Reputation: 3
I am trying to Digitally Sign a node businessEntity. I am using Xpath in my tranform to refer to this node.
My Xpath expression is :
@businessKey = 'uddi:testSignedProviderlastime'
] and not(ancestor-or-self::ns1:businessService)
and not(ancestor-or-self::ds:Signature)
I want to remove the dependency for the namespace prefix ns1. Is there a way I can do that? Or is there a way I can specify the namespace URI in my expression.
I have already tried replacing the namespace prefix ns1 with a , but got an error for using "" prefix. Any help in modifying this expression is appreciated.
Thanks, Sonia
Following is the xml, I am applying this transform too:
<soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns1:save_business xmlns:ns1="urn:uddi-org:api_v3">
<ns1:businessEntity businessKey="uddi:testSignedProviderlastime" xmlns:ns1="urn:uddi-org:api_v3">
<ns1:description>Not Provided</ns1:description>
<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
<ds:SignedInfo xmlns:ds="">
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:Reference URI="" xmlns:ds="">
<ds:Transforms xmlns:ds="">
<ds:Transform Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:Transform Algorithm="" xmlns:ds="">
<ds:XPath xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ns1="urn:uddi-org:api_v3">ancestor-or-self::ns1:businessEntity[@businessKey='uddi:testSignedProviderlastime'] and not (ancestor-or-self::ns1:businessService) and not (ancestor-or-self::ds:Signature)</ds:XPath>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:DigestValue xmlns:ds="">something</ds:DigestValue>
<ds:SignatureValue xmlns:ds="">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
<ds:X509Data xmlns:ds="">
<ds:X509Certificate xmlns:ds="">
<ds:KeyValue xmlns:ds="">
<ds:RSAKeyValue xmlns:ds="">
<ds:Modulus xmlns:ds="">
<ds:Exponent xmlns:ds="">AQAB</ds:Exponent>
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Views: 2534
Reputation: 5892
I guess you want this:
ancestor-or-self::*[local-name() = 'businessEntity']
Or a more precise:
[local-name() = 'businessEntity' and namespace-uri() = 'urn:uddi-org:api_v3']
Upvotes: 4