Reputation: 572
When the iOS app trigger an API event named "addtocart" the app crashes returning below error.
url params
["product_id": "12098", "option": "{\n\n}", "quantity": "0", "token":
"2f42lqjie21cbzr1r0gsgphqtl", "width": "750.000000"] {
error = 1;
message = (
"Color required!"
); } Could not cast value of type '__NSSingleObjectArrayI' (0x1b5bee3b0) to 'NSString' (0x1b5bfaad8). 2018-08-02
19:50:28.493678+0300 Ishtari[35479:3846514] Could not cast value of
type '__NSSingleObjectArrayI' (0x1b5bee3b0) to 'NSString'
(0x1b5bfaad8). warning: could not execute support code to read
Objective-C class data in the process. This may reduce the quality of
type information available. (lldb)
The product has option called color so before adding to cart the user should choose the color of the item to checkout. The app is return the option name "Color" but not giving me the values to pick from ("option": "{\n\n}"
) which causing the app to crash giving above error when callingHTTPApi
func callingHttppApi(){
let sessionId = self.defaults.object(forKey:"ic_token");
let width = String(format:"%f", SCREEN_WIDTH * UIScreen.main.scale)
self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
if self.whichApiToProcess == "addtocart"{
var requstParams = [String:String]();
requstParams["width"] = width
requstParams["product_id"] = self.productId
requstParams["ic_token"] = sessionId as? String
requstParams["quantity"] = self.quantityValue.text
do {
let jsonSortData = try self.optionDictionary, options: .prettyPrinted)
let jsonSortString:String = NSString(data: jsonSortData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)! as String
requstParams["option"] = jsonSortString
catch {
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.callingHttpRequest(params:requstParams, apiname:"cart/addToCart", cuurentView: self){success,responseObject in
if success == 1{
let dict = responseObject as! NSDictionary;
if dict.object(forKey: "fault") != nil{
let fault = dict.object(forKey: "fault") as! Bool;
if fault == true{
self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
let dict = responseObject as! NSDictionary
if dict.object(forKey: "error") as! Int == 0{
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.showSuccessSnackBar(msg: dict.object(forKey: "message") as! String)
let data = dict.object(forKey: "total") as! String
self.tabBarController!.tabBar.items?[3].badgeValue = data.components(separatedBy: " ")[0]
self.navigationCart(cartCount:data.components(separatedBy: " ")[0])
if self.goToBagFlag == true{
self.tabBarController!.selectedIndex = 3
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.showWarningSnackBar(msg: dict.object(forKey: "message") as! String)
}else if success == 2{
When it crashes the console directs me to this line
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.showWarningSnackBar(msg: dict.object(forKey: "message") as! String)
Any help please!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2591
Reputation: 285220
The error is clear:
Could not cast value of type '__NSSingleObjectArrayI' (0x1b5bee3b0) to 'NSString' (0x1b5bfaad8)
The left side shows the actual type (Array
), the right side is what you are doing wrong (String
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.showWarningSnackBar(msg: dict.object(forKey: "message") as! [String])
If msg
is supposed to be String
the strings
let messageArray = dict.object(forKey: "message") as! [String]
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.showWarningSnackBar(msg: messageArray.joined(separator: ", "))
By the way use Swift native types and key subscription
let dict = responseObject as! [String:Any]
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.showWarningSnackBar(msg: dict["message"] as! [String])
And – sorry – this syntax is horrible:
let jsonSortString:String = NSString(data: jsonSortData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)! as String
Please replace it with
let jsonSortString = String(data: jsonSortData, encoding: .utf8)!
Upvotes: 0