
Reputation: 811

How to query this output in SQL server

I have a table with data like this:

    (CustName varchar(20), Country varchar(20), RecordedTime datetime, CurrNo tinyint);

    (CustName, Country, RecordedTime, CurrNo)
    ('Alex', 'Australia', '2018-06-01 08:00:00', 1),
    ('Alex', 'China', '2018-06-01 10:00:00', 2),
    ('Alex', 'India', '2018-06-01 10:05:00', 3),
    ('Alex', 'Japan', '2018-06-01 11:00:00', 4),
    ('John', 'Australia', '2018-06-01 08:00:00', 1),
    ('John', 'China', '2018-06-02 08:00:00', 2),
    ('Bob', 'Australia', '2018-06-02 09:00:00', 1),
    ('Bob', 'Brazil', '2018-06-03 09:50:00', 2),
    ('Bob', 'Africa', '2018-06-03 11:50:00', 3),
    ('Bob', 'India', '2018-06-03 11:55:00', 4),
    ('Tim', 'Brazil', '2018-06-10 00:00:00', 2),
    ('Tim', 'Cuba', '2018-06-11 00:00:00', 3),
    ('Tim', 'India', '2018-06-11 00:05:00', 4),
    ('Jerry', 'Cuba', '2018-06-12 00:00:00', 4),
    ('Jerry', 'Brazil', '2018-06-12 00:05:00', 5),
    ('Jerry', 'India', '2018-06-12 00:10:00', 7),
    ('Jerry', 'USA', '2018-06-12 00:15:00', 9)

    ('Maulik', 'Aus', '2018-06-12 00:00:00',3),
    ('Maulik', 'Eng', '2018-06-13 00:00:00',4),
    ('Maulik', 'USA', '2018-06-14 00:00:00',5),
    ('Maulik', 'Ind', '2018-06-14 00:00:00',6);

Table Result :

 CustName    Country    RecordedTime           CurrNo
  Alex        Australia  2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM    1
  Alex        China      2018-Jun-01 10:00 AM    2
  Alex        India      2018-Jun-01 10:05 AM    3
  Alex        Japan      2018-Jun-01 11:00 AM    4
  John        Australia  2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM    1
  John        China      2018-Jun-02 08:00 AM    2
  Bob         Australia  2018-Jun-02 09:00 AM    1
  Bob         Brazil     2018-Jun-03 09:50 AM    2
  Bob         Africa     2018-Jun-03 11:50 AM    3
  Bob         India      2018-Jun-03 11:55 AM    4
  Tim         Brazil     2018-Jun-10 12:00 AM    2
  Tim         Cuba       2018-Jun-11 12:00 AM    3
  Tim         India      2018-Jun-11 12:05 AM    4
  Jerry       Cuba       2018-Jun-12 12:00 AM    4
  Jerry       Brazil     2018-Jun-12 12:05 AM    5
  Jerry       India      2018-Jun-12 12:10 AM    7
  Jerry       USA        2018-Jun-12 12:15 AM    9
  Maulik      Aus        2018-Jun-12 00:00:AM    3
  Maulik      Eng        2018-Jun-13 00:00:AM    4
  Maulik      USA        2018-Jun-14 00:00:AM    5
  Maulik      Ind        2018-Jun-14 00:00:AM    6

I need the output which should cover all the below scenarios.

There is a thumb rule for how values should be present for "Audit" and "History" fields;

  1. Records should have Audit = "ADD"or "CHANGE" & History = "NEW","BEFORE" or "CURRENT" only for Original Accts (which means entries in table definitely starts from CurrNo = 1)

  2. Records should NOT have Audit = "ADD" & History = "NEW" for Migrated Accts (which means entries in table doesn't starts from CurrNo = 1, it may starts from 2 or 3 or any ascending numbers ) for this type of accounts the Audit should have "CHANGE" and History fields should have "BEFORE"or "CURRENT"

Scenario1: If given input date as 2018-Jun-01 then the output should be as below (i.e. When a record is added and edited multiple times in a same day)

CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
   Alex        Australia  2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM   ADD      NEW
   Alex        Australia  2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM   CHANGE   BEFORE
   Alex        Japan      2018-Jun-01 11:00 AM   CHANGE   CURRENT
   John        Australia  2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM   ADD      NEW

