
Reputation: 47

How to use sfInit and makeCluster type "MPI" / message passing in R / parallelization on cluster

I'm trying to adapt this R script for a speed test to work on a cluster.

When using the sfInit and makecluster functions with the type "SOCK", then the script runs on the cluster successfully, but without any speed improvement - unlike on my computer: when I change detectcores() to 1, the scripts runs substantially slower than with 4 cores.

I'm pretty sure I need to change the type to "MPI", though, in order to make the nodes communicate memory-wise with each other.

BUT: if I do so, the script then stops with following error code:

Loading required package: Rmpi
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘Rmpi’:
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Rmpi', details:
  call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
  error: unable to load shared object '/cluster/sfw/R/3.5.1-gcc73-base/lib64/R/library/Rmpi/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Failed to load required library: Rmpi for parallel mode MPI
Fallback to sequential execution
snowfall 1.84-6.1 initialized: sequential execution, one CPU.

I thought "piece of cake, easy" and added the following lines:

install.packages('Rmpi', repos = "",
dependencies = TRUE, lib = '/personalpath') install.packages('doMPI',
repos = "", dependencies = TRUE, lib = '/personalpath') library(topicmodels, lib.loc = '/personalpath')
library(Rmpi, lib.loc = '/personalpath')

Which results in a successful installation but:

Error in library(Rmpi, lib.loc = "/personalpath") :
there is no package called ‘Rmpi’

1. How do I install these packages?

2. Do I really need to install them or is this a completely wrong approach?

Any help is highly appreciated! I know there are a couple of questions around here (see this, this, and this). But I'm not familiar with the calls in Linux and more importantly I do not have any rights on that cluster. So I need to come up with a solution in R...

So.. this is my code:

sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=detectCores(), type="MPI")

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), type = "MPI")

sfExport('dtm_stripped', 'control_LDA_Gibbs')

clusterEvalQ(cl, library(topicmodels))
clusterExport(cl, c("dtm_stripped", "control_LDA_Gibbs"))

BASE <- system.time(best.model.BASE <<- lapply(seq, function(d){LDA(dtm_stripped, control = control_LDA_Gibbs, method ='Gibbs', d)}))
PLYR_S <- system.time(best.model.PLYR_S <<- llply(seq, function(d){LDA(dtm_stripped, control = control_LDA_Gibbs, method ='Gibbs', d)}, .progress = "text"))

wrapper <- function (d) topicmodels:::LDA(dtm_stripped, control = control_LDA_Gibbs, method ='Gibbs', d)
PARLAP <- system.time(best.model.PARLAP <<- parLapply(cl, seq, wrapper))
DOPAR <- system.time(best.model.DOPAR <<- foreach(i = seq, .export = c("dtm_stripped", "control_LDA_Gibbs"), .packages = "topicmodels", .verbose = TRUE) %dopar% (LDA(dtm_stripped, control = control_LDA_Gibbs, method ='Gibbs', k=i)))
SFLAPP <- system.time(best.model.SFLAPP <<- sfLapply(seq, function(d){topicmodels:::LDA(dtm_stripped, control = control_LDA_Gibbs, method ='Gibbs', d)})) 
SFCLU <- system.time(best.model.SFCLU <<- sfClusterApplyLB(seq, function(d){topicmodels:::LDA(dtm_stripped, control = control_LDA_Gibbs, method ='Gibbs', d)})) 
PLYRP <- system.time(best.model.PLYRP <<- llply(seq, function(d){topicmodels:::LDA(dtm_stripped, control = control_LDA_Gibbs, method ='Gibbs', d)}, .parallel = TRUE))

results_speedtest <- rbind(BASE, PLYR_S, PARLAP, DOPAR, SFLAPP, SFCLU, PLYRP)

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Views: 464

Answers (1)


Reputation: 143

There are other ways to parallelize in R. Maybe this link will help, as the second page explains, what these cluster types such as socket, mpi and fork do:

Otherwise I can also recomment looking into the package foreach, as syntax is a lot more like a regular for-loop. Note that some parallelizing packages not available for all operating systems.

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