Reputation: 45
So I am working on AES encryption but this error keeps bugging me.
lib(6) func(101) reason(100) evp_enc.c
I am encrypting my file with one program and decrypting it with another. The encryption was successful with this code.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <openssl/conf.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <openssl/applink.c>
using namespace std;
void handleErrors(void)
int encrypt(unsigned char *plaintext, int plaintext_len, unsigned char *key,
unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *ciphertext)
int len;
int ciphertext_len;
/* Create and initialise the context */
if (!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new())) handleErrors();
if (1 != EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), NULL, key, iv))
if (1 != EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, ciphertext, &len, plaintext, plaintext_len))
ciphertext_len = len;
if (1 != EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx, ciphertext + len, &len)) handleErrors();
ciphertext_len += len;
/* Clean up */
// cout << ciphertext_len << "\n";
return ciphertext_len;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
/* A 256 bit key */
unsigned char key[2000];
memset(key, 0, sizeof(key));
char s; int initializer = 0;
/* Key reading */
string path = "C:/openssl/mykey.pem";
ifstream myfile(path);
while (!myfile.eof())
myfile >> s;
key[initializer] = s;
/* Key is read in such a way that each character is stored into the array */
cout << key;
/* A 128 bit IV */
unsigned char *iv = (unsigned char *)"0123456789012345";
/* Message to be encrypted */
//unsigned char text[]="weufhskgwesjfho";
char text[2000];
memset(text, 0, sizeof(text));
// Taking input of the text for encryption
char f; int init = 0;
/* Key reading */
string pathToFile = "C:/Users/Zeephremia/Desktop/a.txt";
ifstream tfs(pathToFile);
while (!tfs.eof())
tfs >> f;
text[init] = f;
/* Key is read in such a way that each character is stored into the array */
//cout << text << endl;
// Message is type casted
unsigned char *plaintext = (unsigned char *)text;
unsigned char ciphertext[128];
/* Buffer for the decrypted text */
int ciphertext_len;
/* Encryption of the plaintext */
ciphertext_len = encrypt(plaintext, strlen((char *)plaintext), key, iv, ciphertext);
ciphertext[ciphertext_len] = '\0';
cout << "\n\nCipher text is \n \n";
cout << ciphertext;
ofstream e;"c:/users/zeephremia/desktop/b.txt");
e << ciphertext;
BIO_dump_fp(stdout, (const char *)ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
return 0;
However when I try to decrypt it with THIS code,
#include <openssl/conf.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <openssl/applink.c>
using namespace std;
void handleErrors(void)
int decrypt(unsigned char *ciphertext, int ciphertext_len, unsigned char *key,
unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *plaintext)
int len;
int plaintext_len;
/* Create and initialise the context */
if (!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new())) handleErrors();
if (1 != EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), NULL, key, iv))
if (1 != EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, plaintext, &len, ciphertext, ciphertext_len))
plaintext_len = len;
if (1 != EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(ctx, plaintext + len, &len)) handleErrors();
plaintext_len += len;
/* Clean up */
return plaintext_len;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
/* A 256 bit key */
unsigned char key[2000];
memset(key, 0, sizeof(key));
char s; int initializer = 0;
/* Key reading */
string path = "C:/openssl/mykey.pem";
ifstream myfile(path);
while (!myfile.eof())
myfile >> s;
key[initializer] = s;
/* Key is read in such a way that each character is stored into the array */
// cout << key;
/* A 128 bit IV */
unsigned char *iv = (unsigned char *)"0123456789012345";
/* Message to be encrypted */
//unsigned char text[]="weufhskgwesjfho";
char text[2000];
memset(text, 0, sizeof(text));
// Taking input of the text for encryption
char f; int init = 0;
/* Key reading */
string pathToFile = "C:/Users/Zeephremia/Desktop/b.txt";
ifstream tfs(pathToFile);
while (!tfs.eof())
tfs >> f;
text[init] = f;
/* Key is read in such a way that each character is stored into the array */
//cout << text << endl;
// Message is type casted
unsigned char *plaintext = (unsigned char *)text;
unsigned char decryptedtext[2000];
memset(decryptedtext, 0, sizeof(decryptedtext));
int len = init-1;
/* Buffer for the decrypted text */
int decryptedtext_len;
cout << "The encryption is: " << plaintext << endl;
/*decrytption of the plaintext */
decryptedtext_len = decrypt(plaintext, len, key, iv, decryptedtext);
cout << decryptedtext;
return 0;
it gives me this error
2332:Erorr:0605506D:lib(6) func(101) reason(100) evp_enc.c
along with this
Debug Error! Abort() has been cancelled.
From my little experimentation, I found that the error is on this line.
decryptedtext_len = decrypt(plaintext, len, key, iv, decryptedtext);
Any sort of help will be appreciated, thankyou very much. :)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2494
Reputation: 2493
It seems the ciphertext[plaintext_len]
can't be decrypted.
