Reputation: 4219
I have two heterogeneous list structures. The first HList
is a normal heterogeneous list, the second Representation
is a heterogeneous list where all the members are sets.
{-# Language KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, GADTs, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Data.Kind
import Data.Set
data Representation (a :: [Type]) where
NewRep :: Representation '[]
AddAttribute :: (Ord a, Eq a) => Set a -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
(%>) :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [a] -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
(%>) = AddAttribute . fromList
infixr 6 %>
-- | A HList is a heterogenenous list.
data HList (a :: [Type]) where
HEmpty :: HList '[]
(:>) :: a -> HList b -> HList (a ': b)
infixr 6 :>
(I've made these instances of Show
at the bottom if that is helpful.)
Now I have a bunch of functions that work on HList
s but don't work on Representation
s. I could rewrite all the functions but that's a big pain. I'd rather if there was some way to make Representation
s in HList
s and back. That way I can use all the relevant functions without having to redefine them. So I started to do this. It was pretty easy to make a function that goes from Representation
s to HList
type family Map (f :: Type -> Type) (xs :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
Map f '[] = '[]
Map f (a ': b) = f a ': Map f b
-- | soften takes an attribute representation and converts it to a heterogeneous list.
soften :: Representation a -> HList (Map Set a)
soften NewRep = HEmpty
soften (AddAttribute a b) = a :> soften b
However the other way is quite a bit harder. I tried the following:
-- | rigify takes a heterogeneous list and converts it to a representation
rigify :: HList (Map Set a) -> Representation a
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
However this fails, the compiler is not able to deduce that a ~ '[]
in the first line. And fails in a similar fashion on the second.
It appears to me that the compiler can't reason backwards in the same way it can forward. This is not really very surprising, but I don't know exactly what the issue is, so I'm not really very sure how to get the compiler to reason correctly. My thought was to make a type family that is the reverse of Map
like so:
type family UnMap (f :: Type -> Type) (xs :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
UnMap f '[] = '[]
UnMap f ((f a) ': b) = a ': UnMap f b
and then rewrite rigify
in terms of UnMap
instead of Map
-- | rigify takes a heterogeneous list and converts it to a representation
rigify :: HList a -> Representation (UnMap Set a)
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
This seems to reduce the problem but it still doesn't compile. This time we are having the issue that a
in the second line cannot be shown to be of type Set x
which is required for AddAttribute
. This makes total sense to me but I don't know how I could remedy the issue.
How can I convert from a heterogeneous list to a Representation
instance Show (HList '[]) where
show HEmpty = "HEmpty"
instance Show a => Show (HList '[a]) where
show (a :> HEmpty) = "(" ++ show a ++ " :> HEmpty)"
instance (Show a, Show (HList (b ': c))) => Show (HList (a ': b ': c)) where
show (a :> b) = "(" ++ show a ++ " :> " ++ tail (show b)
instance Show (Representation '[]) where
show NewRep = "NewRep"
instance Show a => Show (Representation '[a]) where
show (AddAttribute h NewRep) = '(' : show (toList h) ++ " %> NewRep)"
instance (Show a, Show (Representation (b ': c))) => Show (Representation (a ': b ': c)) where
show (AddAttribute h t) = '(' : show (toList h) ++ " %> " ++ tail (show t)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 161
Reputation: 48580
is usually wrong. What I mean is that as soon as you try to do very much, you're likely to end up with lots of problems. You can solve the problems, but it's annoying and often inefficient. There's another, very similar, construction that can go a lot further before it falls down.
data Rec :: [k] -> (k -> Type) -> Type where
Nil :: Rec '[] f
(:::) :: f x -> Rec xs f -> Rec (x ': xs) f
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
mapRec :: (f ~> g) -> Rec xs f -> Rec xs g
mapRec _ Nil = Nil
mapRec f (x ::: xs) = f x ::: mapRec f xs
Note that you can do a certain sort of mapping without bringing in any type families at all!
