Reputation: 301
I have grabbed a range of cells from my Excel Worksheet, but for each cell in the range I am wanting to add a string + opening html, then add cell 1 from range I grabbed from my Excel sheet, then add closing html, and finally move to cell 2 in the range. Repeating the process for the next string + opening html + cell 2 + closing html.
The method I am using currently is incorrect as it is placing ALL the strings, html and the current cell to the body every time, and then moving to cell 2 in the range!
Here is my code so far:
Sub Email_Figures_Click()
'Lets dim the things we need
Dim CDO_Mail As Object
Dim CDO_Config As Object
Dim SMTP_Config As Variant
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strFrom As String
Dim strTo As String
Dim strCc As String
Dim strBcc As String
Dim myRng As Range
'To begin with, we want a clean Range, meaning nothing inside
Set myRng = Nothing
'So I am setting the cells I wish to use from the Excel Sheet Monthly Figures
Set myRng = Sheets("Monthly Figures").Range("B5,B6,B8,B9,B10,B11,B12,B13,B15,B17,B18,B19,B20,B22,B23,B25").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'Error Handling message, just incase
If myRng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected" & _
vbNewLine & "Please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
html_text = _
"<font style='size:22px;weight:bold;'>**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures</font></br></br>"
For Each Row In myRng.Rows
For Each cell In Row.Cells
html_text = html_text & _
"<font style='size:18px;'>Month: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"<font style='size:14px;'>Purchases Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Purchases Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & "</font></br></br>"
html_text = html_text & _
"Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & "</font></br>"
html_text = html_text & _
"Paid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Unpaid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Paid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Unpaid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Float Money Starting Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Float Money Current Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Float Money In: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Float Money Out: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Cash Sales Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Cash Sales Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
html_text = html_text & _
"Months Evaluation: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
Next cell
Next Row
'Some more sexy error handling
Set CDO_Mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
On Error GoTo Error_Handling
'Sets our SMTP settings so we can send emails....and stuff.
Set CDO_Config = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
CDO_Config.Load -1
Set SMTP_Config = CDO_Config.Fields
With SMTP_Config
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = "**HIDDEN**"
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = "HIDDEN"
.Item("") = "HIDDEN"
.Item("") = 25
.Item("") = False
End With
'This is where I made myself a cup of tea because I was getting tired! :D
With CDO_Mail
Set .Configuration = CDO_Config
End With
'And finally this is the email subject, to, from, body, cc, and any bcc
CDO_Mail.Subject = "HIDDEN"
CDO_Mail.From = "HIDDEN"
CDO_Mail.To = "HIDDEN"
CDO_Mail.HTMLBody = html_text
CDO_Mail.CC = ""
CDO_Mail.BCC = ""
'Send the message
'Error handling
If Err.Description <> "" Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Sub Print_Figures_Click()
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut ' print
End Sub
(Note: This code has been updated 18/07/2018 to show an amended For Each Row In myRng.Rows
& HTML being used, but still requires further amendments.)
This 'may' be a possible part-solution but I am not sure how to implement it correctly:
' Declare an array with 18 elements including 0 as the first.
Dim my_body_text(17) As String
' Assign values to each element.
my_body_text(0) = _
"<font style='size:22px;weight:bold;'>**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures</font></br></br>"
my_body_text(1) = my_body_text(0) & _
"<font style='size:18px;'>Month: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(2) = my_body_text(1) & _
"<font style='size:14px;'>Purchases Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(3) = my_body_text(2) & _
"Purchases Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(4) = my_body_text(3) & _
"Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(5) = my_body_text(4) & _
"Paid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(6) = my_body_text(5) & _
"Unpaid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(7) = my_body_text(6) & _
"Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(8) = my_body_text(7) & _
"Paid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(9) = my_body_text(8) & _
"Unpaid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(10) = my_body_text(9) & _
"Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(11) = my_body_text(10) & _
"Float Money Starting Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(12) = my_body_text(11) & _
"Float Money Current Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(13) = my_body_text(12) & _
"Float Money In: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(14) = my_body_text(13) & _
"Float Money Out: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(15) = my_body_text(14) & _
"Cash Sales Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(16) = my_body_text(15) & _
"Cash Sales Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
my_body_text(17) = my_body_text(16) & _
"Months Evaluation: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
cell.Text & _
' Create a 10-element integer array.
