Reputation: 3874
I have the following script:
function Export-sql-toExcel {
Param (
$tokens = ( []::ReadAllText( $scriptFile ) -split '(?:\bGO\b)' )
foreach ($token in $tokens) {
$token = $token.Trim()
if ($token -ne "") {
$lines = $token -split '\n'
$title = $lines[0]
if ($title.StartsWith("--")) {
$title = $title.Substring(2)
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Database $database -Username $userName -Password $password -Query $token |
Export-Excel -Path $excelFile -WorkSheetname $title -FreezeTopRow -ExcludeProperty RowError,RowState,Table,ItemArray,HasErrors
I have installed this function as a module. When I invoke the command from, for example, desktop folder, like this:
PS D:\Usuarios\mnieto\Desktop> Export-sql-toExcel -scriptFile .\EXPORT.txt -excelFile Excel.xlsx
I get the following error (the export.txt file is in the desktop folder):
Exception calling "ReadAllText" with "1" argument(s): "Can't find the file 'D:\Usuarios\<MyUserName>\EXPORT.txt'."
if I debug and try [system.environment]::CurrentDirectory, it returns
That is because my script fails. NET functions and powershell don't share the 'current directory'
Any other way to get the content and parse the $scriptFile file?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 851
To my experience .dot NET functions don't like relative path's.
I'd use
$scriptfile = (Get-Item $Scriptfile).FullName
to resolve to a full path in the function just ahead :
$tokens = ( []::ReadAllText( $scriptFile ) -split '(?:\bGO\b)' )
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3874
I got the solution changing the NET call by a powershell command at this line
$content = Get-Content $scriptFile -Raw
$tokens = ( $content -split '(?:\bGO\b)' )
the trick was in the -Raw parameter, so the file is read as a single string
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 370
I had the same situation, it was resolved when i added a dot "." to call the csv
$path2 = $path + ".\file.csv"
Or check for spaces at the $excelFile variable.
Upvotes: 0