Scenario2: If given input date as 2018-Jun-02 then the output should be as below (i.e. When a record is already present in previous days and same record is edited today and any new record present today)

   CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
   John        Australia  2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM   CHANGE   BEFORE
   John        China      2018-Jun-02 08:00 AM   CHANGE   CURRENT
   Bob         Australia  2018-Jun-02 09:00 AM   ADD      NEW

Scenario3: If given input date as 2018-Jun-03 then the output should be as below (i.e. When a recorded is edited multiple times the same day then it should list the last record for latest previous date and then the last record for current given date)

   CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
   Bob         Australia  2018-Jun-02 09:00 AM   CHANGE   BEFORE
   Bob         India      2018-Jun-03 12:55 AM   CHANGE   CURRENT

Scenario4: If given input date as 2018-Jun-10 then output should be as below

   CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
   Tim         Brazil     2018-Jun-10 12:00 AM    CHANGE   CURRENT

Scenario5: If given input date as 2018-Jun-11 then output should be as below (i.e. similar to Scenario 2)

   CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
   Tim         Brazil     2018-Jun-10 12:00 AM    CHANGE   BEFORE
   Tim         India      2018-Jun-11 12:05 AM    CHANGE   CURRENT

Scenario6: If given input date as 2018-Jun-12 then output should be as below (i.e. similar to Scenario 3)

   CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
    Jerry       Cuba       2018-Jun-12 12:00 AM    CHANGE   BEFORE
    Jerry       USA        2018-Jun-12 12:15 AM    CHANGE   CURRENT
    Maulik      Aus        2018-Jun-12 00:00 AM    CHANGE   CURRENT

If given input date as 2018-Jun-13 then output should be as below

   CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
    Maulik      Aus        2018-Jun-12 00:00 AM    CHANGE   BEFORE
    Maulik      Eng        2018-Jun-13 00:00 AM    CHANGE   CURRENT

If given input date as 2018-Jun-14 then output should be as below

   CustName    Country    RecordedTime           Audit    History
    Maulik      Eng        2018-Jun-13 00:00 AM    CHANGE   BEFORE
    Maulik      Ind        2018-Jun-14 00:00 AM    CHANGE   CURRENT

And below is current code I'm using (Which satisfies Scenario 2 and 3, but not satisfies rest of them);

declare @d date='2018-Jun-03'

; with Indexer as 
        rn= row_number() over(partition by CustName order by RecordedTime),
        rn2=row_number() over(partition by CustName order by RecordedTime desc)
    from records
,GetValidCustomerRecords as
        Audit   = case when cast(RecordedTime as date)=@d and rn=1 then 'add' else 'change' end,
        History = case 
                    when cast(RecordedTime as date)=@d and rn=1 
                    then 'new' 
                    when cast(RecordedTime as date)<@d and rn=1 
                    then 'before'
                    else 'current' end
    from Indexer i 
    where CustName in
        distinct CustName 
    from records
    where cast(RecordedTime as date)=@d
    and (rn=1 or rn2=1) and cast(RecordedTime as date)<=@d

select * from GetValidCustomerRecords
order by CustName, RecordedTime

Any SQL experts can modify this query to satisfy all the scenarios? Much appreciated and thanks.

Note: There is similar question in here just for reference - How to retrieve data from SQL Server based on below example?

Upvotes: 2

Views: 361

Answers (4)

Ronen Ariely
Ronen Ariely

Reputation: 2434

Good day,

Please check if the below solution solves all your needs. I tested it with your data and with some more rows, but it is always best to re-check. In first glance it seems like it returns the requested result. I will add some explanation later on

The query I am using it this:

