Reputation: 5531
There is an old question about this but at that time Smack didn't have support for this XMPP extension (XEP-0333). Also there is a question in but it has no answer and it was focused to ask when they are going to give support for xep-0333 extension.
At this moment it's supported by Smack in Experimental Smack Extensions and you can find the code here.
I have been looking for examples, guide or how to use this extension with no luck so far. I tried digging in the code too hoping find some javadoc about how to use but no success either.
The goal of this question is obtain a snippet of code of how can I use it in smack 4.x.x
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1112
Reputation: 5531
update: waiting for a PR code review in order to update the following code.
Answering my own question:
As I said Smack library has Experimental support to XEP-0333, after try using it with version 4.2 and 4.3.0-rc1 I found the XEP-0333 needed be improved in order to make it works like IncomingChatMessageListener
or ChatStateListener
Moreover I couldn't make it works only using OutgoingChatMessageListener
and IncomingChatMessageListener
interfaces because inside they check that the <message>
has a <body>
tag (because xmpp protocol rules), but that rule doesn't apply to XEP-0333:
When the recipient sends a Chat Marker, it SHOULD ensure that the message stanza contains only the Chat Marker child element and optionally (when appropriate) a thread child element. Naturally, intermediate entities might add other extension elements to the message when routing or delivering the receipt message, e.g., a element as specified in Delayed Delivery (XEP-0203).
So what I did was improve ChatMarkersManager
class following architecture and behavior from ChatManager
(version 2) and ChatStateManager
The following code is the improved one (I still need a feedback from Smack library guys) but it's working:
public final class ChatMarkersManager extends Manager {
private static final Map<XMPPConnection, ChatMarkersManager> INSTANCES = new WeakHashMap<>();
private static final StanzaFilter FILTER = new NotFilter(new StanzaExtensionFilter(ChatMarkersElements.NAMESPACE));
private static final StanzaFilter CHAT_STATE_FILTER = new NotFilter(new StanzaExtensionFilter(ChatStateManager.NAMESPACE));
private static final StanzaFilter MESSAGE_FILTER = new OrFilter(
private static final StanzaFilter INCOMING_MESSAGE_FILTER = new AndFilter(
new StanzaExtensionFilter(ChatMarkersElements.NAMESPACE)
private final Set<IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener> incomingListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
private final AsyncButOrdered<Chat> asyncButOrdered = new AsyncButOrdered<>();
private ChatMarkersManager(XMPPConnection connection) {
connection.addStanzaInterceptor(new StanzaListener() {
public void processStanza(Stanza packet)
SmackException.NotLoggedInException {
Message message = (Message) packet;
if (shouldDiscardMessage(message)) {
if (message.getBodies().isEmpty()) {
// if message already has a chatMarkerExtension, then do nothing,
if (!FILTER.accept(message)) {
// otherwise add a markable extension,
message.addExtension(new ChatMarkersElements.MarkableExtension());
connection.addSyncStanzaListener(new StanzaListener() {
public void processStanza(Stanza packet)
SmackException.NotLoggedInException {
final Message message = (Message) packet;
if (shouldDiscardMessage(message)) {
EntityFullJid fullFrom = message.getFrom().asEntityFullJidIfPossible();
EntityBareJid bareFrom = fullFrom.asEntityBareJid();
final Chat chat = ChatManager.getInstanceFor(connection()).chatWith(bareFrom);
List<IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener> listeners;
synchronized (incomingListeners) {
listeners = new ArrayList<>(incomingListeners.size());
final List<IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener> finalListeners = listeners;
asyncButOrdered.performAsyncButOrdered(chat, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener listener : finalListeners) {
if (ChatMarkersElements.MarkableExtension.from(message) != null) {
} else if (ChatMarkersElements.ReceivedExtension.from(message) != null) {
} else if (ChatMarkersElements.DisplayedExtension.from(message) != null) {
} else if (ChatMarkersElements.AcknowledgedExtension.from(message) != null) {
* Get the singleton instance of ChatMarkersManager.
* @param connection
* @return the instance of ChatMarkersManager
public static synchronized ChatMarkersManager getInstanceFor(XMPPConnection connection) {
ChatMarkersManager chatMarkersManager = INSTANCES.get(connection);
if (chatMarkersManager == null) {
chatMarkersManager = new ChatMarkersManager(connection);
INSTANCES.put(connection, chatMarkersManager);
return chatMarkersManager;
* Register a IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener. That listener will be informed about new
* incoming markable messages.
* @param listener IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener
* @return true, if the listener was not registered before
public boolean addIncomingChatMarkerMessageListener(IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener listener) {
synchronized (incomingListeners) {
return incomingListeners.add(listener);
* Unregister a IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener.
* @param listener IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener
* @return true, if the listener was registered before
public boolean removeIncomingChatMarkerMessageListener(IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener listener) {
synchronized (incomingListeners) {
return incomingListeners.remove(listener);
public void markMessageAsReceived(String id, Jid to, Jid from, String thread)
InterruptedException {
Message message = createMessage(id, to, from, thread);
message.addExtension(new ChatMarkersElements.ReceivedExtension(id));
public void markMessageAsDisplayed(String id, Jid to, Jid from, String thread)
InterruptedException {
Message message = createMessage(id, to, from, thread);
message.addExtension(new ChatMarkersElements.DisplayedExtension(id));
public void markMessageAsAcknowledged(String id, Jid to, Jid from, String thread)
InterruptedException {
Message message = createMessage(id, to, from, thread);
message.addExtension(new ChatMarkersElements.AcknowledgedExtension(id));
private Message createMessage(String id, Jid to, Jid from, String thread) {
Message message = new Message();
return message;
private void sendChatMarkerMessage(Message message) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException, InterruptedException {
* From XEP-0333, Protocol Format: The Chat Marker MUST have an 'id' which is the 'id' of the
* message being marked.
* @param message to be analyzed.
* @return true if the message contains a stanza Id.
* @see <a href="">XEP-0333: Chat Markers</a>
private boolean shouldDiscardMessage(Message message) {
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(message.getStanzaId())) {
return true;
if (!CHAT_STATE_FILTER.accept(message)) {
ExtensionElement extension = message.getExtension(ChatStateManager.NAMESPACE);
String chatStateElementName = extension.getElementName();
ChatState state;
try {
state = ChatState.valueOf(chatStateElementName);
return !(state ==;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if Chat Markers is supported by the server.
* @return true if Chat Markers is supported by the server.
* @throws SmackException.NotConnectedException
* @throws XMPPException.XMPPErrorException
* @throws SmackException.NoResponseException
* @throws InterruptedException
public boolean isSupportedByServer()
throws SmackException.NoResponseException, XMPPException.XMPPErrorException, SmackException.NotConnectedException, InterruptedException {
return ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor(connection())
The interface
is simple:
public interface IncomingChatMarkerMessageListener {
void newMarkableMessage(Message message);
void newReceivedMessage(Message message);
void newDisplayedMessage(Message message);
void newAcknowledgedMessage(Message message);
At this moment I'm not using the Chat
object so I'm not passing it through the interface but it can be added easily. Actually I want to be enable to deal with Chat
and MultiChat.
This can be used alongside with XEP-0085 as the document suggest in 8.5 Interaction with Chat States.
Like I said before it's working, following protocol rules but I have some questions that I can't answer and I'm hopping get some feedback from Smack library guys :D
Upvotes: 4