Reputation: 43
In previous projects, I often run git checkout -- *
to discard all changes in my working directory.
In my current project, I get the following:
$ git checkout -- *
error: pathspec 'node_modules' did not match any file(s) known to git.
I then do a git status
$ git status
On branch <feature_branch>
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/<feature_branch>' by 2 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: <relative_file_path_in_current_app_dir>
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
I read another StackOverflow post that said git fetch
can resolve this pathspec error. I tried that and it puled a new feature branch from remote:
$ git fetch
remote: Counting objects: 67, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (67/67), done.
remote: Total 67 (delta 55), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (67/67), done.
b42b31e05..e7f3858ad <unrelated_bug_branch> -> origin/<unrelated_bug_branch>
36b2cd4e9..ac87583fd develop -> origin/develop
61945b8ef..22a63fd7e <unrelated_feature_1_branch> -> origin/<unrelated_feature_branch>
322a39980..1f8752f2c <unrelated_feature_2_branch> -> origin/<unrelated_feature_2_branch>
* [new branch] <unrelated_feature_3_branch> -> origin/<unrelated_feature_3_branch>
5fe02b8b3..a27140571 <unrelated_feature_4_branch> -> origin/<unrelated_feature_4_branch>
I do another git status
and it's the same as #2 above.
I can target the specific file and that will work:
$ git checkout -- <relative_file_path_in_current_app_dir>
git status
now shows I have a clean working tree.
What exactly is the root cause of my pathspec error and how can I resolve it? I can checkout specific files in the meantime, but I'm just curious about this error.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1752
Reputation: 489688
I am afraid the linked question Git: cannot checkout branch - error: pathspec '...' did not match any file(s) known to git is a mess: as you noted, it has a lot of answers, and little explication. Meanwhile ElpieKay's comment has the right answer: node_modules
is a file or directory that you are having your Git ignore, so when you ask your Git to update it, it says: Huh? Update what now?
The root of the problem stems from Git cramming too many things into one command. The git checkout
command can:
for instance) from some existing remote-tracking name like origin/develop
; ormaster
); orv1.2
for instance, or by raw hash ID), resulting in what Git calls a detached HEAD.All of these actions move your Git's notion of HEAD
in some way. The special name HEAD
(all capital letters—this is generally required on Linux systems, while Windows users can often get away with typing head
in lowercase) is how your Git remembers which branch you are on, if any. Hence, the above three kinds of git checkout
change which branch you are on, or—for the scary-sounding, but actually pretty normal internally,1 detached HEAD case, the lack-of-any-branch.
1Git uses this detached HEAD state when you are in a conflicted or interactive rebase, for instance. It's not a good idea to use it for normal development, but it's fine for temporary work, or for these internal-to-Git states. Just finish up your rebase, or whatever it is that has resulted in a temporarily detached HEAD, and Git will re-attach HEAD and you can proceed to walk around with your head firmly reconnected. :-)
But git checkout
can do a bunch more things that don't involve changing your HEAD
at all, and that's what git checkout --
is for. Here, Git can:
git checkout -- filename(s)
, orgit checkout commit-specifier -- filename(s)
.The --
separates the commit specifier, such as master
or develop
or 1f3a907
or whatever, from the file name. The --
is often required if the file is named master
: git checkout master
would switch your HEAD
to master
, rather than checking out the file named master
. It is sometimes optional: if you have a file named master
but you want to get the copy out of the tip of develop
, writing git checkout develop master
makes this clear to Git (even if it leaves ordinary humans confused).
There are even more things that git checkout
can do, but let's stop with just these three sets of clearly very-different operations: (1) change HEAD to a different branch, (2) change HEAD to be detached on a specific commit, and (3) don't change HEAD at all, just get me a file, or several files, from the index or from a specific commit.
Git expresses these different actions with various syntax markers in the git checkout
documentation. Quoting from that—I'll quote the whole scary seven-item list that's in there—we see:
git checkout [
] [-f
] [-m
] [<branch>
git checkout [-q
] [-f
] [-m
git checkout [-q
] [-f
] [-m
] [--detach
git checkout [-q
] [-f
] [-m
] [[-b
git checkout [-f
] [<tree-ish>
] [--
git checkout [<tree-ish>
] [--
git checkout (-p
) [<tree-ish>
] [--
] [<paths>...