DECLARE @Date DATE = '2018-06-12';
with MyCTE as (
        t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime,t.CurrNo, D = CONVERT(DATE, RecordedTime)
        ,RN_D = ROW_NUMBER() 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName order by t.CurrNo desc)
        ,RN = ROW_NUMBER() 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName order by t.CurrNo)
        ,RN_Old = ROW_NUMBER() 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName, (CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATE, RecordedTime) < @Date then 0 else 1 END) order by t.CurrNo desc)
        ,Cnt = COUNT(*) 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName)
        ,CntToday = COUNT(CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATE, RecordedTime) = @Date THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName)
    FROM Test t
        -- returns rows untill current date
        CONVERT (DATE, RecordedTime) <= @Date 
        -- only if relevnat to current date
        and EXISTS (
            SELECT * FROM test t0 
            where CONVERT (DATE, RecordedTime) = @Date and t0.CustName = t.CustName
,MyCTE2 as (
        CustName, Country, RecordedTime, D, CurrNo, RN_D, RN, Cnt, t2.c, History, CntToday, RN_Old
    from MyCTE t1
    left JOIN (select * from (values(1, 'NEW'),(1, 'BEFORE')) t2(c, History) ) t2 
        on t1.CurrNo = t2.c
            and CntToday > 1
            and D = @Date
        RN_D = 1 
        or (RN = 1 and D = @Date) 
        or (RN_Old = 1 and D < @Date)
,MyCTE3 as (
    select CustName, Country, RecordedTime
        -- unmarke the bellow comment in order to get the accessories columns I used
        -- This is recommended to understand the line-of-thinking
        --, D, c, RN_D, RN, CurrNo, Cnt, CntToday, RN_Old
        , History = CASE
            WHEN CurrNo = 1 and Cnt = 1 then 'NEW'
            WHEN RN_D = 1 then 'CURRENT'
            else ISNULL(History,'BEFORE')
    from MyCTE2
select CustName, Country, RecordedTime--, D, c, RN_D, RN, CurrNo, Cnt, CntToday, RN_Old
    ,Audit = CASE when History='New' then 'ADD' else 'CHANGE'  END
    , History
from MyCTE3

To make it simpler to test I insert the entire query into table function


--DECLARE @Date DATE = '2018-06-12';
with MyCTE as (
        t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime,t.CurrNo, D = CONVERT(DATE, RecordedTime)
        ,RN_D = ROW_NUMBER() 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName order by t.CurrNo desc)
        ,RN = ROW_NUMBER() 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName order by t.CurrNo)
        ,RN_Old = ROW_NUMBER() 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName, (CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATE, RecordedTime) < @Date then 0 else 1 END) order by t.CurrNo desc)
        ,Cnt = COUNT(*) 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName)
        ,CntToday = COUNT(CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATE, RecordedTime) = @Date THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) 
            OVER (partition by t.CustName)
    FROM Test t
        -- returns rows untill current date
        CONVERT (DATE, RecordedTime) <= @Date 
        -- only if relevnat to current date
        and EXISTS (
            SELECT * FROM test t0 
            where CONVERT (DATE, RecordedTime) = @Date and t0.CustName = t.CustName
,MyCTE2 as (
        CustName, Country, RecordedTime, D, CurrNo, RN_D, RN, Cnt, t2.c, History, CntToday, RN_Old
    from MyCTE t1
    left JOIN (select * from (values(1, 'NEW'),(1, 'BEFORE')) t2(c, History) ) t2 
        on t1.CurrNo = t2.c
            and CntToday > 1
            and D = @Date
        RN_D = 1 
        or (RN = 1 and D = @Date) 
        or (RN_Old = 1 and D < @Date)
,MyCTE3 as (
    select CustName, Country, RecordedTime
        -- unmarke the bellow comment in order to get the accessories columns I used
        -- This is recommended to understand the line-of-thinking
        --, D, c, RN_D, RN, CurrNo, Cnt, CntToday, RN_Old
        , History = CASE
            WHEN CurrNo = 1 and Cnt = 1 then 'NEW'
            WHEN RN_D = 1 then 'CURRENT'
            else ISNULL(History,'BEFORE')
    from MyCTE2
select CustName, Country, RecordedTime--, D, c, RN_D, RN, CurrNo, Cnt, CntToday, RN_Old
    ,Audit = CASE when History='New' then 'ADD' else 'CHANGE'  END
    , History
from MyCTE3
--order by CustName, RecordedTime

Using the function it simpler to make multiple test, but probably in the production you will want to use the direct query

-- Test
select * from F('2018-06-01') order by CustName , RecordedTime
select * from F('2018-06-02') order by CustName , RecordedTime
select * from F('2018-06-03') order by CustName , RecordedTime
select * from F('2018-06-10') order by CustName , RecordedTime
select * from F('2018-06-11') order by CustName , RecordedTime
select * from F('2018-06-12') order by CustName , RecordedTime
select * from F('2018-06-13') order by CustName , RecordedTime
select * from F('2018-06-14') order by CustName , RecordedTime

/**************** Update at 2018-08-19 14:05 Israel Time ****************/

I notice that some more information is important to add for the sake of the participate in the thread. I hope this will be useful

NOTE! tested on Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition

First, let's compare percentage of resources uses according to the Execution Plans of three queries: (1) My solution, (2) maulik kansara seconds solution after update the first solution, and (3) maulik kansara first solution

enter image description here

Now lets check the image of the EP of maulik kansara seconds solution:

enter image description here

This query scans the table 11 times!

