Reputation: 147
I am trying to setup hyperledger network on centos
Using 1.1.0 images from ibmblockchain docker hub.
I am able to start up the network without any issues. that is 1 orderer, 3 kafkas, 3 zookeepers and 2 peers.
But every time i try to instantiate chaincode, I see the below error in the peer docker containers. Can anyone help me with this issue.
2018-07-19 19:05:30.570 UTC [dockercontroller] Start -> ERRO 3ac start-could not recreate container , because of Post http://unix.sock/containers/create?name=dev-peer1.bns-250A-v1.0.2-b3: dial unix /host/var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied 2018-07-19 19:05:30.570 UTC [container] unlockContainer -> DEBU 3ad container lock deleted(dev-peer1.bns-250A-v1.0.2-b3) 2018-07-19 19:05:30.570 UTC [chaincode] launchAndWaitForRegister -> DEBU 3ae stopping due to error while launching: Post http://unix.sock/containers/create?name=dev-peer1-chaincode1-v1.0.2-b3: dial unix /host/var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied error starting container.
Thank you.
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Views: 1443
Reputation: 2506
Turn off Grpc FUSE from docker desktop for macos did the work for me.
You will find it settings > General >
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 405
The problem is a permission issue with /var/run/docker.sock
Check your /var/run/docker.sock
ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
will let u know if you have the correct .permission
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
should give it correct rw access.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 147
I was able to fix this by adding Username, UserID and GroupID permissions to the docker run command.
Ex: container_name: image: ibmblockchain/fabric-peer-$ARCH:1.1.0 environment: - CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL=debug - CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG - CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock - - - CORE_VM_DOCKER_HOSTCONFIG_NETWORKMODE=composer_default - CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP - CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/peer/msp - CORE_LEDGER_STATE_STATEDATABASE=CouchDB - CORE_LEDGER_STATE_COUCHDBCONFIG_COUCHDBADDRESS=couchdb:5984 - USERNAME=(your userid) - USER_ID=1000 - GROUP_ID=999
This is mentioned as the solution in ibmblockchain github repo :
Upvotes: 1