Dim i As Integer
' Add info & increase by 1 each time.
For i = 0 To 17
my_body_text(i) = my_body_text(i) + 1
Next i
Any help is appreciated!
Update on the code being used now as of 19/07/2018:
This version is correctly sending the email, and correctly sending each of the Cell.Text
, but for some reason it is not sending the <font>
tags or the strings within the <font>
For example: instead of placing the full string "Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text
from Case 10
into the html_text, it is placing: Month:
from the Case 1
without the <font>
tags in every time, and then adding the correctly updated Cell.Text
Its almost working... Can you advise what I am missing?
(And is there a way to put copy the currency symbol also? As only a question mark displays for currency symbols other than $ or £ copied. I know the unicode for what I am wanting is U+0E3F. Can this just be placed in a string?)
'Begin Email button
Sub Email_Figures_Click()
'Dims the things we need
Dim CDO_Mail As Object
Dim CDO_Config As Object
Dim SMTP_Config As Variant
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strFrom As String
Dim strTo As String
Dim strCc As String
Dim strBcc As String
Dim myRng As Range
Dim CaseRange As Integer
'To begin with, we want a clean Range, meaning nothing inside
Set myRng = Nothing
'So I am setting the cells I wish to use from the Excel Sheet Monthly Figures
Set myRng = Sheets("Monthly Figures").Range("B2,B5,B6,B8,B9,B10,B11,B12,B13,B15,B17,B18,B19,B20,B22,B23,B25").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'Error Handling message, just incase
If myRng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected" & _
vbNewLine & "please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
'Sets the email body title (inside the html_text)
html_text = "<font style='size:22px;weight:bold;'>**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures</font></br></br>"
'Defaults the CaseRange to 1
CaseRange = 1
For Each Row In myRng.Rows 'For each Row
For Each Cell In Row.Cells 'And for each cell in the Row
Select Case CaseRange 'Select a Case from our CaseRange
Case 1
html_text = html_text & "<font style='size:18px;'>Month: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>"
Case 2
html_text = html_text & "<font style='size:14px;'>Purchases Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 3
html_text = html_text & "Purchases Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>"
Case 4
html_text = html_text & "Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 5
html_text = html_text & "Paid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 6
html_text = html_text & "Unpaid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 7
html_text = html_text & "Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 8
html_text = html_text & "Paid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 9
html_text = html_text & "Unpaid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>"
Case 10
html_text = html_text & "Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>"
Case 11
html_text = html_text & "Float Money Starting Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 12
html_text = html_text & "Float Money Current Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 13
html_text = html_text & "Float Money In: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 14
html_text = html_text & "Float Money Out: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>"
Case 15
html_text = html_text & "Cash Sales Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>"
Case 16
html_text = html_text & "Months Evaluation: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></font></br>"
Case Else
html_text = html_text & "Error: Cannot find the Case Cell Number to import to email"
End Select
Next Cell 'Jump to the next cell and repeat the the process
Next Row ' Jump to next Row and repeat the process
'error handling
Set CDO_Mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
On Error GoTo Error_Handling
'Sets our SMTP settings so we can send emails
Set CDO_Config = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
CDO_Config.Load -1
Set SMTP_Config = CDO_Config.Fields
'Settings for sending the email
With SMTP_Config
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = "**HIDDEN**"
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = "**HIDDEN**"
.Item("") = "**HIDDEN**"
.Item("") = 25
.Item("") = False
End With
'Sets the config
With CDO_Mail
Set .Configuration = CDO_Config
End With
'Defines Email Attributes
CDO_Mail.Subject = "**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures"
CDO_Mail.From = "**HIDDEN**"
CDO_Mail.To = "**HIDDEN**"
CDO_Mail.HTMLBody = html_text
CDO_Mail.CC = ""
CDO_Mail.BCC = ""
'Sends the email
'Error handling and email sent successfully confirmation
If Err.Description <> "" Then MsgBox Err.Description Else MsgBox "Message sent successfully"
'End the button
End Sub
Sub Print_Figures_Click()
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut ' print
End Sub
Screenshot below of the email output
Dummy Data that is being passed by email
Updated 20/07/2017 to make my Case selction more like what @Paul has suggested
Notes & Updates:
CSS style related html doesn't seem to work. For example: <h3></h>
& <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'></font>
, These simply do not want to work within the Case Selections. I would have to use <b><font color='green' size='14'>
. This being said, it picks up the very first HTML tag in the first Case only that is being used and applies to everything in html_text after that. Despite having closing HTML tags!