** Important! EP is not the only parameter that suggestes which query we should choose, but this is probably the first information we should check. In addition we should check IO statistics and Time statistics, and more...

Credit: The image was taken using sentryone tool. There is a free version which can gives most of what DBAs need. I am using the full version which I got for free as Microsoft MVP, so Thanks ;-)

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 48139

You have a bunch of if/and/buts going on in your original request, but maybe having an ALTERNATE VIEW of the data might be a better solution that you just did not think of or have been offered, so I will.

Why have individual lines showing both the before and after, why not do on a single returned line. If there is no change, why show? Maybe that is a later question.

To get my solution, I have a simple WITH from the test data that I am using as a baseline for my query. You have your own CurrNo which may not always start with 1, and could even possibly skip a sequence number by some accident. So my WITH declaration gets a sequential row number by customer and ordered by the CurrNo. This will ALWAYS return per customer rows 1, 2, 3, 4 even if the CurrNo values may be 5, 8, 9, 11 (exaggerated starting number and accidental skipped values). You could even change the order by to the RecordedTime to ensure logging based on the DATE per customer activity.

;with baseData as
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustName ORDER BY CurrNo) AS CustOrder
         Test T

So now, with the query. I have my first table which is the basis for finding any "changes" within the system. You will always start with these records. Apply a date restrictive filter as you need. The LEFT-JOIN will always be on the customer name PLUS whatever the row number is PLUS ONE joined to the NEXT of the same baseline data. So, if just looking at customer Alex and Jerry from your data, you would have the following

Customer  Country    Time                  CurrNo   CustOrder
Alex      Australia  2018-06-01 08:00:00   1        1
Alex      China      2018-06-01 10:00:00   2        2
Alex      India      2018-06-01 10:05:00   3        3
Alex      Japan      2018-06-01 11:00:00   4        4

Jerry     Cuba       2018-06-12 00:00:00   4        1
Jerry     Brazil     2018-06-12 00:05:00   5        2
Jerry     India      2018-06-12 00:10:00   7        3
Jerry     USA        2018-06-12 00:15:00   9        4

So you can see the natural row number normalization between each. So Now, my left-join is by customer AND the CustOrder column which will not skip gaps, so I will get records like

Customer  CustOrder   NextCustOrder        CurrNo      NextCurrNo
Alex      1           2                    1           1
Alex      2           3                    2           2
Alex      3           4                    3           3
Alex      4           (no 5th record)      4           4

Jerry     1           2                    4           5
Jerry     2           3                    5           7
Jerry     3           4                    7           9
Jerry     4           (no 5th record)      9           (no next record)

Finally, I am getting the data from the first record which will always exist and IF A CORRESPONDING NEXT record exists, it will show that new changed TO value. That next record will be the next row and it's possible changed TO value and so on..

        case when bd.CurrNo = 1 then 'ADD' else 'CHANGE' end as Audit,
        bd.Country as CurrentValue,
        bdNext.Country as ChangedValue,
        bdNext.RecordedTime ChangedTime,
        baseData bd
            LEFT JOIN baseData bdNext
                on bd.CustName = bdNext.CustName
                AND bd.CustOrder +1 = bdNext.CustOrder;

CustName  Audit    CurrentValue   RecordedTime              ChangedValue   ChangedTime               CurrNo   CustOrder
Alex      ADD      Australia      2018-06-01 08:00:00.000   China          2018-06-01 10:00:00.000   1        1
Alex      CHANGE   China          2018-06-01 10:00:00.000   India          2018-06-01 10:05:00.000   2        2
Alex      CHANGE   India          2018-06-01 10:05:00.000   Japan          2018-06-01 11:00:00.000   3        3
Alex      CHANGE   Japan          2018-06-01 11:00:00.000   NULL           NULL                      4        4

