Reputation: 842
I am building a game in Visual Basic called Battleship. I have 100 buttons (10 rows x 10 columns) and what I want the user to do, is be able to click on a button and a function called IsCreated
(which is a Boolean) turns True for the certain button.
Two questions:
1. How do I create this function ?
2. How do I make the button that is clicked have IsCreated turn from true into false ?
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Views: 901
Reputation: 1294
I would create buttons programmatically and add them to a dictionary or list to keep track of them. You'll probably want some kind of class to hold all the information about each grid cell instead of just an array of Booleans. Add the following to a blank form:
Dim IsCreated(99) As Boolean
Dim Buttons As New Dictionary(Of String, Button)
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
For i As Integer = 0 To 99
Dim B As New Button
B.Height = 30
B.Width = 40
B.Left = (i Mod 10) * 41
B.Top = (i \ 10) * 31
B.Text = Chr((i \ 10) + Asc("A")) & i Mod 10 + 1
Buttons.Add(B.Text, B)
B.Tag = i
AddHandler B.Click, AddressOf Button_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim B As Button = sender
IsCreated(B.Tag) = True
B.BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2368
A very basic way would be to assign each button a number & use that in a function call from onClick(). You'd just have a global array of booleans (I used boardPosition)
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles button1.Click
boardPosition(1) = IsCreated(1)
End Sub
Then just have:
Protected Function IsCreated(byVal buttonNumberClicked as integer)
If boardPosition(buttonNumberClicked) Then
return true
return false
End If
End Function
This is assuming you've just created 100 buttons...Not an elegant solution but it'll work.
Edit: Clean up.
Upvotes: 1