I would like to know how to use 'or' operator in that case:
getOrderDeadline(order) {
return order.getDeadlines({
limit: 1,
where: {
'$OrdersDeadlines.initialDate$': { [this.Sequelize.Op.lte]: new Date() },
'$OrdersDeadlines.finishDate$': { [this.Sequelize.Op.gte]: new Date() },
order: [['situationId', 'DESC']],
I need to get a deadline inside my current date, but sometime a deadline may have an indeterminate date, a null value in finishDate column. So I need to use 'or' operator.
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Views: 1227
Well, based on @PhilippeAuriach answer, I solved my problem. So I will explain why I used the code below. In our App an Order have situations, a situation represents the current state of an Order and it has many deadlines, for Situations and Deadlines we have a table for each other with Name and ID. So I limited my select to one and get the row with the last situation, but sometimes a deadline may have a undefined finish date. What I did not understand is how to use the Operator, for me it is a little bit confusing, but now I see that I need to wrap my conditions using the Operator in Sequelize. So here is the code:
getOrderDeadlines(order) {
const Operator = this.Sequelize.Op;
const currentDate = new Date();
return order.getDeadlines({
limit: 1,
where: {
[Operator.or]: [
'$OrdersDeadlines.initialDate$': { [Operator.lte]: currentDate },
'$OrdersDeadlines.finishDate$': { [Operator.gte]: currentDate },
'$OrdersDeadlines.initialDate$': { [Operator.lte]: currentDate },
'$OrdersDeadlines.finishDate$': null,
order: [['situationId', 'DESC']],
@PhilippeAuriach, Thank you.
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You should use the or operator the following way :
getOrderDeadline(order) {
const Op = this.Sequelize.Op;
const now = new Date();
return order.getDeadlines({
limit: 1,
where: {
[Op.or]: [
[Op.and]: [
{'$OrdersDeadlines.initialDate$': { []: now }},
{'$OrdersDeadlines.finishDate$': { []: now }},
{'$OrdersDeadlines.initialDate$': { []: now }},
order: [['situationId', 'DESC']],
Updated according to your comment. Aside note : as you said '<' I used and instead of Op.gte and Op.lte.
Also, this corresponds to the following query as you wanted :
( initialDate < currentDate and finishDate > currentDate )
or ( initialDate < currentDate )
which is exactly the same as just ( initialDate < currentDate )
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