Jerry     CHANGE   Cuba           2018-06-12 00:00:00.000   Brazil         2018-06-12 00:05:00.000   4        1
Jerry     CHANGE   Brazil         2018-06-12 00:05:00.000   India          2018-06-12 00:10:00.000   5        2
Jerry     CHANGE   India          2018-06-12 00:10:00.000   USA            2018-06-12 00:15:00.000   7        3
Jerry     CHANGE   USA            2018-06-12 00:15:00.000   NULL           NULL                      9        4

If you don't want the "last value" for a record because no changes after, just change the LEFT JOIN to INNER JOIN to guarantee something changed after. But that would fail if you wanted to see all new "ADD" records without changes. You could apply that as a where clause something like

      bd.CurrNo = 1
   OR bdNext.CustOrder IS NOT NULL

Additionally you could add a date filter such as

      bd.RecordedTime >= '2018-06-10'
  AND (    bd.CurrNo = 1
        OR bdNext.CustOrder IS NOT NULL )

As suggested in comment by Ronen Ariely, the above WHERE clause with the date would be applied to the WITH baseData as component, adding a

     T.RecordedTime >= '2018-06-10'

to pre-filter the data before it gets to the rest of the join activity

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 29647

From what I understand from the different scenario's, they can be achieved by basically only 2 rules.

  • Rule 1: The records for a CustName with the RecordedTime all on the same day.
  • Rule 2: The records for a CustName with the RecordedTime over more than one day.

With a few window functions and an OR in the outer query, we can have two rules to target all scenarios.

And then use CASE WHEN to calculate the "Audit" and the "History".

  CustName, Country, 
  FORMAT(RecordedTime, 'yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm tt') as RecordedTime,
  (CASE CurrNo 
   WHEN 1 then 'ADD'
   END) as [Audit],
   WHEN CurrNo = 1 then 'NEW'
   WHEN ReverseCurrRN = 1 then 'CURRENT'
   END) as [History]
   --, CurrNo, ReverseCurrRN, MinCurrNoPerCust, MaxCurrNoPerCustDate ,MinCurrNoPerCust, MinDatePerCust, MaxDatePerCust
    SELECT CustName, Country, RecordedTime, CurrNo
      ,MIN(CurrNo) OVER (PARTITION BY CustName) AS MinCurrNoPerCust
      ,MAX(CurrNo) OVER (PARTITION BY CustName, cast(RecordedTime AS DATE)) AS MaxCurrNoPerCustDate
      ,CAST(MIN(RecordedTime) OVER (PARTITION BY CustName) AS DATE) AS MinDatePerCust
      ,CAST(MAX(RecordedTime) OVER (PARTITION BY CustName) AS DATE) AS MaxDatePerCust
    FROM Test t
    WHERE CAST(RecordedTime AS DATE) between DATEADD(day,-1,@Date) and @Date
 ) q
 WHERE MaxDatePerCust = @Date
 AND (
    -- Scenario 1 & 2 & 4 & 6
       (MinDatePerCust = MaxDatePerCust AND (ReverseCurrRN = 1 OR CurrNo = MinCurrNoPerCust OR (MinCurrNoPerCust = 1 AND ReverseCurrRN = 2)))
    -- Scenario 2 & 3 & 5 & 7 & 8
    OR (MinDatePerCust != MaxDatePerCust AND (ReverseCurrRN = 1 OR CurrNo = 1 OR CurrNo = MaxCurrNoPerCustDate))
 ORDER BY MinDatePerCust, CustName, CurrNo;

You can test it on db<>fiddle here

Upvotes: 1

maulik kansara
maulik kansara

Reputation: 1107

Based on my understanding, Below is the logic for your required output

step 1

  • get max(CurrNo) for given date for each custName.
  • here it is cte.

step 2

  • get first entered record for the mentioned date for All CustNames available in cte if any.
  • in the union of above record, get last edited record for records edited less than the current date for All CustNames available in cte if any.
  • here it is cte2.

step 3

  • get records from #test table where currNo=maximun or currno=1 from this step, you will get last updated records and any newly added record if any for given date.
  • here it is the first query after cte and cte2.

step 4

  • get first added record for given date if any with Audit as change and History as Before.
  • this is for custom special case requirement
  • here it is the second query.

step 5

  • get the first record from cte2 to get one records for previously edited record for given date.
  • here it is the third query.