Now you can define
data OSet a = Ord a => OSet (Set a)
newtype Representation as = Representation (Rec as OSet)
An awful lot of generic HList
functions can be rewritten very easily to support Rec
You can write bidirectional pattern synonyms to simulate your current interface if you like.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4219
The desired behavior for rigify
can be obtained by using a multi paramater type class instead.
class Rigible (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]) | xs -> ys where
rigify :: HList xs -> Representation ys
instance Rigible '[] '[] where
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
instance (Ord h, Rigible t t') => Rigible (Set h ': t) (h ': t') where
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
Here we use a multiparam type class Rigible
with an attached function rigify
. Our two parameters are the type for the representation and the type for the heterogeneous list. They are functionally dependent to avoid ambiguity.
In this way only HList
s that are composed entirely of sets are Rigible
. From here you can even add the definition of soften
to Rigible
as well.
-- | soften takes a representation and converts it to a heterogeneous list.
-- | rigify takes a heterogeneous list and converts it to a representation.
class Rigible (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]) | xs -> ys where
rigify :: HList xs -> Representation ys
soften :: Representation ys -> HList xs
instance Rigible '[] '[] where
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
soften NewRep = HEmpty
instance (Ord h, Rigible t t') => Rigible (Set h ': t) (h ': t') where
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
soften (AddAttribute a b) = a :> soften b
This requires the additional pragma
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 29148
Ord a
makes Eq a
redundant: Ord a
implies Eq a
because class Eq a => Ord a
data Representation (a :: [Type]) where
AddAttribute :: Ord a => Set a -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
(%>) :: Ord a => [a] -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
You can't write rigify
with quite this type: soften
throws away the Ord
-ness stored at each AddAttribute
. You can use
data OSet a where OSet :: Ord a => Set a -> OSet a
soften :: Representation xs -> HList (Map OSet xs)
rigify :: HList (Map OSet xs) -> Representation xs
and you may apply the age old "list of pairs is a pair of lists" trick on top of that
type family AllCon (xs :: [Constraint]) :: Constraint where
AllCon '[] = ()
AllCon (x : xs) = (x, AllCon xs)
data Dict c = c => Dict
soften :: Representation xs -> (HList (Map Set xs), Dict (AllCon (Map Ord xs)))
rigify :: AllCon (Map Ord xs) => HList (Map Set xs) -> Representation xs
though I shall go with the former because it is more concise.
Use unsafeCoerce
. The alternative is to reify some type information with a GADT and write a proof. While that is good practice, that requires you to drag around (potentially large) values that represent things that are simply true, so you'll end up using unsafeCoerce
anyway to avoid them. You can skip the proofs and go to the end products directly.
-- note how I always wrap the unsafeCoerce with a type signature
-- this means that I reduce the chance of introducing something actually bogus
-- I use these functions instead of raw unsafeCoerce in rigify, because I trust
-- these to be correct more than I trust unsafeCoerce.
mapNil :: forall f xs. Map f xs :~: '[] -> xs :~: '[]
mapNil Refl = unsafeCoerce Refl
data IsCons xs where IsCons :: IsCons (x : xs)
mapCons :: forall f xs. IsCons (Map f xs) -> IsCons xs
mapCons IsCons = unsafeCoerce IsCons
rigify :: HList (Map OSet xs) -> Representation xs
rigify HEmpty = case mapNil @OSet @xs Refl of Refl -> NewRep
rigify (x :> xs) = case mapCons @OSet @xs IsCons of
IsCons -> case x of OSet x' -> AddAttribute x' (rigify xs)
A proper proof would go as follows:
data Spine :: [k] -> Type where
SpineN :: Spine '[]
SpineC :: Spine xs -> Spine (x : xs)
mapNil' :: forall f xs. Spine xs -> Map f xs :~: '[] -> xs :~: '[]
mapNil' SpineN Refl = Refl
mapNil' (SpineC _) impossible = case impossible of {}
mapCons' :: forall f xs. Spine xs -> IsCons (Map f xs) -> IsCons xs
mapCons' SpineN impossible = case impossible of {}
mapCons' (SpineC _) IsCons = IsCons
For every list xs
, there is one and only one (fully defined) value of Spine xs
(it is a singleton type). To get from real proofs (like mapNil'
) to their convenience versions (like mapNil
), remove all the singleton arguments and make sure the return type is a mere proposition. (A mere proposition is a type with 0 or 1 values.) Replace the body with one that deeply evaluates the remaining arguments and uses unsafeCoerce
for the return value.
Upvotes: 1