Three of these are the operations we're talking about in this answer (the other four are yet more things that git checkout
can do, some of which maybe should be different Git commands). Let's go through them.
Start with the the first line:
git checkout [
(I left out the options to simplify it). This shows the branch name in angle brackets, meaning you should fill one in. It's in square brackets as well, so you can leave it out, but if you do leave it out, it means "stay on the current branch", which is kind of a silly thing to do. Putting the word branch
in angle-brackets like this marks it as what some call a meta-variable, i.e., something you should fill in, with the name of the meta-variable telling you what kinds of things go here: branch names!
This is the switch to some existing branch, or create a new branch from some existing remote-tracking name operation. The branch name you give is the branch name to switch to, or to automatically create. Git will look for an existing branch with that name, and if it cannot find one, will look through all your remote-tracking names—your origin/master
, origin/develop
, and so on—to see if one of those names can have origin/
removed and be the name you asked for.
(The second quoted line is like the first one, but with --detach
inserted. The third line is like the first two, but instead of <branch>
it says <commit>
. In the second command line, --detach
is required, and in the third, it's optional again. The <commit>
meta-variable means that you can use anything that names a commit, not just a branch name. These are the variants that produce a detached HEAD: they check out a commit the same way switching branches would, but they chop your HEAD off in the process, so that you are on no branch. Essentially, if you give git checkout
an argument that names a commit but is not a branch name, Git just assumes you meant --detach
. If you want to detach while using a branch name, you must add --detach
. This last thing is not something most people want to do, but the manual page covers it anyway.)
The linked question and its answers are mostly about creating a new branch from a remote-tracking name. That is, they answer the question:
If I say
git checkout feature-X
I get an error, but then I rungit fetch
, and dogit checkout feature-X
again, and it works. Why?
The answer here is that the first time you ran git checkout develop
, you didn't have an origin/feature-X
, but after git fetch
finished, you did have an origin/feature-X
. That, in turn, is because git fetch
created it, because someone else created feature-X
on origin
, some time relatively recently. The git fetch
has your Git call up the Git at origin
and get a list of all its branches and commits. Your Git loads up all their new commits that you did not have yet, and creates or updates all your origin/*
names, and now you have origin/feature-X
The second-to-last quoted syntax line:
git checkout [
] [--
shows two meta-variables. The first one is spelled <tree-ish>
, which is Git shorthand for: You can use a branch name here, or a commit hash, or anything that I can use to find what I call a tree object. Git has a lot of ways to specify commit hash IDs, and this is meant to cover all of them, plus some more weird corner cases you're unlikely to encounter. This first meta-variable is optional, and if you leave it out, Git will check files out from Git's index (which we have not really described here, and I won't go into details as this is already plenty long).
The second meta-variable is <pathspec>
. Note that it is not optional! This is Git-speak shorthand for the name of a file, or a pattern with *
, or any of a lot of other things that are also too long to go into here. The ...
part means you can list more than one of them. These pathspecs name the specific file or files that you want Git to find in the <tree-ish>
(the commit you named, if you named one).
When you write:
git checkout -- *
your shell—probably bash
—expands the *
to match all the files in your current working directory.2 So if you have files README
and hello
and node_modules
and so on, what Git sees is:
git checkout -- README hello node_modules ...
There is no <tree-ish>
, so Git looks in your index for files named README
, hello
, node_modules
, and so on.
If it doesn't find one of these—and it doesn't find node_modules
—Git complains:
error: pathspec 'node_modules' did not match any file(s) known to git.
and does nothing.
If you instead use .
, your shell runs:
git checkout -- .
and Git sees .
as the <pathspec>
argument. This means "all the files known to Git in the current directory", so that will do what you wanted. You could also write:
git checkout -- '*'
which uses quote marks to protect the *
from bash
(or whatever shell you are using). Then Git will see the *
and Git will expand *
to "all the files known to Git in the current directory". But writing .
is easier.
2Note that on Windows, CMD.EXE doesn't expand the *
, instead passing it to Git, letting Git expand the *
, and this error never happens!
Upvotes: 6