    (CustName varchar(20), Country varchar(20), RecordedTime datetime, CurrNo tinyint);

    (CustName, Country, RecordedTime, CurrNo)
    ('Alex', 'Australia', '2018-06-01 08:00:00', 1),
    ('Alex', 'China', '2018-06-01 10:00:00', 2),
    ('Alex', 'India', '2018-06-01 10:05:00', 3),
    ('Alex', 'Japan', '2018-06-01 11:00:00', 4),
    ('John', 'Australia', '2018-06-01 08:00:00', 1),
    ('John', 'China', '2018-06-02 08:00:00', 2),
    ('Bob', 'Australia', '2018-06-02 09:00:00', 1),
    ('Bob', 'Brazil', '2018-06-03 09:50:00', 2),
    ('Bob', 'Africa', '2018-06-03 11:50:00', 3),
    ('Bob', 'India', '2018-06-03 00:55:00', 4),
    ('Tim', 'Brazil', '2018-06-10 00:00:00', 2),
    ('Tim', 'Cuba', '2018-06-11 00:00:00', 3),
    ('Tim', 'India', '2018-06-11 00:05:00', 4),
    ('Jerry', 'Cuba', '2018-06-12 00:00:00', 4),
    ('Jerry', 'Brazil', '2018-06-12 00:05:00', 5),
    ('Jerry', 'India', '2018-06-12 00:10:00', 7),
    ('Jerry', 'USA', '2018-06-12 00:15:00', 9),
    ('Maulik', 'Aus', '2018-06-12 00:00:00',3),
    ('Maulik', 'Eng', '2018-06-13 00:00:00',4),
    ('Maulik', 'USA', '2018-06-14 00:00:00',5),
    ('Maulik', 'Ind', '2018-06-14 00:00:00',6);

select * from #Test

   declare @selectedDate date='2018-06-14';
with cte as
select CustName,max(CurrNo) maxno,count(1) cnt
from #Test where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 
group by CustName
),cte2 as (
select top 1 t.*,cnt
 from #Test t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)>0 and t.CurrNo!=c.maxno
order by t.RecordedTime  desc
union select top 1 t.*,cnt
 from #Test t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 and t.CurrNo!=c.maxno
order by t.RecordedTime 
select t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime,cnt
,case when t.CurrNo=1 then 'ADD' else 'CHANGE' End as Audit
,case when t.CurrNo=1 then 'NEW' when t.CurrNo=c.maxno then 'CURRENT' else 'BEFORE' end History
 from #Test t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 and (t.CurrNo=c.maxno or t.CurrNo=1)
select top 1 t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime,cnt
,'CHANGE' Audit
,'BEFORE' History
 from #Test t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 and t.CurrNo=1 and c.cnt>1
select top 1 t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime,cnt
,'CHANGE' Audit
,'BEFORE' History
 from cte2 t order by RecordedTime

drop table #Test

There is a nice point by "Ronen Ariely". And below is the updated query with 2 times table scan instead of 8.

with cte as
select CustName,max(CurrNo) maxno,count(1) cnt
from #Test where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 
group by CustName
),cte2 as (
select * from #Test where CustName in 
select distinct custname from cte
and datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)>=0
),cte3 as (
select top 1 t.*,cnt
 from cte2 t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)>0 and t.CurrNo!=c.maxno
order by t.RecordedTime  desc
union select top 1 t.*,cnt
 from cte2 t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 and t.CurrNo!=c.maxno
order by t.RecordedTime 
select t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime
,case when t.CurrNo=1 then 'ADD' else 'CHANGE' End as Audit
,case when t.CurrNo=1 then 'NEW' when t.CurrNo=c.maxno then 'CURRENT' else 'BEFORE' end History
 from cte2 t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 and (t.CurrNo=c.maxno or t.CurrNo=1)
select top 1 t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime
,'CHANGE' Audit
,'BEFORE' History
 from cte2 t join cte c on c.CustName =t.CustName
where datediff(day,RecordedTime,@selectedDate)=0 and t.CurrNo=1 and c.cnt>1
select top 1 t.CustName,t.Country,t.RecordedTime
,'CHANGE' Audit
,'BEFORE' History
 from cte3 t order by RecordedTime

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