Reputation: 13
I have a sheet with a bunch of items, each with an ID number, a description, the probability (1-5), and a risk value (1-5), and a status. The probability column serves as the Y axis in the matrix below, the risk column serves as the X axis. So for each (x,y) combination possible, I want the corresponding ID number and Status to append in to the correct cell in the matrix. So for example, with values where probability=1 and risk= 1, the A1 cell in the risk matrix is updated for the ID and Status of that item.
Risk Matrix Risk Matrix Output Desired
A sample of my data: Small sample of cells
Upvotes: 1
Views: 152
Reputation: 2282
Main - You (should) Only Have To Change The Ranges of the Matrix and the Id Numbers
Sub main()
Dim wsMatrix As Worksheet
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim RiskMatrixCells As range
Dim idsToAppend As range
Dim riskMatrixAddresses As Variant
Set wsMatrix = Sheets("Matrix")
Set wsData = Sheets("Data")
Set RiskMatrixCells = wsMatrix.range("C3:G7")
riskMatrixAddresses = GetArrayOfRangeAddresses(RiskMatrixCells)
Set idsToAppend = wsData.range("A2:A11")
Call AppendMatrixWithIds(riskMatrixAddresses, idsToAppend, wsMatrix)
End Sub
First Function
Function GetArrayOfRangeAddresses(ByRef targetRng As range) As Variant()
Dim numTargetRngRows As Integer
Dim numTargetRngColumns As Integer
Dim currentCell As range
Dim arrayOfRangeAddresses As Variant
numTargetRngRows = targetRng.Rows.Count - 1
numTargetRngColumns = targetRng.Columns.Count - 1
ReDim arrayOfRangeAddresses(numTargetRngRows, numTargetRngColumns)
x = 0
y = 0
For Each currentCell In targetRng
arrayOfRangeAddresses(x, y) = CStr(Replace(currentCell.AddressLocal, "$", ""))
If y = numTargetRngRows Then
y = 0
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
End If
Next currentCell
GetArrayOfRangeAddresses = arrayOfRangeAddresses
End Function
Second Function
Sub AppendMatrixWithIds(ByRef matrixArray As Variant, ByVal idsToAppend As Range, ByRef ws As Worksheet)
Dim currentCell As Range
Dim prob As Long
Dim risk As Long
Dim status As String
For Each currentCell In idsToAppend
prob = currentCell.Worksheet.Cells(currentCell.Row, 3)
risk = currentCell.Worksheet.Cells(currentCell.Row, 4)
status = currentCell.Worksheet.Cells(currentCell.Row, 5)
ws.Range(matrixArray(prob - 1, risk - 1)).Value = currentCell.Value + "|" + status _
+ " " + ws.Range(matrixArray(prob - 1, risk - 1)).Value
Next currentCell
End Sub
Upvotes: 2