Reputation: 83
I have data like:
[Michael, 100, Montreal,Toronto, Male,30, DB:80, Product:DeveloperLead]
[Will, 101, Montreal, Male,35, Perl:85, Product:Lead,Test:Lead]
[Steven, 102, New York, Female,27, Python:80, Test:Lead,COE:Architect]
[Lucy, 103, Vancouver, Female,57, Sales:89,HR:94, Sales:Lead]
So I have to read this data and define a case class using Spark. I have written the below program, but I get an error while converting the case class to a data frame. What's wrong in my code, and how can I correct it?
case class Ayush(name: String,employee_id:String ,work_place: Array[String],sex_age: Map [String,String],skills_score: Map[String,String],depart_title: Map[String,Array[String]])
I get an error (see the picture below) in the below line:
val d => Ayush(w(0),w(1),w(2)._1,w(2)._2,w(3)._1,w(3)._2,w(4)._1,w(4)._2,w(5)._1,w(5)._2._1,w(5)._2._2))).toDF
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Views: 5643
Reputation: 1
@vishal I dont know if this question is still valid but here is my solution without changing the source data, fair warning it might be a little cringy :)
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit= {
val conf=new SparkConf().setAppName("first_demo").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc=new SparkContext(conf)
val spark=SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val rdd1=sc.textFile("file:///C:/Users/k.sandeep.varma/Downloads/documents/documents/spark_data/employee_data.txt")
val>x.split(", ")).map(x=>schema(x(0),x(1),x(2).split(","),Map(x(3).split(",")(0)->x(3).split(",")(1)),Map(x(4).split(":")(0)->x(4).split(":")(1)),Map(x(5).split(":")(0)->x(5).split(":"))))
val df1=schema_rdd.toDF()
|name |employee_id|work_place |sex_age |skills_score |depart_title |
|Michael|100 |[Montreal, Toronto]|[Male -> 30] |[DB -> 80] |[Product -> [Product, DeveloperLead]] |
|Will |101 |[Montreal] |[Male -> 35] |[Perl -> 85] |[Product -> [Product, Lead,Test, Lead]]|
|Steven |102 |[New York] |[Female -> 27]|[Python -> 80] |[Test -> [Test, Lead,COE, Architect]] |
|Lucy |103 |[Vancouver] |[Female -> 57]|[Sales -> 89,HR]|[Sales -> [Sales, Lead]] |
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Reputation: 168
I have changed your data. Wrap workplace and department data in double quotes so that I can get data with comma separated value. Then add a custom separator so that later I can use the separator to separate data. You can use your own separator. The image is below:
The data is as follows:
Michael,100," Montreal,Toronto", Male,30, DB:80," Product,DeveloperLead" Will,101, Montreal, Male,35, Perl:85," Product,Lead,Test,Lead" Steven,102, New York, Female,27, Python:80," Test,Lead,COE,Architect" Lucy,103, Vancouver, Female,57, Sales:89_HR:94," Sales,Lead"
Below are the code changes I have performed which worked fine for me:
val df ="CSV PATH HERE")
case class Ayush(name: String,employee_id:String ,work_place: Array[String],sex_age: Map [String,String],skills_score: Map[String,String],depart_title: Map[String,Array[String]])
val resultDF = { x => {
val departTitleData = x(6).toString
val skill_score = x(5).toString
val skill_Map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
// Separate skill by underscore I can get each skill:Num then i will add each one in map
skill_score.split("_").foreach { x => skill_Map += (x.split(":")(0) -> x.split(":")(1)) }
// Putting data into case class
new Ayush(x(0).toString(), x(1).toString, x(2).toString.split(","), Map(x(3).toString -> x(4).toString), skill_Map.toMap, Map(x(6).toString.split(",")(0) -> x(6).toString.split(",")) )
//End Here
The above code output is:
| name|employee_id| work_place| sex_age| skills_score| depart_title|
|Michael| 100|[ Montreal, Toronto]| Map( Male -> 30)| Map( DB -> 80)|Map( Product -> W...|
| Will| 101| [ Montreal]| Map( Male -> 35)| Map( Perl -> 85)|Map( Product -> W...|
| Steven| 102| [ New York]|Map( Female -> 27)| Map( Python -> 80)|Map( Test -> Wrap...|
| Lucy| 103| [ Vancouver]|Map( Female -> 57)|Map(HR -> 94, Sa...|Map( Sales -> Wra...|
Upvotes: 3