Reputation: 494
I'm trying to make a UI, with elements that resemble Visual Studio. For example, I want my horizontal and vertical tabs, to look like this:
You can't in a Winform. So, I was like ... They probably added that in WPF. Nope.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5156
Reputation: 494
Edit: Code rewrite and posted below
Not wanting to do it by hand, which I knew I had to, I spent a few minutes and created this:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using static VisualStudioLikeControls.misc;
namespace VisualStudioLikeControls
// ADD a multi-tab select system
ComVisible(true), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch),
DefaultProperty("TabPages"), DefaultEvent("SelectedIndexChanged")
public partial class VSTabControl : TabControl
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components background."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 0, 0")]
public Color Background { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components tab background. Only fully shows, if the tabs background color is set to transparent."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 0, 0")]
public Color BackgroundTab { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components border."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 122, 204")]
public Color Border { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 122, 204);
[Category("Custom"), Description("Indicates whether or not you the components Tabpages Headers have border edges."), DefaultValue(true)]
public bool BorderEdges { get; set; } = true;
private int _BorderSize = 1;
[Category("Custom"), Description("The size of the components border."), DefaultValue(1)]
public int BorderSize
get => _BorderSize;
set => _BorderSize = value.LimitToRange(1, 2); //Two is the largest it can be. Anymore won't be seen.
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components Active tabs color."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 122, 204")]
public Color ActiveTab { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 122, 204);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components Alternative tab indicator color.\nUsage : Set the Tag property of the desired TabPage(s) to 1."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "OrangeRed")]
public Color AlternativeTab { get; set; } = Color.OrangeRed;
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components InActive tabs color."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 0, 0")]
public Color InActiveTab { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components Active Tab Indicator."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 122, 204")]
public Color ActiveIndicator { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 122, 204);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components InActive Tab Indicator."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 122, 204")]
public Color InActiveIndicator { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 122, 204);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The size of the components Indicator."), DefaultValue(6)]
public int IndicatorSize { get; set; } = 6; //Might become obsolete
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components Divider."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0, 122, 204")]
public Color Divider { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(0, 122, 204);
private int _DividerSize = 2;
[Category("Custom"), Description("The size of the components Divider."), DefaultValue(2)]
public int DividerSize
get => _DividerSize;
set => _DividerSize = value.LimitToRange(1, 2);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components Active tabs text."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "255, 255, 255")]
public Color ActiveText { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
[Category("Custom"), Description("The color used for the components InActive tabs text."), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "255, 255, 255")]
public Color InActiveText { get; set; } = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
[Category("Custom"), Description("Indicates whether or not you can rearrange the components Tabpages. CLICK on the Tabpages HEADER with the LEFT mousebutton and HOLD DOWN the <SHIFT> KEY, to drag it LEFT or RIGHT."), DefaultValue(false)]
public bool CanDrag { get; set; }
StringFormat format = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center };
private Bitmap bitDrag = default(Bitmap);
private bool bDrag, bMouseDown, bShiftKey;
private Point ptPreviousLocation, ptMaxDrag;
