Reputation: 379
I am spring caching abstraction annotations to apply caching to my service methods.
Since I am using Redis as the cache store, I want to use the option of expiring cache at a specific time, since that is supported by Redis. expireat command in redis can be used to set expire time at a future time.
I am not sure how I can do that for the keys which are part of my cache when using RedisCache.
I tried to customize RedisCacheManager by creating a bean of it.
I see there is a getNativeCache() method exposed. but I did not find any way to set value for expireat using it.
If there is a way to customize RedisCacheManager so that all keys of a specifc cache use the same time as expiry, please let me know.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 11916
Reputation: 165
@Bean (name="cacheManager")
public RedisCacheManager cacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
RedisCacheConfiguration conf_ready_info = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
RedisCacheConfiguration conf_base_info = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
Map<String, RedisCacheConfiguration> cacheConfigurations = new HashMap<String, RedisCacheConfiguration>();
cacheConfigurations.put("base_info", conf_base_info);
cacheConfigurations.put("ready_info", conf_ready_info);
return RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder.fromConnectionFactory(connectionFactory)
@Cacheable(value = "ready_info", key = "#aid")
public String findByAid(String aid) throws Exception {
String readyInfo = "";
return readyInfo;
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 121
Actually there is. Please check below:
RedisCacheConfiguration configuration = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
.entryTtl(<your duration>)
.serializeKeysWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()))
.serializeValuesWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer()));
I am using 2.0.4.RELEASE version of spring boot. And if you are using older versions here is how you can do:
RedisCacheManager cacheManager =
new RedisCacheManager(
redisTemplate,//redis template
Arrays.asList("my-cahce"),//loads these caches at startup
false);//Do not allow null values
cacheManager.setCachePrefix(new DefaultRedisCachePrefix());
cacheManager.setDefaultExpiration(TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(365, TimeUnit.DAYS));
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