Reputation: 139
so this is kinda a long question about Huffman Tress. I am trying to make a Tree and a code Table.
Here are my Types
module Types where
type Occurence = (Value, Number)
type Occurences = [Occurence]
type Number = Int
type Value = Char
type Code = [Directions]
type CodeTable = [(Value, Code)]
data Directions = L | R deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data HTree = Leaf {frequency :: Number, character:: Value} |
Node {frequency:: Number,
leftChild:: HTree,
rightChild:: HTree} deriving Show
makeLeaf :: Occurence -> HTree
makeLeaf (c,n) = Leaf n c
Here is my attempt to an Make a Tree function
module MakeTree(makeTree, treeFromTable) where
import Types
makeTree :: Occurences -> HTree
makeTree = makeCodes . toTreeList
toTreeList :: Occurences -> [HTree]
toTreeList = map (uncurry Leaf)
h :: [HTree] -> [HTree]
h (t1:t2:ts) = insertTree (join t1 t2) ts
makeCodes :: [HTree] -> HTree
makeCodes [t] = t
makeCodes ts = makeCodes (h ts)
join :: HTree -> HTree -> HTree
join t1 t2 = Node (freq1+freq2) t1 t2
freq1 = v t1
freq2 = v t2
v :: HTree -> Int
v (Leaf _ n ) = n
v (Node n _ _) = n
insertTree :: HTree -> [HTree] -> [HTree]
insertTree t [] = [t]
insertTree t (t1:ts)
| v t < v t1 = t:t1:ts
| otherwise = t1 : insertTree t ts
And here is my attempt to make a CodeTable
constructTable :: HTree -> CodeTable
constructTable = convert []
convert :: Code -> HTree -> CodeTable
convert hc (Leaf c n) = [(c, hc)]
convert hc (Node n tl tr) = (convert (hc++[L]) tl) ++ (convert (hc++[R]) tr)
Error for Code Table
CodeTable.hs:14:33: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Char’
Expected type: Value
Actual type: Number
• In the expression: c
In the expression: (c, hc)
In the expression: [(c, hc)]
14 | convert hc (Leaf c n) = [(c, hc)]
Do you spot any mistakes or could you tell me why neither of this codes is working for me?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 422
Reputation: 15045
Expected type: Value
Actual type: Number
It's quite clear from the error message, what's wrong with the following expression:
convert hc (Leaf c n) = [(c, hc)]
Since HTree
defined as:
data HTree = Leaf {frequency :: Number, character:: Value} |
Node {frequency:: Number,
leftChild:: HTree,
rightChild:: HTree} deriving Show
accepts frequency
(Number) as the first argument and character
(Value) as the second. Thus, we need to just swap the arguments in the expression:
convert hc (Leaf n c) = [(c, hc)]
Also in the definition of v
v (Leaf n _ ) = n
In the definition of type Occurence
type Occurence = (Number, Value)
and in the makeLeaf
as well:
makeLeaf (n, c) = Leaf n c
After these steps your code should compile successfully
Upvotes: 2