private int DraggedIndex = -1;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
cp.ExStyle |= 0x02000000; // Turn on WS_EX_COMPOSITED to stop flicker
return cp;
public VSTabControl()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.CacheText, true);
Alignment = TabAlignment.Top;
Margin = new Padding(0);
Padding = new Point(0, 0);
Font = new Font("Leelawadee UI", Font.Size);
private void SetDragState() => bDrag = (CanDrag && bMouseDown && bShiftKey);
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
bMouseDown = true;
Rectangle rectDrag = GetTabRect(SelectedIndex);
ptPreviousLocation = new Point(rectDrag.X, rectDrag.Y);
rectDrag.Width += 1; rectDrag.Height += 1;
Bitmap src = new Bitmap(Width, Height);
DrawToBitmap(src, ClientRectangle);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitDrag = new Bitmap(rectDrag.Width, rectDrag.Height)))
g.DrawImage(src, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitDrag.Width, bitDrag.Height), rectDrag, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
if (bDrag)
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top || Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom)
ptPreviousLocation = new Point(((e.X < 0) ? 0 : (e.X > ptMaxDrag.X) ? ptMaxDrag.X : e.X), (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top ? BorderSize : ptMaxDrag.Y));
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left)
ptPreviousLocation = new Point(ptMaxDrag.X, ((e.Y < 0) ? 0 : (e.Y > ptMaxDrag.Y) ? ptMaxDrag.Y : e.Y));
for (int i = 0; i < TabCount; i++)
if (GetTabRect(i).Contains(PointToClient(Cursor.Position))) { DraggedIndex = i; break; }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
void SwapTabPages(TabPage inDestTab)
int SourceIndex = TabPages.IndexOf(SelectedTab);
int DestinationIndex = TabPages.IndexOf(inDestTab);
TabPages[DestinationIndex] = SelectedTab;
TabPages[SourceIndex] = inDestTab;
if (SelectedIndex == SourceIndex) { SelectedIndex = DestinationIndex; }
else if (SelectedIndex == DestinationIndex) { SelectedIndex = SourceIndex; }
bDrag = bMouseDown = false;
if (DraggedIndex > -1)
DraggedIndex = -1;
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs ke) { bShiftKey = ke.Shift; SetDragState(); }
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { bDrag = bShiftKey = false; SetDragState(); }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (DesignMode) return;
e.Graphics.Clear(Background); //Background
Rectangle container = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width - (BorderSize % 2), Height - (BorderSize % 2));
Rectangle containerHead = default(Rectangle);
if (TabCount > 0)
using (SolidBrush brushBackgroundTab = new SolidBrush(BackgroundTab))
using (SolidBrush brushDivider = new SolidBrush(Divider))
//Draws the background of the tab control
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brushBackgroundTab, DisplayRectangle);
//Divider Line
Rectangle rectDivider = GetTabRect(SelectedIndex);
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top || Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom)
(((Alignment == TabAlignment.Top) ? (TabPages[SelectedIndex].Top - DividerSize - (DividerSize % 2)) :
(TabPages[SelectedIndex].Bottom + (DividerSize % 2)))),
(Width - BorderSize), DividerSize
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left)
((Alignment == TabAlignment.Right) ? (TabPages[SelectedIndex].Right + (DividerSize % 2)) : TabPages[SelectedIndex].Left - DividerSize - (DividerSize % 2)),
(Height - (BorderSize * 2))
using (Pen penActive = new Pen(ActiveTab))
using (Pen penBorder = new Pen(Border, BorderSize))
using (SolidBrush brushActive = new SolidBrush(ActiveTab))
using (SolidBrush brushInActive = new SolidBrush(InActiveTab))
using (SolidBrush brushAlternative = new SolidBrush(AlternativeTab))
using (SolidBrush brushActiveIndicator = new SolidBrush(ControlPaint.Light(ActiveIndicator, .75f)))
using (SolidBrush brushInActiveIndicator = new SolidBrush(InActiveIndicator))
using (SolidBrush brushActiveText = new SolidBrush(ActiveText))
using (SolidBrush brushInActiveText = new SolidBrush(InActiveText))
using (SolidBrush brushDrag = new SolidBrush(ControlPaint.Dark(ActiveTab, .5f)))
penBorder.Alignment = penActive.Alignment = PenAlignment.Inset; //Only way to set the proper alignment, that I know of
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(penBorder, container); //Border
if (TabCount > 0)
ptMaxDrag = new Point(0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < TabCount; i++)
containerHead = GetTabRect(i);
e.Graphics.FillRectangle((SelectedIndex == i) ? (bDrag ? brushDrag : brushActive) : brushInActive, containerHead); //Header Background
//Header Edges