I don't see any difference with using my 1 Range of all the cells, and using your 2 Ranges , 1 for Headers and 1 for Totals. It seems to do the same thing. I have tried both options though just to eliminate this option. I have then gone and added all Title Headings for each total into the Range also, so the range cell count has now doubled.
From your last update to your answer explains the Cases a lot more than what I was able to find anywhere else online, so thanks for that. I have now changed my Cases to make them similar to your own as much as possible.
Below is the full code to date:
'Begin Email button
Sub Email_Figures_Click()
'Dims the things we need
Dim CDO_Mail As Object
Dim CDO_Config As Object
Dim SMTP_Config As Variant
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strFrom As String
Dim strTo As String
Dim strCc As String
Dim strBcc As String
Dim myRng As Range
Dim CaseRange As Integer
'To begin with, we want a clean Range, meaning nothing inside
Set myRng = Nothing
'So I am setting the cells I wish to use from the Excel Sheet Monthly Figures
Set myRng = Sheets("Monthly Figures").Range("A2,B2,A5,B5,A6,B6,A8,B8,A9,B9,A10,B10,A11,B11,A12,B12,A13,B13,A15,B15,A17,B17,A18,B18,A19,B19,A20,B20,A22,B22,A23,B23,A25,B25").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'Error Handling message, just incase
If myRng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected" & _
vbNewLine & "please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
'Sets the email body title (inside the html_text)
html_text = "<html><body><h1>**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures</h1><br><br /><br><br />"
'Defaults the CaseRange to 1
CaseRange = 1
For Each Row In myRng.Rows 'For each Row
For Each Cell In Row.Cells 'And for each cell in the Row
Select Case CaseRange
'Month Title Heading
Case 1
html_text = html_text & _
"<h2>" & _
Cell.Text & _
'The Month
Case 2
html_text = html_text & _
"<h2>" & _
Cell.Text & _
'All other Title Headings
Case 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33
html_text = html_text & _
"<h3>" & _
Cell.Text & _
'All the Black Totals
Case 4, 6, 8, 14, 20, 22, 24, 32, 34
html_text = html_text & _
"<h3>" & _
Cell.Text & _
'All the Red Totals
Case 12, 18, 28, 30
html_text = html_text & _
"<h3><font color='red'>" & _
Cell.Text & _
'All the Green Totals
Case 10, 16, 26
html_text = html_text & _
"<h3><font color='green'>" & _
Cell.Text & _
End Select
Next Cell 'Jump to the next cell and repeat the the process
Next Row ' Jump to next Row and repeat the process
'Close our html & body tags before adding to email
html_text = html_text & "</body></html>"
'error handling
Set CDO_Mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
On Error GoTo Error_Handling
'Sets our SMTP settings so we can send emails
Set CDO_Config = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
CDO_Config.Load -1
Set SMTP_Config = CDO_Config.Fields
'Settings for sending the email
With SMTP_Config
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = "**HIDDEN**"
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = "**HIDDEN**"
.Item("") = "**HIDDEN**"
.Item("") = 25
.Item("") = False
End With
'Sets the config
With CDO_Mail
Set .Configuration = CDO_Config
End With
'Defines Email Attributes
CDO_Mail.Subject = "**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures"
CDO_Mail.From = "**HIDDEN**"
CDO_Mail.To = "**HIDDEN**"
CDO_Mail.HTMLBody = html_text
CDO_Mail.CC = ""
CDO_Mail.BCC = ""
'Sends the email
'Error handling and email sent successfully confirmation
If Err.Description <> "" Then MsgBox Err.Description Else MsgBox "Message sent successfully"
'End the button
End Sub
And here is the outputted email:
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1184
All those Next
statements are going to cause you a problem.
