Reputation: 2384
I'm using vuetify 1.1.8 and vue 3.0.0-rc.3. I am trying to use some of the custom SVG icons in my project, which I have designed, instead of default icons from Material Icons or FontAwesome Icons which are supported by vuetify
I have tried using vue-svg-loader
to load my custom svg icons, and use them as components. Something like this
import iconOne from './public/iconOne.svg'
export default{
But the problem with vue-svg-loader
is that I cannot use them in <v-text-field>
's append-icon
and many other places where I had freedom with <v-icon>
I have also read the vuetify docs where they have mentioned about using custom icons but I don't think that is helping too.
Can someone help me out with this. May be I should try sprite-images as supported by material angular
I have custom self-made SVG Icons, and I want to use them as <v-icon>customIcon</v-icon>
in vuetify
Upvotes: 32
Views: 73827
Reputation: 9392
You can also create a CSS class
that uses a mask
to apply the SVG graphics.
For instance, in my implementation, I have the class in global.css
which is imported in main.ts
meaning is available throughout the app.
.some-icon {
background-color: #f69e01;
-webkit-mask: url(@/assets/someLogo.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(@/assets/someLogo.svg) no-repeat center;
And then, in any template, it can be used by adding the custom class to the <v-icon>
<v-icon class="some-icon" />
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Reputation: 61
npm i -D vite-svg-loader
// plugins/vuetify.ts
import settings from '@/assets/icons/settings.svg'; // <- custom icon
import { IconAliases, createVuetify } from 'vuetify';
import { aliases as defaultAliases } from 'vuetify/iconsets/mdi';
const aliases: IconAliases = {
export default createVuetify({
icons: {
prefix<v-btn icon="$settings"></v-btn>
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 354
You can, indeed, create a vue icon inside of its own Vue single file component, and then register this component so that vuetify can use it inside of the VICon (v-icon) component.
To create a vue component icon, you just need to place an SVG inside of the template tags as shown in the Vue Cookbook. This document should help you use the component in any vue app, as well.
Next, you need to register this component with vuetify. The Vuetify config is sometimes in the index file, or in the modern vue-cli, it will be found in @/src/plugins/vuetify.js.
There, you can register your component as shown on Vuetify's site (you already mentioned this link), but maybe this documentation is an update or unclear.
Now this component will be registered and can be used anywhere inside of VApp. However, unlike standard icons, you need to use $vuetify.icons.[icon-name] inside the slot of v-icon. In the Vuetify example, the icon is registered as 'product.' To use this, you'd include
I have this working in an on-going project. I'll leave a branch of the current state here.
The icon component is in /src/icons. The Vuetify config is in /src/plugins, and svg icon component is in /src/components/PlotSelector.vue.
Upvotes: 24
Reputation: 1056
My final solution for Nuxt, but you can adopt it to pure vuejs:
npm i '@nuxtjs/svg' -D
buildModules: [
vuetify: {
customVariables: ['~/assets/variables.scss'],
treeShake: true,
optionsPath: './vuetify.config.js'
icons: {
iconfont: 'mdi',
values: {
chat: {
component: require('~/assets/img/icons/chat.svg?inline')
chat.svg (don't forget to set: fill="currentColor")
<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M16.5569 3H3.44278C2.09549 3 1 4.09596 1 5.44313V13.1331C1 14.4802 2.09549 15.5762 3.44278 15.5762H13.3415L15.4019 18.0107C15.4723 18.0944 15.5757 18.1402 15.6816 18.1402C15.7238 18.1402 15.766 18.1323 15.8075 18.1173C15.952 18.0643 16.0478 17.927 16.0478 17.7739V15.5761H16.5572C17.9043 15.5761 19 14.4802 19 13.133V5.44313C18.9997 4.09596 17.9044 3 16.5569 3ZM7.18042 10.2514C6.7072 10.2514 6.32357 9.86785 6.32357 9.39499C6.32357 8.92141 6.7072 8.53796 7.18042 8.53796C7.65328 8.53796 8.03709 8.92141 8.03709 9.39499C8.03709 9.86791 7.65328 10.2514 7.18042 10.2514ZM9.99967 10.2514C9.52645 10.2514 9.143 9.86785 9.143 9.39499C9.143 8.92141 9.52645 8.53796 9.99967 8.53796C10.4725 8.53796 10.8562 8.92141 10.8562 9.39499C10.8562 9.86791 10.4725 10.2514 9.99967 10.2514ZM12.9953 10.2514C12.522 10.2514 12.1382 9.86785 12.1382 9.39499C12.1382 8.92141 12.522 8.53796 12.9953 8.53796C13.4681 8.53796 13.852 8.92141 13.852 9.39499C13.852 9.86791 13.4681 10.2514 12.9953 10.2514Z" fill="currentColor"/>
Any component:
Hope, this helps you guys.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4797
For Vuetify & Nuxt, you can do it this way:
Put your logo file into static folder and create your CompanyLogo.vue
inside components folder:
<img src="/company-logo.svg">
Then you can use it in every other component via <CompanyLogo />
You could also animate it if you wanted to, e.g. like this:
.LogoAnimation {
transform: rotateY(560deg);
animation: turn 3.5s ease-out forwards 1s;
@keyframes turn {
100% {
transform: rotateY(0deg);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 19022
Per vuetify v2 docs
Create custom component which contains the svg icon code
// CustomIcon.vue
Include the custom icon component in vuetify
// vuetify.ts
import CustomIcon from '@/components/CustomIcon.vue'
export default new Vuetify({
theme: {/**/},
icons: {
values: {
custom: { // name of our custom icon
component: CustomIcon, // our custom component
Use it like so
Or shortcut:
Upvotes: 48