if (BorderEdges && (i == SelectedIndex))
Point ptA = new Point(0, 0); Point ptB = new Point(0, 0);
Point ptC = new Point(0, 0); Point ptD = new Point(0, 0);
ptA.X = ptB.X = ptD.X = containerHead.X;
ptA.Y = ptB.Y = ptC.Y = containerHead.Y;
ptA.Y = ptC.Y = ptD.Y = containerHead.Y + containerHead.Height - 1;
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top || Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom)
ptD.X = ptC.X = containerHead.X + containerHead.Width;
ptC.Y = containerHead.Y;
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom)
Swap(ref ptA, ref ptB); Swap(ref ptC, ref ptD);
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left)
ptA.Y = containerHead.Y;
ptB.X = ptC.X = containerHead.X + containerHead.Width - 1;
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Left)
Swap(ref ptA, ref ptC); Swap(ref ptB, ref ptD);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ControlPaint.Light(brushActive.Color)), ptA, ptB);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ControlPaint.Light(brushActive.Color)), ptB, ptC);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ControlPaint.Dark(brushActive.Color)), ptC, ptD);
Rectangle rectDivider = default(Rectangle);
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top || Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom)
rectDivider = new Rectangle(containerHead.X, containerHead.Y + ((Alignment == TabAlignment.Top) ? containerHead.Height : -DividerSize), containerHead.Width, DividerSize);
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left)
rectDivider = new Rectangle(containerHead.X - ((Alignment == TabAlignment.Right) ? DividerSize : -containerHead.Width), containerHead.Y, DividerSize, containerHead.Height); //Indicator
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(((TagToInt(TabPages[i]) == 1) ? brushAlternative : ((i == SelectedIndex) ? brushActiveIndicator : brushInActiveIndicator)), rectDivider);
if (!(bDrag && i == SelectedIndex))
int angle = 0;
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right) angle = 90;
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Left) angle = 270;
float w, h;
w = h = 0f;
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top || Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom) { w = containerHead.X + (containerHead.Width / 2); }
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left) { w = containerHead.X; h = containerHead.Y + (containerHead.Height / 2); }
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top || Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom) { h = containerHead.Y + ((Alignment == TabAlignment.Top) ? IndicatorSize : 0) + ((containerHead.Height - IndicatorSize) / 2); }
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left) { w += (((Alignment == TabAlignment.Right) ? 0 : IndicatorSize) + ((containerHead.Width - IndicatorSize) / 2)); }
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(w, h);
Size textSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(TabPages[i].Text, Font).ToSize();
e.Graphics.DrawString(TabPages[i].Text, Font, ((SelectedIndex == i) ? brushActiveText : brushInActiveText), new PointF((-textSize.Width / 2f), (-textSize.Height / 2f)));
if (bMouseDown)
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top || Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom) { if (i > 0) { ptMaxDrag.X += GetTabRect(i).Width; } }
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Top) { ptMaxDrag.Y = BorderSize; }
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom) { ptMaxDrag.Y = containerHead.Y; };
if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left) { ptMaxDrag.X = containerHead.X; if (i > 0) { ptMaxDrag.Y += containerHead.Height; } }
if (bDrag && (bitDrag != null)) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(bitDrag, new Point(ptPreviousLocation.X, ptPreviousLocation.Y)); }
Helper class
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace VisualStudioLikeControls
static class misc
/// <summary> Essentially ... clamp </summary>
public static int LimitToRange(this int value, int inclusiveMinimum, int inclusiveMaximum)
if (value < inclusiveMinimum) { return inclusiveMinimum; }
if (value > inclusiveMaximum) { return inclusiveMaximum; }
return value;
/// <summary> Swap function that uses <Generics>. </summary>
public static void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b)
T temp = a;
a = b; b = temp;
/// <summary> Converts the <Tag> property of a control to an integer. </summary>
public static int TagToInt(object inObject) => Convert.ToInt32((inObject as Control).Tag);
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Upvotes: 11