What I would say is put the title for the statistic in the cell above, then you can include that in the range. From there it's simply a case of...
Const colStart As Integer = 5: Const colEnd As Integer = 25
Const rowTitle As Integer = 2: Const rowData As Integer = 3
Dim x As Integer
Dim msg As String
For x = colStart To colEnd
If Cells(rowTitle, x) <> "" Then
msg = msg & Cells(rowTitle, x) & _
"<font style='weight:bold;size:18px;'>" & Cells(rowData, x) & "</font>"
End If
Next x
Alternatively you could create a list of strings that you want to use and split them...
Dim strTitles() As String
strTitles = Split("List of titles,and other,things", ",")
Dim x As Integer
For x = colStart To colEnd
Or you could keep a reference sheet for things like titles and switch between the two using a similar method to that mentioned above...
For x = colStart To colEnd
If Worksheets(0).Cells(rowTitle, x) <> "" Then
msg = msg & Worksheets(0).Cells(rowTitle, x) & _
"<font style='weight:bold;size:18px;'>" & _
Worksheets(1).Cells(rowData, x) & _
End If
Next x
Yet another option would be to have a worksheet to control all of your settings. For example...
And then read the values from this to get your values from the appropriate location...
Dim strSht As String
Dim row As Integer, cols As Integer, x As Integer
strSheet = Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(1,1)
row = Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(2,1)
cols = Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(3,1)
For x = 4 to 3 + cols
msg = msg & _
"<strong>" & _
Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(x,1) & _
"</strong>" & _
Worksheets(strSht).Cells(row, Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(x,1))
Next x
You've missed the point completely. There's absolutely no reason to have a loop if you're going to independently format every single string in this manner.
Firstly, design is crucial - you simply do not want to be changing too many font settings. Rather than use font-size: 22pt; weight: bold;
, consider using the <h1>
tag. Likewise for the slightly smaller font, use <h2>
. For anything that needs to stand out, use <strong>
, and use <em>
for anything that needs emphasising (you could use the <b>
or <i>
tags if you prefer, as their use is becoming more accepted once again, though it's a love hate relationship with some, though in your case their use would be semantically specific). Changing font size way too many times makes your email more difficult to read.
If you have to use colour, then only use two - black and another colour. Again, changing the colour too frequently makes it messy (IMO). For instance, the financial developers that I know, tend to only use black and red, and guess which text is usually red?...
Using Select Case
The idea behind Select Case
was to limit the amount of work you had to do. In your case this simply isn't going to work unless you change your design. The reason I recommended it was to try and help you limit that amount of reformatting you were about to do.
Select Case
is intended to work with a small number of options from a larger total. For instance, in your case, you could have used...
Const rowHead As Integer = theRowNumberThatHasTheHeadingsOnIt
Dim rowData As Integer, colStart, colEnd
rowData = theRowNumberThatHasTheDataOnIt
colStart = theFirstColumnInTheList
colEnd = theLastColumnInTheList
Dim msgText As String
For x = colStart To colEnd
Select Case x
Case 1
msgText = _
"<h1>" & _
Cell(x, rowData) & _
Case 2
msgText = _
"<h2>" & _
Cell(x, rowData) & _
Case 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16
msgText = _
"<strong>" & _
Cell(x, rowHead) & ": " & _
"</strong>" & _
Cell(x, rowData)
Case 5, 8, 13
msgText = _
"<strong style='color: green;'>" & _
Cell(x, rowHead) & ": " & _
"</strong>" & _
Cell(x, rowData)
Case 6, 9, 14, 15
msgText = _
"<strong style='color: red;'>" & _
Cell(x, rowHead) & ": " & _
"</strong>" & _
Cell(x, rowData)
Case Else
'Not really necessary, as you really want to skip any columns
'that you don't want, but your could put whatever doesn't quite
'fit here.
End Select
htmlMsg = htmlMsg & msgText
Next x
Notice the way I've used the Select Case
statement - if particular columns in your list are not required in your email, then do not include them in the Case
statement lines, that way they'll be skipped over.
I can't make it any clearer than that, really.
Good reading, though, would be the PHP switch
statement that I included in the comments for your post.
Upvotes: 2