Reputation: 28394
I'm using RDFLIB to build graphs among 3 data-sets (A, B, C) with ntriples.
Goal: graphs contain links among those data-set A->B, B->C and C->A, I want to check consistency of those links by making sure that links outgoing from A refer back to the same entries in A.
Problem: once I iterate over links in the A->B, I wanted to look-up corresponding entries (could be more than one) in the B->C and the same for the C->A, is there a way to look up objects by knowing the subject without iterating over all entries?
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Views: 1546
Reputation: 16525
is there a way to look up objects by knowing the subject without iterating over all entries?
The answer is Yes. And you can use to different mechanisms: (a) iterate with a restriction; or (b) issue an SPARQL query.
(a) constrain the graph and iterate
This solution uses a RDFLib triples
function over the Graph object. See this reference.
#Parse the file
g = rdflib.Graph()
subject = article = rdflib.term.URIRef("")
# (subject,None,None) represents a constrain to iterate over the graph. By setting
# any of the three elements in the triple you constrain by any combination of subject,
# predicate or object. In this case we only constrain by subject.
for triple in g.triples((subject,None,None)):
print triple
(b) issue a SPARQL query
A more standard solution using the SPARQL standard.
rdflib.plugin.register('sparql', rdflib.query.Processor,
'rdfextras.sparql.processor', 'Processor')
rdflib.plugin.register('sparql', rdflib.query.Result,
'rdfextras.sparql.query', 'SPARQLQueryResult')
#Parse the file
g = rdflib.Graph()
query = """
SELECT ?pred ?obj WHERE {
<> ?pred ?obj
for row in g.query(query):
print "Predicate:%s Object:%s"%(row[0],row[1])
Upvotes: 5