Reputation: 14001
We often experience crashes when starting an app in the D2007 debugger, pausing it and continuing it (by pressing F9). E.g
add this OnClick handler for Button1:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
while True do
for i := 0 to 9999 do
Edit1.Text := IntToStr(Random(i));
Almost always we get an access violation. I tested this under Windows 7/64bit, my colleague under XP/32bit. In my colleague's D2006 we couldn't reproduce this error.
Can you reproduce this? Any ideas how to fix it?
Upvotes: 9
Views: 1621
Reputation: 9122
We also have this now and then in D2010 (and in D2007 before), but I could not reproduce this. (we use Win7 64bit too) I'll try to reproduce this with your test app, thanks! Now hope this can be solved somehow...
Edit: cannot reproduce this in D2010... will try D2007
Edit2: but I can reproduce this in D2007!
I also get some weird errors in event log:
Debug Output: *** A stack buffer overrun occurred in "C:\test\Project7.exe" : Process Project7.exe (2584)
Debug Output: This is usually the result of a memory copy to a local buffer or structure where the size is not properly calculated/checked. Process Project7.exe (2584)
Debug Output: If this bug ends up in the shipping product, it could be a severe security hole. Process Project7.exe (2584)
Debug Output: The stack trace should show the guilty function (the function directly above __report_gsfailure). Process Project7.exe (2584)
Debug Output: *** enter .exr 772B43D0 for the exception record Process Project7.exe (2584)
Debug Output: *** then kb to get the faulting stack Process Project7.exe (2584)
When I use my stack viewer ( and raw stack tracing of the current Delphi thread (that gave the error?), I see the following stack:
[772791B3]{ntdll.dll } RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter + $12
[7725CDF4]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at CsrVerifyRegion + $1B0
[771D28A6]{ntdll.dll } memcpy + $5E6
[7725CDE4]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at CsrVerifyRegion + $1A0
[7725CDF4]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at CsrVerifyRegion + $1B0
[77243509]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlUlonglongByteSwap + $16299
[771F6AC9]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlDosSearchPath_Ustr + $ADA
[771F6ADD]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlDosSearchPath_Ustr + $AEE
[771F6A9B]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlDosSearchPath_Ustr + $AAC
[77220AE5]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD + $35
[771F6A3D]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlDosSearchPath_Ustr + $A4E
[77220AE5]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD + $35
[6E931AE0]{AcLayers.DLL} Unknown function at NotifyShims + $73B6
[771C010F]{ntdll.dll } KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $F
[6E931AE0]{AcLayers.DLL} Unknown function at NotifyShims + $73B6
[771E9960]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable + $241
[6E8E0000]{AcLayers.DLL} + $0
[771EA172]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlAllocateActivationContextStack + $1CF
[6E8E1FFF]{AcLayers.DLL} + $0
[6E8E0000]{AcLayers.DLL} + $0
[768F4AF9]{ole32.dll } Unknown function at ObjectStublessClient31 + $4AF6
[772B206C]{ntdll.dll } NlsAnsiCodePage + $205C
[771EA14C]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlAllocateActivationContextStack + $1A9
[6E8E1FFF]{AcLayers.DLL} + $0
[77220AE5]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD + $35
[771E9E5C]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlDecodePointer + $F7
[768F4B4D]{ole32.dll } Unknown function at ObjectStublessClient31 + $4B4A
[77220AE5]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD + $35
[771E9E89]{ntdll.dll } LdrInitializeThunk + $10
[771B0000]{ntdll.dll } + $0
[771B0000]{ntdll.dll } + $0
[7720EAB0]{ntdll.dll } RtlExitUserThread + $0
[771C0190]{ntdll.dll } RtlUserThreadStart + $0
I searched for "AcLayers.DLL" (because it seems a little bit strange too me) I found an article ( about Vista compatibility mode and strange crashes... Propably D2007 is not compatible with Win7?
Edit 3: when I run D2007 without compatibility mode (?, just running the exe, not using the pinned item in the taskbar!) I get the same error less frequent and the stack doesn't show AcLayers.DLL anymore, but I can't see what's going wrong then (need some more investigation, don't have more time for that now)
Upvotes: 2