I'm trying to pick the top 3 viewed meals of the day. Using this code i get incorrect details. So my structure is like this:
- meals
-- e.g Kebab
--- view_count
--- order_count
--- like_count
My code:
let mealsRef = db.collection("meals").order(by: "view_count").limit(to: 3)
// [START order_and_limit]
mealsRef.getDocuments { (snap, err) in
let dcs = snap!.documents
for i in dcs {
var data =
print("meal => \(data["meal"] ?? ""), view_count => \(data["view_count"] ?? "")")
For testing proposes, I've increased the view_count by 300 - 200 - 100 on the Firebase console. But it returns three but incorrect ones.
Thank you all
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The default order of Firestore is ascending. So you get the 3 meals with the least view_count. Try to take the order method with descending option:
func order(by field: String, descending: Bool) -> Query
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