I need to perform many math operations on numbers that look like 104.950178
- i.e. having multiple decimal places. It ranges from 4 decimal places to 8 decimal places with an occasional 10 decimal place number.
After much reading on Stack Overflow, I understand that I should not use float
but instead use Decimal
, because float
is base 2 and Decimal
is base 10. Having many math operations, float
will give a result with error, which was not what I wanted, so I went with Decimal
Everything was working fine until I encountered:
from decimal import *
Decimal(0.1601).quantize(Decimal('.0001'), rounding=ROUND_FLOOR) #returned Decimal('0.1600')
I need the numbers to be reflected exactly as they are. Can you please advise if there is another number system to use in Python 3, or if there is a way to get Decimal to take the number given as it is without changing its value?
Note: I added the "quantize..." portion of the code due to the comment by Mark to make it a MVCE. I took for granted the output and forgot that every Decimal
in this part of my code was processed to truncate at 4 decimal points.
Nevertheless, @jonrsharpe is really sharp. He saw my question and immediately knew (before the "quantize..." edit) where the problem was. Thanks!
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Views: 99
Instead of:
a = 0.1601
I used:
a = '0.1601'
Defined it as a string
instead, and Decimal
reflected the value exactly. I hope this helps someone.
Upvotes: 1