Reputation: 1161
I am trying to recreate the calculations of the mean and std of the evaluation metrics from I can demonstrate the issue with some code.
First without weights.
data(agaricus.train, package='xgboost')
dt <- xgb.DMatrix(agaricus.train$data, label = agaricus.train$label)
dt.folds <- KFold(as.matrix(agaricus.train$label),
nfolds = 5,
stratified = TRUE,
seed = 23)
cv <- = dt, nrounds = 3, nthread = 2, folds = dt.folds, metrics = list("logloss","auc"),
max_depth = 3, eta = 1, objective = "binary:logistic", prediction = TRUE)
test <- sapply(cv$folds, function(x){
testSet <- unlist(cv$pred[x])
test_ll <- logLoss(agaricus.train$label[x], testSet)
> cv$evaluation_log$test_logloss_mean
[1] 0.1615132 0.0655742 0.0262498
> mean(test)
[1] 0.02624984
As expected, the last mean logloss from the cv object matches my calculations.
However, adding weights. Changing only the dt declaration line.
dt <- xgb.DMatrix(agaricus.train$data, label = agaricus.train$label, weight = 1:length(agaricus.train$label))
> cv$evaluation_log$test_logloss_mean
[1] 0.1372536 0.0509958 0.0219024
> mean(test)
[1] 0.02066699
Now they do not match. What is the function doing differently to calculate the loss metrics? Adding weights changes the calculations for auc as well, and I would suspect any loss metric. How can I change my calculations to match the output?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 652
Reputation: 1161
Partially Solved:
Using a weighted logloss function results in nearly identical results.
wLogLoss=function(actual, predicted, weights)
calc <- sapply(cv$folds, function(x){
testSet <- unlist(cv$pred[x])
test_ll <- wLogLoss(agaricus.train$label[x], testSet, ww[x])
> mean(calc)
[1] 0.02190241
> cv$evaluation_log$test_logloss_mean[3]
[1] 0.0219024
> var(calc)*4/5
[1] 0.00001508648
> cv$evaluation_log$test_logloss_std[3]^2
[1] 0.00001508551
Minor differences in the variance still exist. I would still be interested in knowing how exactly the xgboost package uses the weights in reality.
Upvotes: 2