Reputation: 123
I want to show a YouTube video inside a WebBrowser control, but I want to disable all user interactions (no mouse clicks no keyboard events...).
I am catching all control's preview, mouse and keyboard events and furthermore I put some handlers to the loaded HTML document, but without any success:
void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted( object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e )
if(webBrowser1.Document != null) {
var doc = webBrowser1.Document;
doc.Body.Style = "overflow:hidden";
doc.Click += htmlDoc_Click;
doc.MouseDown += htmlDoc_MouseDown;
doc.MouseMove += htmlDoc_MouseMove;
webBrowser1.Document.Body.Click += new HtmlElementEventHandler(htmlDoc_Click);
webBrowser1.Document.Body.MouseDown += new HtmlElementEventHandler(Document_MouseDown);
webBrowser1.Document.Body.MouseUp += new HtmlElementEventHandler(Document_MouseMove);
webBrowser1.Document.Body.MouseUp += new HtmlElementEventHandler(Document_MouseUp);
HtmlElement head = doc.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0];
HtmlElement mscript = doc.CreateElement("script");
IHTMLScriptElement element = (IHTMLScriptElement)mscript.DomElement;
element.text = "function handleMouseEvent(e) { "
+ "var evt = (e==null ? event:e); "
+ "return true; } "
+ "document.onmousedown = handleMouseEvent; "
+ "document.onmouseup = handleMouseEvent; "
+ "document.onclick = handleMouseEvent; ";
Also it would be fine to overlay a transparent Control "in front of" the WebBrowser control.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 873
Reputation: 32288
This is a custom control derived from a standard WinForms Panel, modified to be completely transparent but "solid" (receives the Mouse events).
The transparency is achieved using CreateParams adding an ExStyle = WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
Also, Control.SetStyle() method is used to modify the control behaviour, adding these ControlStyles:
prevents the painting of the control BackGround
, so it's not managed by the System.
allows the control to accept Alpha values for it's background color.
causes the redrawing of the control when it's resized.
The Custom Control is initialized passing a reference of the control it has to overlay. It then resizes itself to the size of this referenced control, excluding the ScrollBars from this measure, so they can be used.
class and call the helper method CreateOverlay(Control control)
:private OverlayPanel overlayPanel;
private void CreateOverlay(Control control)
overlayPanel = new OverlayPanel(this.webBrowser1);
The OverlayPanel
class code can be inserted in a Form or in a class file of its own.
It should be created when all controls in a Form already have their dimensions set: in the Form.Shown()
event or any other time when the parent form is visible. The Form.Load()
event might also well work most of the time, anyway.
As a note, this OverlayPanel
doesn't have a Resize
method at this moment, which is required if the overlayed control is resized at some point. But it's quite a simple implementation, should it be needed.
private class OverlayPanel : Panel
internal int WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 0x00000020;
public OverlayPanel(Control RefControl)
this.Size = new Size(RefControl.Size.Width - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth,
RefControl.Size.Height - SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight);
this.Location = RefControl.Location;
private void InitializeComponent()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque |
ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, false);
this.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams parameters = base.CreateParams;
parameters.ExStyle |= WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;
return parameters;
Upvotes: 2