
Reputation: 10568

Unable to reference BuildConfig in app gradle file - Android Studio

I am experimenting with basic gradle functionality. I am trying to print the product flavor that is currently being built. My gradle build file looks like this:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 27
    flavorDimensions "versionCode"
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.test.test"
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 27
        versionCode 34
        versionName ""
        testInstrumentationRunner ""
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            debuggable false
            multiDexEnabled true
            minifyEnabled false
            shrinkResources false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
            //proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
        release {
            debuggable false
            minifyEnabled true   //for optimization.
            shrinkResources true
            multiDexEnabled true

            logger.debug("Hello world.")
            logger.debug("Build flavor being used: " + BuildConfig.FLAVOR)

            //check for build flavour.
            /*if(BuildConfig.FLAVOR.contentEquals("managed")) {
                logger.debug("Managed flavour being used here.")
            } else if(BuildConfig.FLAVOR.contentEquals("debugFlavor")) {
                logger.debug("Debug flavor being used.")

            //proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

    productFlavors {
        managed {
            applicationId 'com.test.testing'
        debugFlavor {
            applicationId 'com.test.testdebug

Whenever I try to change the Gradle file, I get the following error on sync:

Error:(30, 0) Could not get unknown property 'BuildConfig' for BuildType_Decorated{name=release, debuggable=false, testCoverageEnabled=false, jniDebuggable=false, pseudoLocalesEnabled=false, renderscriptDebuggable=false, renderscriptOptimLevel=3, minifyEnabled=true, zipAlignEnabled=true, signingConfig=null, embedMicroApp=true, mBuildConfigFields={}, mResValues={}, mProguardFiles=[], mConsumerProguardFiles=[], mManifestPlaceholders={}} of type
<a href="openFile:I:\work\workspace\test\app\build.gradle">Open File</a>

I am not sure what the error is. I checked the file in the project repository and they exist and look just fine.

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Views: 3671

Answers (2)


Reputation: 12583

logger.debug("Build flavor being used: " + BuildConfig.FLAVOR)

I am not sure what the error is. I checked the file in the project repository and they exist and look just fine.

This line is technically wrong, is a file generated by gradle build tool, this file can be used only for your Java/Kotlin source code, but not for any of your build.gradle gradle script files.

Inside gradle script, the correct way for printing out build flavor is as below:

project.afterEvaluate {
    android.productFlavors.all { flavor ->
        println " " +

If you want to print out build variants, it can be done as below:

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    println " " +

Upvotes: 1

seyed Jafari
seyed Jafari

Reputation: 1265

as developer.andorid states you should specify each flavor dimension explicitly:

flavorDimensions "version"
productFlavors {
    demo {
        // Assigns this product flavor to the "version" flavor dimension.
        // This property is optional if you are using only one dimension.
        dimension "version"
        applicationIdSuffix ".demo"
        versionNameSuffix "-demo"
    full {
        dimension "version"
        applicationIdSuffix ".full"
        versionNameSuffix "-full"

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