains the 'user' string broken out by each element. I would like something similar to

id  user_id     user_product
1   1           xxx
1   1           yyy
1   1           zzz
1   2           aaa
1   2           bbb
1   3           <null>
2   1           uuu


I have tried many approaches but can't seem to get it working. The closest I can get is defining the schema such as the following and creating a new df applying schema using from_json:

userSchema = StructType([
    StructField("user_id", StringType()),
    StructField("product_list", StructType([
        StructField("product", StringType())

user_df = in_csv.select('id',from_json(in_csv.users, userSchema).alias("test"))

This returns the correct schema:

 |-- id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- test: struct (nullable = true)
 |    |-- user_id: string (nullable = true)
 |    |-- product_list: struct (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- product: string (nullable = true)

but when I show any part of the 'test' struct it returns nulls instead of values e.g.


returns test.user_id :

|   null|
|   null|

Maybe I shouldn't be using the from_json as the users string is not pure JSON. Any help as to approach I could take?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1288

Answers (2)

Aaron Makubuya
Aaron Makubuya

Reputation: 1007

The schema should conform to the shape of the data. Unfortunately from_json supports only StructType(...) or ArrayType(StructType(...)) which won't be useful here, unless you can guarantee that all records have the same set of key.

Instead, you can use an UserDefinedFunction:

import json
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, udf

df = spark.createDataFrame([
    (1, "2017-12-03", """{"1":["xxx","yyy","zzz"],"2":["aaa","bbb"],"3":[]}"""),
    (2, "2017-12-04", """{"1":["uuu","yyy","zzz"],"2":["aaa"],"3":[]}""")],
    ("id", "date", "users")

@udf("map<string, array<string>>")
def parse(s):
        return json.loads(s)

     .select("id", "date", 
             explode(parse("users")).alias("user_id", "user_product"))
     .withColumn("user_product", explode("user_product"))
# +---+----------+-------+------------+
# | id|      date|user_id|user_product|
# +---+----------+-------+------------+
# |  1|2017-12-03|      1|         xxx|
# |  1|2017-12-03|      1|         yyy|
# |  1|2017-12-03|      1|         zzz|
# |  1|2017-12-03|      2|         aaa|
# |  1|2017-12-03|      2|         bbb|
# |  2|2017-12-04|      1|         uuu|
# |  2|2017-12-04|      1|         yyy|
# |  2|2017-12-04|      1|         zzz|
# |  2|2017-12-04|      2|         aaa|
# +---+----------+-------+------------+

Upvotes: 1

mayank agrawal
mayank agrawal

Reputation: 2545

You dont need to use from_json. You have to explode two times, one for user_id and one for users.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

df = sql.createDataFrame([
        (1,'2017-12-03',{"1":["xxx","yyy","zzz"],"2":["aaa","bbb"],"3":[]} ),   
        (2,'2017-12-04',{"1":["uuu","yyy","zzz"],"2":["aaa"],      "3":[]} )],

df = df.select('id','date',F.explode('users').alias('user_id','users'))\


| id|      date|user_id|users|
|  1|2017-12-03|      1|  xxx|
|  1|2017-12-03|      1|  yyy|
|  1|2017-12-03|      1|  zzz|
|  1|2017-12-03|      2|  aaa|
|  1|2017-12-03|      2|  bbb|
|  2|2017-12-04|      1|  uuu|
|  2|2017-12-04|      1|  yyy|
|  2|2017-12-04|      1|  zzz|
|  2|2017-12-04|      2|  aaa|

Upvotes: 0

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