Reputation: 23
So, I recently found quite an issue with my site: when it first loads, a section of the website is missing. After some tests, I found that this line was sometimes false: @if (Model != null && Model.Any())
. After a test using a single Modal == null
, I found that yes, the issue is that it's sometimes null
. Also, I found that the best way for me to reproduce the issue (no error messages) is to restart visual studio. CTRL + F5
does not make it be null. Any ideas why is that ?
Here's the Model and the part of cshtml:
public class BlogModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public bool AfficheAuteur { get; set; }
public string Alias { get; set; }
public string Sujet { get; set; }
public string Auteur { get; set; }
public string Photo { get; set; }
public int? Ordre { get; set; }
public PostModel Post { get; set; }
public class PostModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Alias { get; set; }
public string Nom { get; set; }
@model IList<Project.Models.Shared.BlogModel>
@if (Model != null && Model.Any())
Note that I'm using Core MVC with razor.
public static IList<BlogModel> GetBlogs()
var _lock = new object();
var strKey = string.Format("Home-Blogs-{0}", Site.Id);
var blogs = (IList<BlogModel>)CacheManager.Get(strKey);
if (blogs == null)
lock (_lock)
blogs = (IList<BlogModel>)CacheManager.Get(strKey);
if (blogs == null)
using (var context = new DB())
context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
var nIdSite = Site.Id;
var bl = (from b in context.Blog
where b.Actif &&
(b.IdsSite.Contains("," + nIdSite + ",")) &&
b.Posts.Any(y => y.Publier)
orderby b.Ordre
select new BlogModel()
Id = b.Id,
AfficheAuteur = b.AfficherAuteur,
Alias = b.Alias,
Sujet = b.Sujet,
Photo = b.Image,
Auteur = b.User.Profile.FirstName + " " + b.User.Profile.LastName,
Ordre = b.Ordre,
Post = (from p in context.BlogPost
where p.Publier &&
p.IdBlog == b.Id &&
p.DateAffichage <= DateTime.Now
orderby p.DateAffichage descending
select new PostModel()
Id = p.Id,
Alias = p.Alias,
Nom = p.Nom
CacheManager.Insert(strKey, bl, null, 10800, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.High, null);
return blogs;
return blogs;
public ActionResult Index(GridSettings settings, string strQuery)
var model = new IndexBlogViewModel(settings, blogService, strQuery);
ViewBag.FilAriane.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(Url.Action("Index", "Home"), "Accueil"));
ViewBag.FilAriane.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("", "Blogs"));
return View(model);
public ActionResult Create()
var model = new BlogFormViewModel { Blog = new Entitie.Blog { IdSite = IdSite } };
var lstUser = new List<User>();
var cfUserProvider = new CFUserProvider();
foreach (var mu in cfUserProvider.GetAllUsers().Cast<MembershipUser>())
var r = new CFRoleProvider();
if (r.IsUserInRole(mu.UserName, "Bloggeur"))
var u = new User { Username = mu.UserName, Id = Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey) };
model.User = lstUser.Select(x => new SelectListItem
Text = x.Username,
Value = x.Id.ToString()
model.Sites = siteService.GetAll(x => x.IdEntreprise == IdEntreprise)
.Select(x => new CheckBoxListItem
Id = x.Id,
Display = x.Nom,
IsChecked = false
ViewBag.FilAriane.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(Url.Action("Index", "Home"), "Accueil"));
ViewBag.FilAriane.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("", "Blog"));
return View(model);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 359
Reputation: 23
Found it... It was checking for null and if it was, was adding it to cache but still returning the non-updated variable. Simply had to update it before returning...
blogs = (IList<BlogModel>)CacheManager.Get(strKey);
before returning.
Upvotes: 1