Reputation: 13
I had the same problem about using slicers to link table and a Pivot Table. The ansewr provided by [jeffreyweir] was perfect! But in my case, I will need the solution for using 3 or more different slicers.
The initial solution can be found by following the link: How to link a Table and a Pivot Table using Slicers in Excel?
Many tks in advance and I hope I had follow the rules of this fantastic site in the right way! ;-)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2192
Reputation: 3
For people who have data table on a separate sheet from their pivot table, simply change
Set lo = Range(sTable).ListObject
Set lo = Sheets("table_sheet_name").Range(sTable).ListObject
and store the code in the pivot table sheet module.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4834
Okay, so I've amended the code so that it only needs PivotTable slicers, and it uses those slicer setting to directly filter the Table. Note that you need to change the following lines in the code to match the names of your Table and PivotTable:
Const sPivot As String = "PivotTable1" '<= Change name as appropriate
Const sTable As String = "Table1" '<= Change name as appropriate
This code has to be pasted into the sheet module belonging to the worksheet where the Tables/PivotTables concerned are:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim sLastUndoStackItem As String
Dim sc As SlicerCache
Dim si As SlicerItem
Dim vItems As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim lo As ListObject
Dim lc As ListColumn
Dim sTest As String
Const sPivot As String = "PivotTable1" '<= Change name as appropriate
Const sTable As String = "Table1" '<= Change name as appropriate
If Target.Name = sPivot Then
On Error Resume Next 'in case the undo stack has been wiped or doesn't exist
sLastUndoStackItem = Application.CommandBars(14).FindControl(ID:=128).List(1) 'Standard Commandbar, undo stack
'The above line doesn't seem to work in my version of O365 so we'll use the English language backup
If sLastUndoStackItem = "" Then sLastUndoStackItem = Application.CommandBars("Standard").Controls("&Undo").List(1)
On Error GoTo 0
If sLastUndoStackItem = "Filter" Or sLastUndoStackItem = "Slicer Operation" Then
Set lo = Range(sTable).ListObject
For Each sc In ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches
On Error Resume Next
sTest = sc.PivotTables(1).Name
On Error GoTo 0
If sTest = sPivot Then
Set lc = lo.ListColumns(sc.SourceName)
If sc.FilterCleared Then
lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=lc.Index
ReDim vItems(1 To 1)
For Each si In sc.SlicerItems
If si.Selected Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve vItems(1 To i)
vItems(i) = si.Name
End If
Next si
lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=lc.Index, Criteria1:=vItems, Operator:=xlFilterValues
ReDim vItems(1 To 1)
End If
End If
Next sc
End If
End If
End Sub
And here it is in action:
Upvotes: 1