Reputation: 3
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
string rawJSON = webClient.DownloadString("");
var jsonConverted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NumGameByDate>(rawJSON);
Above is my code I am attempting to retrieve the date and number of games on that date. I have achieved this with the NBA's team json data but this one is formatted differently.
public class NumGameByDate
public _internal _internal { get; set; }
public string startDate { get; set; }
public string endDate { get; set; }
public string startDateCurrentSeason { get; set; }
This is my NumGameByDate class how would you suggest storing the dates and number of games. Below is an example of how the JSON looks.
"_internal": {
"pubDateTime": "2018-08-10 16:57:34.402",
"xslt": "xsl/league/schedule/marty_game_calendar.xsl",
"eventName": "_SPECIAL_ELA_EVENT_martyGameCalendar"
"startDate": "20171017",
"endDate": "20190410",
"startDateCurrentSeason": "20180702",
"20171017": 2,
"20171018": 11,
"20171019": 3,
"20171020": 10,
"20171021": 11,
"20171022": 3,
"20171023": 8,
"20171024": 6,
"20171025": 10,
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Views: 73
Reputation: 12361
Given all the comments, particularly one that skips deserializing to some POCO, you could do something like this:
//Dependency JSON.Net
var obj = JObject.Parse(your_sample_json_string);
foreach (var t in obj)
DateTime d;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(t.Key, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out d))
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", d.ToShortDateString(), t.Value);
10/17/2017 = 2
10/18/2017 = 11
10/19/2017 = 3
10/20/2017 = 10
10/21/2017 = 11
10/22/2017 = 3
10/23/2017 = 8
10/24/2017 = 6
10/25/2017 = 10
Improve as needed/necessary. Hth ~
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Reputation: 23837
I think you don't need the _internal part at all (if you do you could still parse with your rawJson and class). Then you could do something like this:
Dictionary<string,string> myData;
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
string rawJSON = webClient.DownloadString("");
string myJSON = "{" + rawJSON.Substring(rawJSON.IndexOf(@"""startDate"));
myData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string,string>>(myJSON);
This would skip the _internal part and parse the rest as a Dictionary (although you might get as Dictionary I prefer string, string).
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Reputation: 989
Well, maybe javascript is better equipped if converting the file once by hand would suffice. Chances are you might need a more automatic approach.
// Load your JSON in variable x
var x = { "someOtherProperty": { etc:true }, "20171017": 2, "20171018": 11, "20171019": 3, "20171020": 10, "20171021": 11, "20171022": 3, "20171023": 8, "20171024": 6 } = [] // create an array that will hold the converted values.
for (key in x){
// Some regex testing if the current property is a date
if (/[2][0][01][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]/.test(key)){{ date: key, gameCount: x[key] }); // Put the new object in an actual array
delete x[key] // Delete the old value
This would result in the following JSON where the array is nicely populated:
x = {
"someOtherProperty": { etc:true },
Upvotes: 0