i am getting twitter v 11 api response and i fill up my array but from that i am not able to print on tableview here is the response
[(Swift.ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Any>.some(<__NSArrayM 0x600000842520>(
contributors = "";
coordinates = "";
"created_at" = "Thu Jul 12 11:49:57 +0000 2018";
entities = {
hashtags = (
media = (
"display_url" = "";
"expanded_url" = "";
id = 1017375504448479232;
"id_str" = 1017375504448479232;
indices = (
"media_url" = "";
"media_url_https" = "";
sizes = {
large = {
h = 1820;
resize = fit;
w = 2048;
medium = {
h = 1067;
resize = fit;
w = 1200;
small = {
h = 604;
resize = fit;
w = 680;
thumb = {
h = 150;
resize = crop;
w = 150;
type = photo;
url = "";
symbols = (
urls = (
"user_mentions" = (
"extended_entities" = {
media = (
"display_url" = "";
"expanded_url" = "";
id = 1017375504448479232;
"id_str" = 1017375504448479232;
indices = (
"media_url" = "";
"media_url_https" = "";
sizes = {
large = {
h = 1820;
resize = fit;
w = 2048;
medium = {
h = 1067;
resize = fit;
w = 1200;
small = {
h = 604;
resize = fit;
w = 680;
thumb = {
h = 150;
resize = crop;
w = 150;
type = photo;
url = "";
"favorite_count" = 0;
favorited = 0;
geo = "";
id = 1017375507174719488;
"id_str" = 1017375507174719488;
"in_reply_to_screen_name" = "";
"in_reply_to_status_id" = "";
"in_reply_to_status_id_str" = "";
"in_reply_to_user_id" = "";
"in_reply_to_user_id_str" = "";
"is_quote_status" = 0;
lang = fr;
place = "";
"possibly_sensitive" = 0;
"retweet_count" = 0;
retweeted = 0;
source = "";
text = "Tweet Tweet";
truncated = 0;
and here is my code where i fill up my array
from this code i am getting response
var timeline = (FHSTwitterEngine.shared().getTimelineForUser(FHSTwitterEngine.shared().authenticatedUsername, isID: true, count: 10), terminator: "")
and now i fill up my array like this
var serviceData : [AnyObject]=[]
let timelinedata = [timeline] as [AnyObject]
serviceData = (timelinedata)
i am getting whole response in service data now i am trying to print on label in table view like below
let retweerCount = serviceData[indexPath.row]["retweet_count"]
cell.lblRetweet.text = retweerCount as? String
nut i am not able to print can any one give me solution for this
Upvotes: 0
Views: 62
Reputation: 3016
I think retweerCount
is in integer
not string
so use below code.
cell.lblRetweet.text = "\(retweerCount as? Int ?? 0)"
Upvotes: 0