Dose ciphertext
and plaintext_len
are valid for aes decrypt
I have encountered a similar problem
A. ubuntu14, openssl 1.0.1f
chen@u14 $ md5sum hide.enc key.bin
51da135538878c53d0197485e0343f40 hide.enc
bebbd6cf7cd090b5acd534646d85f487 key.bin
chen@u14 $ openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -pass file:./key.bin
bad decrypt
139933588633248:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:evp_enc.c:539:
// failed
chen@u14 $ openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
B. openwrt18, openssl 1.0.2p
root@openwrt18# md5sum hide.enc key.bin
51da135538878c53d0197485e0343f40 hide.enc
bebbd6cf7cd090b5acd534646d85f487 key.bin
root@openwrt18# openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -pass file:./key.bin
WARNING: can't open config file: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
bad decrypt
// failed
root@openwrt18# openssl version
WARNING: can't open config file: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
OpenSSL 1.0.2p 14 Aug 2018
C. ubuntu18, openssl 1.1.0
chen@u18 $ md5sum hide.enc key.bin
51da135538878c53d0197485e0343f40 hide.enc
bebbd6cf7cd090b5acd534646d85f487 key.bin
chen@u18 $ openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -pass file:./key.bin
// success
chen@u18 $ openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017
A. ubuntu 14
openssl enc -d -p -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -pass file:./key.bin
iv =1A1CD428E24A8A4B25B1EC4A8ED6F136
bad decrypt
139658322110112:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:evp_enc.c:539:
B. openwrt 18
openssl enc -d -p -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -pass file:./key.bin
WARNING: can't open config file: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
iv =1A1CD428E24A8A4B25B1EC4A8ED6F136
bad decrypt
C. ubuntu 18
openssl enc -d -p -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -pass file:./key.bin
iv =B15E1A3C723A0BCEAFF384ABD98AB81B
// they got different key
, that's weird
ubuntu 14, openssl 1.0.1f, success
openssl enc -d -p -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -pass file:./key.bin -md sha256
iv =B15E1A3C723A0BCEAFF384ABD98AB81B
I recognize the default -md
arg was different on openssl 1.1.0.
the default values here:
default value seems from code source,
didn't found them.
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in hide.enc -out hide.txt -k ' ' -S 6CA0C91549E1177C -K DD38E62703B2AF362362AED7EF64CB4268C053FC40C5F07EF085E014EEA5F27C -iv B15E1A3C723A0BCEAFF384ABD98AB81B -p
iv =B15E1A3C723A0BCEAFF384ABD98AB81B
// use openssl cmd do a aes-256-cbc
decryption, and specify key,iv, salt
// if not specify -k
, -S
seems not work
full help
openssl 1.1.0
openssl enc --help
Usage: enc [options]
Valid options are:
-help Display this summary
-ciphers List ciphers
-in infile Input file
-out outfile Output file
-pass val Passphrase source
-e Encrypt
-d Decrypt
-p Print the iv/key
-P Print the iv/key and exit
-v Verbose output
-nopad Disable standard block padding
-salt Use salt in the KDF (default)
-nosalt Do not use salt in the KDF
-debug Print debug info
-a Base64 encode/decode, depending on encryption flag
-base64 Same as option -a
-A Used with -[base64|a] to specify base64 buffer as a single line
-bufsize val Buffer size
-k val Passphrase
-kfile infile Read passphrase from file
-K val Raw key, in hex
-S val Salt, in hex
-iv val IV in hex
-md val Use specified digest to create a key from the passphrase
-none Don't encrypt
-* Any supported cipher
-engine val Use engine, possibly a hardware device
openssl 1.0.1f
openssl enc --help
unknown option '--help'
options are
-in <file> input file
-out <file> output file
-pass <arg> pass phrase source
-e encrypt
-d decrypt
-a/-base64 base64 encode/decode, depending on encryption flag
-k passphrase is the next argument
-kfile passphrase is the first line of the file argument
-md the next argument is the md to use to create a key
from a passphrase. One of md2, md5, sha or sha1
-S salt in hex is the next argument
-K/-iv key/iv in hex is the next argument
-[pP] print the iv/key (then exit if -P)
-bufsize <n> buffer size
-nopad disable standard block padding
-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device.
Cipher Types
-aes-128-cbc -aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1 -aes-128-cfb
-aes-128-cfb1 -aes-128-cfb8 -aes-128-ctr
-aes-128-ecb -aes-128-gcm -aes-128-ofb
-aes-128-xts -aes-192-cbc -aes-192-cfb
-aes-192-cfb1 -aes-192-cfb8 -aes-192-ctr
-aes-192-ecb -aes-192-gcm -aes-192-ofb
-aes-256-cbc -aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1 -aes-256-cfb
-aes-256-cfb1 -aes-256-cfb8 -aes-256-ctr
-aes-256-ecb -aes-256-gcm -aes-256-ofb
-aes-256-xts -aes128 -aes192
-aes256 -bf -bf-cbc
-bf-cfb -bf-ecb -bf-ofb
-blowfish -camellia-128-cbc -camellia-128-cfb
-camellia-128-cfb1 -camellia-128-cfb8 -camellia-128-ecb
-camellia-128-ofb -camellia-192-cbc -camellia-192-cfb
-camellia-192-cfb1 -camellia-192-cfb8 -camellia-192-ecb
-camellia-192-ofb -camellia-256-cbc -camellia-256-cfb
-camellia-256-cfb1 -camellia-256-cfb8 -camellia-256-ecb
-camellia-256-ofb -camellia128 -camellia192
-camellia256 -cast -cast-cbc
-cast5-cbc -cast5-cfb -cast5-ecb
-cast5-ofb -des -des-cbc
-des-cfb -des-cfb1 -des-cfb8
-des-ecb -des-ede -des-ede-cbc
-des-ede-cfb -des-ede-ofb -des-ede3
-des-ede3-cbc -des-ede3-cfb -des-ede3-cfb1
-des-ede3-cfb8 -des-ede3-ofb -des-ofb
-des3 -desx -desx-cbc
-id-aes128-GCM -id-aes192-GCM -id-aes256-GCM
-rc2 -rc2-40-cbc -rc2-64-cbc
-rc2-cbc -rc2-cfb -rc2-ecb
-rc2-ofb -rc4 -rc4-40
-rc4-hmac-md5 -seed -seed-cbc
-seed-cfb -seed-ecb -seed-ofb
Upvotes: 1